
1.1.0 • Public • Published


This package consists of several functions that assists users in handling the complexities of dates and times.


  • Vanilla Javascript, no additional packages used.
  • Given a specific date, how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years away is it?
  • Given two specific dates, how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years away are they from each other?


Users have the ability to use one of the following modules that give users the functions corresponding to the timespan of choice:

* seconds
* minutes
* hours
* days
* weeks
* months
* years


Takes a date and determines how many {timespans} away it is from right now.

var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 365);

const seconds = dateTimeUtility.seconds.fromCurrentTime(date); //31536000
const minutes = dateTimeUtility.minutes.fromCurrentTime(date); //525600
const hours = dateTimeUtility.hours.fromCurrentTime(date); //8760
const days = dateTimeUtility.days.fromCurrentTime(date); //365
const weeks = dateTimeUtility.weeks.fromCurrentTime(date); //52
const months = dateTimeUtility.months.fromCurrentTime(date); //12
const years = dateTimeUtility.years.fromCurrentTime(date); //1

timespan.betweenDates(date1, date2)

Takes two dates and determines how many {timespans} away they are from each other

const date1 = new Date();

const date2 = new Date();

date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 5);

date2.setDate(date2.getDate() + 370);

const seconds = dateTimeUtility.seconds.betweenDates(date1, date2) //31536000
const minutes = dateTimeUtility.minutes.betweenDates(date1, date2) //525600
const hours = dateTimeUtility.hours.betweenDates(date1, date2) //8760
const days = dateTimeUtility.days.betweenDates(date1, date2) //365
const weeks = dateTimeUtility.weeks.betweenDates(date1, date2) //52
const months = dateTimeUtility.months.betweenDates(date1, date2) //12
const years = dateTimeUtility.years.betweenDates(date1, date2) //1

Additionally, users have a module that allows them to determine datetimes that are a specified amount of time from the current time, for example they can determine the datetime x seconds, minutes, hours, ect. from right now.

* datetime


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of seconds from then

const seconds = dateTimeUtility.datetime.secondsFromNow(60); //60 seconds from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of minutes from then

const minutes = dateTimeUtility.datetime.minutesFromNow(60); //60 minutes from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of hours from then

const hours = dateTimeUtility.datetime.hoursFromNow(60); //60 hours from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of days from then

const days = dateTimeUtility.datetime.daysFromNow(60); //60 days from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of weeks from then

const seconds = dateTimeUtility.datetime.weeksFromNow(60); //60 weeks from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of months from then

const months = dateTimeUtility.datetime.monthsFromNow(60); //60 months from right now


Takes a number and determines what the datetime is that number of years from then

const years = dateTimeUtility.datetime.yearsFromNow(60); //60 years from right now

Additionally, within the same module, users have a set of convenience functions that allow them to see the datetime tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, yesterday, last week, last month, and last year.

* datetime


Tells the user the datetime this time tomorrow.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeTomorrow(); //This time tomorrow


Tells the user the datetime this time next week.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeNextWeek(); //This time next week


Tells the user the datetime this time next month.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeNextMonth(); //This time next month


Tells the user the datetime this time next year.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeNextYear(); //This time next year


Tells the user the datetime this time yesterday.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeYesterday(); //This time yesterday


Tells the user the datetime this time last week.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeLastWeek(); //This time last week


Tells the user the datetime this time last month.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeLastMonth(); //This time last month


Tells the user the datetime this time last year.

const time = dateTimeUtility.datetime.thisTimeLastYear(); //This time last year

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  • michael.l.burchett