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WEB Starter CLI

WEB Starter CLI is a command-line tool that assists web developers in kickstarting their projects. It comes with features such as pulling models from a Contentful environment and pushing local models to Contentful.

🚀 Getting Started


  • Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed.


Install the CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g web-starter-cli

This makes the web-starter-cli command available globally.

🛠 Usage

If you run the CLI without any command, the help dialog will be displayed, explaining the available commands and how to use them.

To use WEB Starter CLI, type web-starter-cli followed by the command you wish to execute.

For example:

web-starter-cli pull /path/to/your/envfile

This will pull models from a Contentful environment specified by the environment file.

Pushing Models to Contentful

With the push command, you can upload your local models to a Contentful environment. This can be particularly useful when you've made local changes and need to synchronize them with your Contentful setup.

web-starter-cli push /path/to/your/envfile /path/to/your/models/directory

This will push models to a Contentful environment specified by the environment file and models stored in the provided directory.

Available Commands

  • pull [envFilePath]: Pulls models from a Contentful environment. [envFilePath] should be replaced with the path to your environment file.
  • push [envFilePath] [modelsDirectory]: Pushes models to a Contentful environment. [envFilePath] should be the path to your environment file, and [modelsDirectory] should be the path to the directory containing your models.

🙌 Contributing

Contributions are welcome!

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add a new feature').

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  • qahme033