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0.0.1 • Public • Published


Given a polygon (P) and a line, this package clips the line such that it is wholly contained within the polygon. Since this package implements the Cyrus Beck algorithm, it works for any convex polygon (e.g. octogon) and not just rectangle clipping regions


Installation: npm install --save cyrus-beck

import { clip, Line, Point, fromVertices } from 'cyrus-beck';

// Classic 3-4-5 right triangle
const triangle = fromVertices([
  [0, 0],
  [3, 0],
  [3, 4],

const line = new Line(new Point(1, 1), new Point(6, 1));
const clippedLine = clip(triangle, line);
// clippedLine == new Line(new Point(1,1), new Point(3,1))


clip() takes in an optional 3rd argument to provide more flexibility:

clip = (
  polygon: Array<Line>,
  line: Line,
  options?: {
    normals?: Normals;
    skipNormalization?: boolean;
    skipValidation?: boolean;
): Line | null


The normals parameter is an internal representation of the polygon needed to perform the calculation. If you are repeatedly calling clip() with the same polygon, but different lines, you can speed up the calculation by caching the normals for the polygon and passing it in each time. The code looks like this:

import { clip, Line, Point, fromVertices, getNormals } from 'cyrus-beck';
const triangle = fromVertices([
  [0, 0],
  [3, 0],
  [3, 4],

const normals = getNormals(triangle);
const line = new Line(new Point(1, 1), new Point(6, 1));
const clippedLine = clip(triangle, line, { normals });
// clippedLine == new Line(new Point(1,1), new Point(3,1))


The algorithm requires the polygon to be in good standing - no degenerate lines (points), having the last line connect to the first line, etc. This normalization happens automatically when calling clip(), but you can prevent this from occuring. Similar to the normals option, this is useful when using the same polygon multiple times

import { fromVertices, normalize } from 'cyrus-beck';
let triangle = fromVertices([
  [0, 0],
  [1, 0],
  [3, 0],
  [3, 4],
triangles = normalize(triangles); // Returns a triangle with 3 points, not 4
clip(triangles, line, { skipNormalization: true });

Skip Validation

Lastly, the polygon must be a proper convex polygon. If you are sure you've passed in the correct indices, you can also disable this check.

clip(triangles, line, { skipValidation: true });



The primary function for this package. It utilizes the Cyrus-Beck algorithm to determine the intersection point of a line to a convex polygon



Represents an X,Y coordinate pair. e.g. new Point(3,5)


A line (or more properly a directed segment) is represented here as storing two coordinates. E.g. new Line(new Point(3,5), new Point(4,5)) would create a line of length 1 from (3,5) to (4,5)


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