
0.2.4 • Public • Published

Data Wire

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Simple data abstraction layer between the client and associated data storage whichever it might be.

Main purpose of this module is to provide an easy to use abstraction in the form of a simple interface for managing local and remote resources.

In the spirit of simplicity this module does not provide implementations of the data transport layer or any sort of ORM apart from the bare bones object descriptor.

Instead, Data Wire makes it possible to tie-in whichever data storage you may have into whatever data representation on the client (consumer), allowing the said client to carry on with its own business.

var Jedi = new Model({
	name : DataType.String,
	surname : DataType.String.extend({defaultValue: 'Kenobi'})

	fullName : function () {
		return +' '+ this.surname;

Jedi.find('Ben').then(function (jedi) {
	// got your jedi here



  • Model
  • DataType
  • Transport
  • ObjectPool
## Model(definition, options) Creates an instance of the Model definition.
  • definition - A hash of DataTypes defining a resource.
  • options
    • options.transport - Set custom transport.
    • options.objectPool - Set custom object pool implementation .
    • options.onInstanceInit - Called when new instance is created.
    • options.onInstanceRevert - Called when instance is being reset to its default state.


Creates a copy of this Model definition instance. Useful when same model might need to use different configuration.

For example, same model can use two different transports which would otherwise have to be swapped before each commit or search function call.

  • options - Same as in Model constructor. When specified this object will be used as a mixin for the original options used to instantiate this Model definition.


Set to use provided transport


Set to use provided objectPool


Creates and return new ModelInstance.

  • obj {Object} - Object literal containing data which describes a new instance of the model.

Model.find(key[, meta])

Invokes function. Returns Promise<ModelInstance|null>

  • key {String} Identifier to use when searching for data
  • meta {*} Anything that your transport implementation is expecting in place of this meta param.
## DataType These are object literal mixins extending [`BaseObject`](#BaseObject) providing functionality to control access and data-flow to and from transports.


This is a base data type. Use it (or more specific ones for that matter) as a starting point in case you need a custom representation of data or you want a very general data location.

  • Any.extend(obj)

Mixes references of all own properties in self into provided obj and returns it. This function has two uses, creating slightly modified types (for example two strings that differ in its default values) or a more complex data representation. * obj {Object} - Mixin target

In practice the following 3 properties is all what needs to be modified when default values are not suitable.

  • Any.defaultValue

Value to initialize to when assigned value was not defined. (Default undefined).

  • Any.optional

Specifies that this piece of data can not be left undefined. (Default true).

  • Any.virtual

Virtual data types would not be serialized by its model instance. (Default false).

When more complex data type is needed which does not come with DataWire the following set of function could be replaced with custom implementation.

  • Any.validate(name, value)

Called when assigning value into a ModelInstance. Must throw an error when value is not legal.

  • Any.valueCopy(value)

Called after committing changes and when a value is being copied over into a ModelInstance. In cases when value is not a primitive you might want to make sure you are handling references vs values correctly.

  • Any.serialized(value) Called before sending value to transport.

  • Any.deserialized(value) Called on values from transport before returning to the client.

  • Any.valueTransform(last, next) Optional routine that is executed after deserialization and can be used to modify the value before returning to the client.


  • Array.defaultValue : []


  • Boolean.defaultValue : false


  • Number.defaultValue : 0


Uses 'valueTransform' to increment current value with the data coming in from Transport.


  • Object.defaultValue : {}


  • String.defaultValue : ''


Computed is a special data type which is always set to be virtual and is primarily used for attaching behaviour to the model instance. When invoked this context will always be set to the model instance.

Example use of data types

var ExampleModel = new Model({
	id : DataType.Number.extend({optional:false}),
	name : DataType.String,
	type : DataType.String.extend({defaultValue:'example-type'}),
	references : DataType.Array,
	addReference : function (ref) {
	// This is the same as addReference which would end up being wrapped into
	// a Computed data type for you.
	foo : DataType.Computed.extend({
		callback : function () {

	someDataThatWeDontNeedToPersist : DataType.String.extend({virtual:true})

var ex = ExampleModel.create({
	id : 1, // not specifying this will cause throwing an error
	name : 'TestObject'
}); // 1; // 'TestObject'
ex.type; // 'example-type'
ex.references; // []
ex.addReference('boo'); // undefined - because we don't return anything from this fnc; // 1
ex.someDataThatWeDontNeedToPersist; // ""

ex.serialized(); // { id: 1, name: 'TestObject', type: 'example-type', references: ['boo'] }
## ModelInstance(model) Constructor is private. Use `Model.create` or `Model.find` to get one.


Returns an object literal containing all contents of non-virtual properties in this model.

  • filter {String[]} - Specifies properties to be serialized


Marks this object to be sent to Transport.destroy on next call to 'ModelInstance.commit`.


Marks this object to be sent to Transport.update. Note that you don't have to call this function when any of the primitive datatypes are modified, model instance object will be set to be updated automatically. In cases when complex objects are modified (arrays or object literals) the hook to update will be called only when reference to the object is changed not the contents of the objects. In cases when such behaviour is preferable there is always an option of extending DataType and making sure it invokes this function.


Invokes appropriate method in Transport and propagates returned Promise by said Transport back to consumer.

  • meta {*} Anything that your transport implementation is expecting in place of the meta param.


Undo all the changes made since the last call to ModelInstance.commit function.


Resets this object to default values and stores the reference to it in the object pool for the current Model type. Not calling this function when exiting the scope will not cause a memory leak when using default ObjectPool but instead allow GC to do its thing.

ModelInstance.keys(dirty, type)

DEPRECATED use propertyFiler(filterObj) instead

Returns array of property names for this model, which can be filtered according to its dirty state and/or DataType.

  • dirty {Boolean} - filter out clean values
  • type {DataTypes} - include only properties of the specified data type

Returns {String[]}


Returns array of property names for this model that pass provided filter parameters if any. Filter properties are tested as is (matching its filter value to a current data type instance value). All filter properties are optional and those that are ommited will result in a test being ommitted.

  • virtual {Boolean} - Default false
  • type {DataType} - Default DataType.Any
  • dirty {Boolean} Default all. Set it to true if you need only modified values or false otherwise.
  • validate {Function} - A custom validation function. Accepts data type current value and must return a Boolean value.

Note: Filters are applied in the order they are described above.

Returns {String[]} Array of property names that pass

## Transport ###### extends [`BaseObject`](#BaseObject) Transport is an abstract mixin responsible for providing implementation for storing and retrieving model instance data.

In cases when Transport is implemented partially an Error will be thrown while attempting to complete an operation which requires a missing function.

  • Transport.extend(obj) Mixes references of all own properties in self into provided obj and returns it. Use it to create custom transports.
    • obj {Object} - Mixin target

The following are the 4 core functions of Transport that must be implemented by consumer. These operations must all return A+ compliant Promise which resolves to an object literal matching the expected data structure defined by its Model definition or null. All rejections or thrown errors would be propagated to the consumer of Model.find or ModelInstance.commit.

  •[, meta])
  • Transport.update(obj[, meta])
  • Transport.create(obj[, meta])
  • Transport.destroy(obj[, meta])

Note : when resolving to a non-null in update or create function, the data will be used to override what is currently stored in the ModelInstance object.

var Example = new Model({ name : DataType.String });
	update : function () {
		return Promise.resolve({ name : 'Name From Transport' });	

var ex = Example.create({ name : 'This is example' });; // will return 'This is example' here.
ex.commit().then(function () {; // will be 'Name From Transport' now
## ObjectPool ###### extends [`BaseObject`](#BaseObject) Instantiation of model instances could be a costly process due to the fact that properties defined in a Model are not bound the the prototype and instead are created on the fly. To reduce the overhead during runtime, Model stores a reference to the object pool for every Model definition and uses that to obtain previously created instances of an object.
  • ObjectPool.extend(obj) : {ObjectPool}

Mixes references of all own properties in self into provided obj and returns it. Use it to create custom object pools.

obj {Object} - Mixin target

  • ObjectPool.size {Number}

Maximum allowed object in the pool. Default 10. Set this to zero in order to turn of object pooling. (Alternatively just simply don't call ModelInstance.release method which actually causes the object to be saved for later).

ModelInstance constructor function wrapper. Overwriting this will not have any effect since Model decides which constructor to use for instances.

Called when an instance of the object needs to be pulled from the pool. Must return a reference to the object. A bare-bones implementation which avoids pooling would be to call constructor stored in ObjectPool.generator and return it.

Put obj into a pool.

## BaseObject This is the base object priding simple inheritance by a copy mechanism.
  • BaseObject.init() - Called on a chile object after it extends instance of this object.
  • BaseObject.extend(extendWith) - Mixes-in this object with properties in the provided object and return it.

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  • dmitrymatveev