
2.0.16 • Public • Published


  • This materialize vue data table provides you freedom of customizing anything and everything of your choice.
  • This data table for vue js is made of plain html5 and plain css without any dependency and gives you flexibility to configure with very minimal yet powerful options
  • This data table is compatible with Vue 2.
  • Vue 3 compatible of this version can be found at data-table-vue-v3


  • ✔️ Table works on both Offline mode & Online mode.
  • ✔️ Global Search feature.
  • ✔️ Individual column based Filter feature.
  • ✔️ Sort mechanism with default sort column on initial load.
  • ✔️ Customizable sort Direction.
  • ✔️ Show/Hide columns on the fly.
  • ✔️ Export as CSV with two options - Filtered data / Unfiltered data (raw data).
  • ✔️ Facility to create Custom buttons.
  • ✔️ Drag & Drop feature for columns ordering on the fly.
  • ✔️ Pin/Unpin feature for columns to make position fixed/scrollable.
  • ✔️ Auto Save customized table options and it gets applied on next reload as default.
  • ✔️ Render table with/without pagination
  • ✔️ Pass any number of columns with various customization.
  • ✔️ Customizable "Items / page" count.
  • ✔️ Customizable "Table Title".
  • ✔️ Customizable "Actions" column.
  • ✔️ Customizable "Actions" column position (First / Last).

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Start
  2. How to include data-table-vue
    1. Basic Table
    2. How to add table's title
    3. How to add Action/Edit column
    4. Move Action/Edit column towards left
    5. Activate Pagination
    6. Global Search Box
    7. Global Search Box on user selected columns
    8. Show/Hide Columns
    9. Export as CSV
    10. Rearrange Columns by drag & drop
    11. Filter option for individual column
    12. Fixed/Pin Columns on left (non-scrollable)
    13. Memorize locally
    14. Sortable option on columns
  3. Table Props
  4. Custom Buttons

Quick Start


  • To install the data-table-vue and saving it to package.json dependency
  • Open your favorite Terminal and run below command.
npm i data-table-vue --save

Include Materialize CDN

  • If your application is not already using materialize then you have to include materialize in your application.
  • Add materialize js into your index html like below:
<script src=""></script>

Include JQuery CDN

  • If your application is not already using jquery then you have to include jquery in your application.
  • Add JQuery CDN into your index html like below:
<script src="" integrity="sha512-STof4xm1wgkfm7heWqFJVn58Hm3EtS31XFaagaa8VMReCXAkQnJZ+jEy8PCC/iT18dFy95WcExNHFTqLyp72eQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

Add materialize css

If you want to apply materialize css to specific component then add below line into your component's style

 <style scoped>
   @import url("");

If you want to apply materialize css for your entire application then add below line into your index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

How to include data-table-vue

  • Let's imagine you have App.vue file where you want to include data-table-vue
  • We will start with basic setup and slowly we will cover all the features one by one

Script Section

  • Let's create basic table with 6 fields.
  • ID | NAME | ADDRESS 1 | ADDRESS 2 | Mobile No | Landline
  • Here is the attributes/properties required to configure basic table
Attributes Data Type Mandatory Purpose
perPageOptions Array Yes This will generate a dropdown for selecting items per page at the bottom right of the table for pagination and first element will be selected default more...
fields Array Of Objects Yes This will generate table header. Click here to know all possible properties
loadOfflineEntries Function Yes This function must call callback argument with the Array of Objects of items as first argument. Click here to know about json structure
hideSearchBox Boolean No By default the global search box will be visible but if you want to hide the global search box then pass value as true more...
noPagination Boolean No By default the pagination will be visible but if you want to hide the pagination functionality then pass value as true more...

import Table from "data-table-vue"; // import data-table-vue
export default {
 components: { Table }, // declare it as component
 data() {
   return {
     tableComponentData: {
       perPageOptions: [70],
       fields: [
           name: "ID",
           key: "id"
           name: "NAME",
           key: "name"
           name: "ADDRESS 1",
           key: "address"
           name: "ADDRESS 2",
           key: "address1"
           name: "Mobile No",
           key: "mob"
           name: "Landline",
           key: "landline"
 methods: {
   getData() {
     let randomData = []
     for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
               id: i + 1,
               name: `name ${i + 1}`,
               address: `Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet  ${i + 1}`,
               address1: `address 2 ${i + 1}`,
               mob: `mob_num_dummy_${i + 1}`,
               landline: `landline_dummy_${i + 1}`
     return randomData;
   ) {
     let data = {
       status: 200,
       msg: this.getData()

Template Section

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">

Screenshot - Basic Table

Basic Table

How to add table's title

  • Just add tableTitle props
  • Sample code is shown below
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"

Screenshot - With Table Title

Table Title

How to add Action/Edit column

  1. Add actions property in order to show the Action column.
  2. Add actionList property.
  3. Sample Code is shown below.
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"

Script Section

import Table from "data-table-vue"; // import data-table-vue
export default {
 components: { Table }, // declare it as component
 data() {
   return {
     tableComponentData: {
       perPageOptions: [70],
       fields: [
           name: "ID",
           key: "id"
           name: "NAME",
           key: "name"
           name: "ADDRESS 1",
           key: "address"
           name: "ADDRESS 2",
           key: "address1"
           name: "Mobile No",
           key: "mob"
           name: "Landline",
           key: "landline"
        actionList: [
           type: "link",
           refAddress: data => `edit/${}`,
           getIcon: data => 'edit',
           hoverTitle: "Edit Item"
           type: "cb",
           refAddress: data => {
             alert(`Click on row with ID = `,;
           getIcon: data => '<i class="material-icons">add</i>',
           html: "true",
 methods: {
   getData() {
     let randomData = []
     for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
               id: i + 1,
               name: `name ${i + 1}`,
               address: `Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet  ${i + 1}`,
               address1: `address 2 ${i + 1}`,
               mob: `mob_num_dummy_${i + 1}`,
               landline: `landline_dummy_${i + 1}`
     return randomData;
   ) {
     let data = {
       status: 200,
       msg: this.getData()

Screenshot - With Action Column

Action Column

Move Action/Edit column towards left

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"

Screenshot - With Action column towards left

Action column towards left

Activate Pagination

Just remove noPagination props or simply make its value to false > Sample code is shown below

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"

Screenshot - With Pagination on bottom right

Pagination on bottom right

  • Just remove hideSearchBox props or simply make its value to false
  • Also add defaultSearchColumns props.
  • Sample code is shown below where we are making Global Search upon two columns i.e. id & name
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"

Screenshot - With Global Search Box

Pagination on bottom right

Global Search Box on user selected columns

  • Add showSearchFilter props.
  • (Optional) You can also choose the Title of searchByFilterName popup.
  • (Optional) You can also choose the Notification Count of showSearchFilterNotification.
  • Sample code is shown below where Global Search will be activated on default columns i.e. id & name but there will be an extra option provided where user can select on which all columns Global Search should work from UI.
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"

Screenshot - With Global Search Box on user selected columns

Global Search Box on user selected columns

Show/Hide Columns

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Screenshot - With Show/Hide Columns filter

Show/Hide Columns filter

Export as CSV

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Screenshot - With Export as CSV option

Export as CSV option

Rearrange Columns by drag & drop

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Screenshot - With Rearrange Columns

Rearrange Columns

Filter option for individual column

  • Add showColumnFilterButton props.
  • Add multiFilterOption property on fields on those columns where you want to filter.
  • Sample code is shown below, where we are making filterable columns as ADDRESS 1 & ADDRESS 2.
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Script Section

import Table from "data-table-vue"; // import data-table-vue
export default {
 components: { Table }, // declare it as component
 data() {
   return {
     tableComponentData: {
       perPageOptions: [70],
       fields: [
           name: "ID",
           key: "id"
           name: "NAME",
           key: "name"
           name: "ADDRESS 1",
           key: "address",
           multiFilterOption: true
           name: "ADDRESS 2",
           key: "address1",
           multiFilterOption: true
           name: "Mobile No",
           key: "mob"
           name: "Landline",
           key: "landline"
        actionList: [
           type: "link",
           refAddress: data => `edit/${}`,
           getIcon: data => 'edit',
           hoverTitle: "Edit Item"
           type: "cb",
           refAddress: data => {
             alert(`Click on row with ID = `,;
           getIcon: data => '<i class="material-icons">add</i>',
           html: "true",
 methods: {
   getData() {
     let randomData = []
     for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
               id: i + 1,
               name: `name ${i + 1}`,
               address: `Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet  ${i + 1}`,
               address1: `address 2 ${i + 1}`,
               mob: `mob_num_dummy_${i + 1}`,
               landline: `landline_dummy_${i + 1}`
     return randomData;
   ) {
     let data = {
       status: 200,
       msg: this.getData()

Screenshot - With Filter option for individual column

Filter option for individual column

Fixed/Pin Columns on left (non-scrollable)

  • Add showLockColumnsButton props.
  • Add lockable property in fields on those columns where you want to lock.
  • Add lock property in fields on those columns where lockable is true. This is mandatory when lockable is true.
  • Sample code is shown below, where we are making lockable columns as id & name, in which id column is locked by default whereas name column doesn't.
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Script Section

import Table from "data-table-vue"; // import data-table-vue
export default {
 components: { Table }, // declare it as component
 data() {
   return {
     tableComponentData: {
       perPageOptions: [70],
       fields: [
           name: "ID",
           key: "id",
           lock:true // this is mandatory if lockable is true and lock:true means this column will be locked by default
           name: "NAME",
           key: "name",
           lock:false // this is mandatory if lockable is true and lock:false means this column will be not be locked by default
           name: "ADDRESS 1",
           key: "address",
           multiFilterOption: true
           name: "ADDRESS 2",
           key: "address1",
           multiFilterOption: true
           name: "Mobile No",
           key: "mob"
           name: "Landline",
           key: "landline"
        actionList: [
           type: "link",
           refAddress: data => `edit/${}`,
           getIcon: data => 'edit',
           hoverTitle: "Edit Item"
           type: "cb",
           refAddress: data => {
             alert(`Click on row with ID = `,;
           getIcon: data => '<i class="material-icons">add</i>',
           html: "true",
 methods: {
   getData() {
     let randomData = []
     for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
               id: i + 1,
               name: `name ${i + 1}`,
               address: `Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet  ${i + 1}`,
               address1: `address 2 ${i + 1}`,
               mob: `mob_num_dummy_${i + 1}`,
               landline: `landline_dummy_${i + 1}`
     return randomData;
   ) {
     let data = {
       status: 200,
       msg: this.getData()

Screenshot - With Fixed/Pin Columns on left (non-scrollable)

Fixed/Pin Columns on left (non-scrollable)

Memorize locally - all changes Ex: Filtered, Rearraged columns, default number of items / page etc.

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Screenshot - With Memorize locally


Sortable option on columns

  • Add sortable property in fields on those columns which you want it to be sortable.
  • Sample code is shown below, where we are making sortable columns as ID, NAME, ADDRESS 1 & ADDRESS 2.
   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                   tableTitle="Demo Table"
                   :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                   searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                   columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options"

Script Section

import Table from "data-table-vue"; // import data-table-vue
export default {
 components: { Table }, // declare it as component
 data() {
   return {
     tableComponentData: {
       perPageOptions: [5, 10, 15],
       fields: [
           name: "ID",
           key: "id",
           lockable: true,
           lock: true,
           sortable: true
           name: "NAME",
           key: "name",
           lockable: true,
           lock: false,
           sortable: true
           name: "ADDRESS 1",
           key: "address",
           multiFilterOption: true,
           sortable: true
           name: "ADDRESS 2",
           key: "address1",
           multiFilterOption: true,
           sortable: true
           name: "Mobile No",
           key: "mob"
           name: "Landline",
           key: "landline"
        actionList: [
           type: "link",
           refAddress: data => `edit/${}`,
           getIcon: data => 'edit',
           hoverTitle: "Edit Item"
           type: "cb",
           refAddress: data => {
             alert(`Click on row with ID = `,;
           getIcon: data => '<i class="material-icons">add</i>',
           html: "true",
 methods: {
   getData() {
     let randomData = []
     for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
               id: i + 1,
               name: `name ${i + 1}`,
               address: `Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet  ${i + 1}`,
               address1: `address 2 ${i + 1}`,
               mob: `mob_num_dummy_${i + 1}`,
               landline: `landline_dummy_${i + 1}`
     return randomData;
   ) {
     let data = {
       status: 200,
       msg: this.getData()

Screenshot - With Sortable option on columns

Sortable option on columns

Table Props

Below are the list of all possible attributes of data-table-vue

tableUniqueId: String

  • Must be passed as props
  • Value should be unique identifier between multiple data-table-vue and must not contain any space or hyphen(-)

tableTitle: String

  • This property will start displaying the Table Title on top left corner.
  • Don't pass this property if you don't need table title.

offLineMode : Boolean

Must be passed as props

  1. If value istrue then the table will work in offline mode i.e. pagination, filter, search etc. will be calculated on browser side and no APIs will be called.
  2. If value is false then the table will work as live mode i.e. pagination, filter, search etc. will not be calculated on browser, rather respective APIs will be called to get information.

perPageOptions: Array of Object(s) | Number(s)

  • Must be passed as props
  • This will generate a dropdown for selecting items per page at the bottom right of the table for pagination.
  • First element will be selected as default if your array contains numbers as element.
  • Below are the examples to use this props

Example 1

  • This example is to show, how you can pass only numbers as pagination option.
  • In this case the default per page option will be 5 (first element).
perPageOptions: [5, 10, 15, 30, 50] 

Example 2

  • This example is to show, how you can pass only objects as pagination option.
  • In this case you can select your own default selected option by providing defaultSelected as true in any one of the object.
  • If defaultSelected is not provided in any of the object then the first object will be considered as default per page option.
perPageOptions: [
          displayText: 3,
          value: 3
        }, {
          displayText: 5,
          value: 5
        }, {
          displayText: 10,
          value: 10,
          defaultSelected: true
        }, {
          displayText: 15,
          value: 15
        }, {
          displayText: 20,
          value: 20
        }, {
          displayText: 30,
          value: 30

Example 3

  • This example is to show, how you can pass mixed options as object & number as pagination option.
  • In this case you can select your own default selected option by providing defaultSelected as true in any one of the object.
  • If defaultSelected is not provided in any of the object then the first object will be considered as default per page option.
perPageOptions: [
        3, 5, {
          displayText: 10,
          value: 10,
          defaultSelected: true
        }, {
          displayText: 15,
          value: 15
        }, 20, {
          displayText: 30,
          value: 30

addAllOptionInPagination: Boolean

  • If the value is true then this will add a new option All as the last option of perPageOptions.
  • By default the value is false

hideSearchBox: Boolean

By default the global search box will be visible but if you want to hide the global search box then pass value as true

noPagination: Boolean

By default the pagination will be visible but if you want to hide the pagination functionality then pass value as true

fields : Array of Objects

  • This will generate the Table Header
  • Each object should contain appropriate keys mentioned below
Properties Data Type Mandatory Purpose
name String Yes This property will be used as display text in header
key String Yes unique identifier of the property and it should not contain any spaces or hyphens
multiFilterOption Boolean No This property will provide an option to perform column based filter at column header.
lockable Boolean No This property will provide an option to perform column based lock/pin at column header.
lock Boolean No This property will make respective column Locked/Pinned by default.
This property is mandatory when lockable is true.
If you want to make column as Locked/Pinned by default then provide value as true otherwise false.
defaultValue String No Incase if value is not available in the entries then this value will be used to display the content for specific column and row.
sortable Boolean No If true then respective column will be allowed as sortable otherwise not.
filterable Boolean No If true then respective column will be allowed as filterable otherwise not, by default it is true.
type String No If 'html' - then respective column's data will be considered as html content and it will be rendered as html, by default it is normal text display.
sortkey String No This will be helpful when you want to display the content with other key whereas while sorting you want to sort with different key, then provide sorting key as value.
filterkey String No This will be helpful when you want to display the content with other key whereas while searching you want to sort with different key, then provide searching key as value.
downloadable Boolean No If false then respective column will not be included at the time of downloading CSV.
preProcessDownload Function No This function will be executed for each column & row at the time of downloading CSV, function will recieve three arguments i.e. respective value, entire row & original value (value before preProcess function).
This function must return value.
preProcess Function No This function gives you freedom of customizing the display text, function will recieve two arguments i.e. respective value & entire row.
This function can return one of the below:
- Processed content.
- HTML content as String (when type == 'html').
- Array of Objects (when you have clickable items like buttons and type == 'html'). Each Object should contain
1. htmlContent : String : Mandatory
2. onClick : Function : Optional : params (value, row, content, index)

When using this, you can also change the key's value to any custom unique value and it is not mandatory to match with the keys of entries

loadOfflineEntries : Function

  • This is the first function which will be called when data-vue-table loads.
  • In this function you can call your API to get the table data.
  • This function will be called if offLineMode is true
  • Function must receive callback as first argument.
  • To return list of rows/items for table, it must invoke callback function with object as parameter having following keys

Keys Data Type Purpose
status Number 1. Pass value as 200 - which indicates success and then table will retrieve msg key and loop it over to display items in table
2. Pass value other than 200 - which indicates there is some error and table will alert the error message from msg key.
msg Array Of Objects Each Object must contain all the keys defined in key property in fields and respective value.

loadEntries : Function

  • This is the first function which will be called when data-vue-table loads.
  • This function will be called if offLineMode is false or offLineMode has not been passed
  • Function must receive start, recordsPerPage, currentSort, currentSortDir, searchText, defaultSearchColumns, hideLoading, callback as arguments.
  • In this function you can call your API to get the table data based on above arguments.
  • This function will be called every time when user changes any property For Ex: Sorting, Searching, Pagination.
  • To return list of rows/items for table, it must invoke callback function with object as parameter having following keys.

Keys Data Type Purpose
status Number 1. Pass value as 200 - which indicates success and then table will retrieve msg key and loop it over to display items in table
2. Pass value other than 200 - which indicates there is some error and table will alert the error message from msg key.
msg Array Of Objects Each Object must contain all the keys defined in key property in fields and respective value.
count Number Total number of overall records present in database based on which the pagination will work.

defaultSort: String

  • Must be passed as props
  • Value should match one of the fields' key

defaultSortDir: String

Must be passed as props

Value Purpose
asc To sort defaultSort column in Ascending Order.
desc To sort defaultSort column in Descending Order.

actions: String

This prop will make Action column visible/hidden.

Value Purpose
true This will make Action column visible.
You must have to use actionList
false This will make Action column hidden.

fixedActionColumnOnLeft: Boolean

  • This prop is only valid if you have opted for actions.
  • This prop will move Action column as first column of the table.
  • This also makes the Action column as fixed and non scrollable.
  • This prop is not mandatory > By default, the Action column will be displayed as the last column of the table.
Value Purpose
true This prop will move Action column as first column of the table.
false This prop will move Action column as last column of the table.

actionList : Array of Objects

  • This prop is only valid if you have opted for actions.
  • This will generate the Action Button(s) for each row.
  • Each object should contain appropriate keys mentioned below
Properties Data Type Mandatory Possible Options Purpose
type String Yes link,cb This will define the type of action button
1. link -> The button will be treated as navigational link and then you also have to define refAddress key as defined below.
2. cb -> When button is clicked then refAddress function will be called.
refAddress Function Yes NA The function should receive argument which will contain single row data.
1. Incase of link type -> this should return URL which will be placed in <a href="">
2. Incase of cb, you can write any custom code inside function as per your need.
getIcon Function Yes NA Function should receive argument which will contain single row data and it should return
1. If html property mentioned below is 'true' then return html content which will render as icon.
2. If html property mentioned below is 'false' then return any Materialize Icon Name
html String Yes true,false You can customize your icon with this property. If value is true then getIcon should return html content or else should return any Materialize Icon Name
hoverTitle String No ANY This text would be visible when user will hover on icon.

defaultSearchColumns: Array of Strings

  • This will allow Global Search box to search on specified columns only.
  • This will only work when hideSearchBox is false or hideSearchBox is not passed.
  • Array must contain String elements and each element should match one of fields' key.

showSearchFilter: Boolean

searchByFilterName: String

  • This will allow to change the title of Search Filter popup and this is Optional.
  • By default the title will be "Search By".
  • This will only work when showSearchFilter is true.
  • This will only work when hideSearchBox is false or hideSearchBox is not passed.

showSearchFilterNotification: Boolean

  • This will show Count of columns selected for search filter and this is Optional.
  • By default the notification will not be shown.
  • This will only work when showSearchFilter is true.
  • This will only work when hideSearchBox is false or hideSearchBox is not passed.

fixedSearchBoxText: String

  • This will fix the default text of Global Search Box.
  • By default the text will be generated based on searchable columns.
  • This will only work when hideSearchBox is false or hideSearchBox is not passed.

showColumnFilter: Boolean

  • This will allow user to Show/Hide selected columns.
  • By default all the columns are visible.

columnFilterName: String

  • This will allow to change the title of Column Filter popup and this is Optional.
  • By default the title will be "View By".
  • This will only work when showColumnFilter is true.

showColumnFilterNotification: Boolean

  • This will show Count of columns selected for search filter and this is Optional.
  • By default the notification will not be shown.
  • This will only work when showColumnFilter is true.

exportExcel: Boolean

  • This option will provide a download button option on top right.
  • Upon clicking on button - there will be two options shown
    1. All Data -> This will export all the rows without any filter
    2. Only Filtered -> This will download only filtered rows
  • This will only work when offLineMode is true.

moveableColumn: Boolean

This option will allow the column's header to be draggable so that order of the columns can be rearraged.

showColumnFilterButton: Boolean

  • This option will allow user to filter on individual columns.
  • This option will provide a Filter button option on top right.
  • Upon clicking on this button will toggle column filter options on each column header.
  • This will work on only those columns (Object) of fields which contains multiFilterOption as true.
  • You can also manage the filter condition.

multiFilterCondition: String

  • This option will perform column filter with AND or OR conditions with other columns.
  • The default value is AND
  • Incase of AND : Only those rows will be considered which matches all the filter conditions given in any of the columns.
  • Incase of OR : Only those rows will be considered which matches any of the filter coditions given in any of the columns.

showColumnFilterCount: Boolean

  • This props is used to show/hide column filter's option count, which will help you to know how many row matches are there with each of the options.
  • The default value is false
  • Incase of false : Count will not be shown for each option under each column filter.
  • Incase of true : Count will be shown for each option under each column filter.

showLockColumnsButton: Boolean

  • This option will allow user to lock/pin individual columns.
  • This option will provide a Lock button option on top right.
  • Upon clicking on this button will toggle column lock/pin options on each column header.
  • This will work on only those columns (Object) of fields which contains lockable as true.

memorizeSettingsLocally: Boolean

  • This option will automatically memorize all the user changes locally which will be applied when browser is refreshed or visited next time.
  • This option will also provide a clear saved button option on top right.
  • Upon clicking on this button will clear all the locally stored settings.
  • Button will be colored if something is stored locally, whereas it will be greyed when there is no data saved.

defaultValue: String

  • This props is use to set the default text for any value which is blank.
  • This can be overridden with field level defaultValue.

buttonThemeColor: String

  • This props is use to set the default color for any button or notifications.
  • The default value is red.
  • You can choose any main Color Palette from Materialize Color Palette.
  • Examples of main color palettes are : red, pink, deep-purple, teal etc.
  • You can also customize the color scheme by creating two global css classes i.e. your-custom-class-name & your-custom-class-name-text.
    For Example: If you have a custom color code then choose some css class name of your choice, let's say comp-theme, then create two css classes with name: comp-theme & comp-theme-text.
    And pass buttonThemeColor value as comp-theme
  • Sample code is shown below

.comp-theme {
  background: #d50000 !important;

.comp-theme-text {
  color: #d50000 !important;

Custom buttons on header

  • data-table-vue provides the facility to add your own custom buttons on header section.
  • There are two slots where custom buttons can be placed
    1. Left side on the header
    2. Right side on the header.

1. Add custom buttons on left side

  • Pass your html code inside the data-table-vue directive.
  • Use slot name as headerOptionsLeft.
  • Sample code is shown below

Template Section

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                 <Table :offLineMode="true" :fields="tableComponentData.fields"
                    :loadOfflineEntries="loadOfflineEntries" defaultSort="id" defaultSortDir="asc"
                    tableUniqueId="test_table" :perPageOptions="tableComponentData.perPageOptions"
                    :hideSearchBox="false" :noPagination="false" tableTitle="Test Table" actions="true"
                    :actionList="tableComponentData.actionList" :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                    :showSearchFilter="true" searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                    :showSearchFilterNotification="true" :showColumnFilter="true"
                    columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options" :showColumnFilterNotification="true"
                    :columnFilters="false" :exportExcel="true" :moveableColumn="true" :showColumnFilterButton="true"
                    :showLockColumnsButton="true" :memorizeSettingsLocally="true">
                    <template v-slot:headerOptionsLeft>
                      <button class="btn-flat grey lighten-4 red-text minorMargin" @click="callAnyCustomLocalFunction()">
                        <i class="material-icons">assessment</i>

Screenshot - With custom button on left side

Custom buttons on left side

2. Add custom buttons on right side

  • Pass your html code inside the data-table-vue directive.
  • Use slot name as headerOptionsRight.
  • Sample code is shown below

Template Section

   <div class="col s12">
     <div class="card">
       <div class="card-content">
         <div class="row no-margin">
           <div id="viewAll" class="col s12">
             <div class="row no-margin">
               <div class="col s12">
                 <Table :offLineMode="true" :fields="tableComponentData.fields"
                    :loadOfflineEntries="loadOfflineEntries" defaultSort="id" defaultSortDir="asc"
                    tableUniqueId="test_table" :perPageOptions="tableComponentData.perPageOptions"
                    :hideSearchBox="false" :noPagination="false" tableTitle="Test Table" actions="true"
                    :actionList="tableComponentData.actionList" :defaultSearchColumns="['id', 'name']"
                    :showSearchFilter="true" searchByFilterName="This is Filter Title"
                    :showSearchFilterNotification="true" :showColumnFilter="true"
                    columnFilterName="This is column show/hide options" :showColumnFilterNotification="true"
                    :columnFilters="false" :exportExcel="true" :moveableColumn="true" :showColumnFilterButton="true"
                    :showLockColumnsButton="true" :memorizeSettingsLocally="true">
                    <template v-slot:headerOptionsRight>
                      <button class="btn-flat grey lighten-4 red-text minorMargin"
                        <i class="material-icons">add_box</i>
                    <template v-slot:headerOptionsLeft>
                      <button class="btn-flat grey lighten-4 red-text minorMargin"
                        <i class="material-icons">assessment</i>

Screenshot - With custom button on right side

Custom buttons on right side


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