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Takes your back-end results and returns an Array acceptable to DataLoader.


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To uphold the constraints of the DataLoader batch function, e.g. new DataLoader(callBatchGetUsers), the batch function must return an Array of values the same length as the Array of keys, and re-order them to ensure each index aligns with the original keys.

The back-end service typically returns results in a different order than we requested, and it typically omits a result for some keys when no value exists for that key.

This utility takes such back-end results and returns an Array acceptable to DataLoader.

dataLoaderAlignResults({ graphqlType, serializeDataLoaderKey, serializeRecordKey, onError });

  • grapgqlType (string) - Type of GraphQL result to return for each DataLoader key
    • '[!]!' - An array of non-null objects.
    • '[!]' - An array of non-null objects, or null.
    • '[]!' - Null, else an array of elements each of which is either an object or null.
    • '[]' - An array of elements each of which is either an object or null.
    • '!' - A non-null object.
    • '' - An object or null.
  • serializeDataLoaderKey (optional, function(key)) - Function to serialize a key passed from DataLoader.
    • A non-trivial serialization function should more efficiently be passed to DataLoader, e.g. new DataLoader(keys => {/* ... */}, { cacheKeyFn: serializeDataLoaderKey }), than to dataLoaderAlignResults.
    • Defaults to the trivial key => key.toString().
  • serializeRecordKey (optional, function(record) or string) - Function to serialize key from the record.
    • The resulting value must be strictly equal to that produced by serializeDataLoaderKey, or passed by DataLoader.
    • If a string is provided, record => record[serializeRecordKey].toString() is used.
  • onError (optional, function(msg, detail)) - Handler for terminal errors.
    • Errors are ignored if onError is not provided.
  • isStrict (optional, boolean) - It may be more convenient at times to return [] for a missing key rather than null, as the null may require special processing in the calling code.
    • true - Return null.
    • else - Return [].

dataLoaderAlignResults returns a function(keys, resultsArray) which should be passed to DataLoader as its first parameter.

  • keys - The keys passed from the DataLoader.
  • resultsArray - Result from back-end service after processing the keys.
    • Results are likely in a different order than that of keys.
    • A result may be omitted for some keys.

The batch loader function calls onError if it finds results incompatible with graphqlType. However it cannot check for a null final result for '[]!' or '[!]!' because DataLoader itself builds the final Array from elements returned by the batch loader plus elements from the cache.

Complete Example

const DataLoader = require('dataloader');
const dataloaderAlignResults = require('dataloader-align-results');
const userLoader = new DataLoader(keys => myBatchGetUsers(keys));
const userAlignResults = dataloaderAlignResults({
  graphqlType: '!', onError: (msg, detail) => { throw new Error(`${msg}\n${detail}`); } });
// These logical reads will be resolved with one call to the back-end service.
  .then(resolvedResults => { /* ... */ });
function myBatchGetUsers(keys) {
  return callBatchGetUsers(keys) // Call back-end service.
    .then(resultsArray => userAlignResults(resultsArray, keys));


Copyright (c) 2017

Licensed under the MIT license.



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