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Context Logger for TypeScript

A context logger written in TypeScript.

Version NPM GitHub License



ctx-log is motivated by tagging loggers with a particular context to identify logs. It aims to be provide a fast and simple logger with JSON output with zero dependency. The idea of a context logger is that each logger is attached with a particular context, in which can be used for better search and identification (see: Contextual Logging).

ctx-log logger can be easily configured to write to multiple Writers at multiple levels, which can be implemented by developers using provided interfaces (see: Writers & Leveled Logging).

ctx-log chaining API & design is inspired by GoLang logging library zerolog.




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Getting Started

Simple Logging Example

The simplest way to get started with ctx-log is to use the default export global logger.

import log from "ctx-log";

log().Info().Msg("hello world");
// Output: {"level":"info","time":"2024-02-25T16:49:57.564Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"Hello World!"}

The default logger will initialize a Writer based on the environment variable NODE_ENV, if the NODE_ENV variable is set to development, it'll utilize the builtin ConsoleWriter for pretty logging.

However, to use the logger more efficiently and in a customized fashion, it is recommend to create your own logger and replace the existing global logger.

import log, { NewLogger, ConsoleWriter, Logger } from "ctx-log";

log().Info().Msg("Hello World!");
// Output: {"level":"info","time":"2024-02-25T17:12:58.199Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"Hello World!"}

const newLogger = NewLogger(new ConsoleWriter());

Logger.GlobalLogger = newLogger;

log().Info().Msg("Hello World!");
// Output: INF Hello World!
Why is the default export a function?

Unfortunately, in order to have a global default export that can be changed, I could only use a function to get the Logger.GlobalLogger value everytime I'm accessing the logger.

Leveled Logging

Log Levels

Logging levels in ctx-log is configured to have the following log levels (from the highest to lowest):

  • fatal (Level.FatalLevel, 4)
  • error (Level.ErrorLevel, 3)
  • warn (Level.WarnLevel, 2)
  • info (Level.InfoLevel, 1)
  • debug (Level.DebugLevel, 0)
  • trace (Level.TraceLevel, -1)

Simple Leveled Logging Example

log().Trace().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Debug().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Info().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Warn().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Error().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Fatal().Msg("Hello World!");

// Output:
// {"level":"trace","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.068Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"debug","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.078Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:4","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"info","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.078Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:5","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"warn","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.078Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:6","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"error","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.079Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:7","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"fatal","time":"2024-02-25T17:35:07.079Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:8","message":"Hello World!"}

Since ctx-log uses chaining methods, the chain must end with Msg, MsgFunc or Send method. If the log doesn't end with either of these 3 methods, the log will not be written.

Global Levels

You can set the global log level of the logger, which disables all level below the set level.

import log, { Level, SetGlobalLevel } from "ctx-log";


log().Trace().msg("Hello World!");
log().Debug().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Info().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Warn().Msg("Hello World!");
log().Error().Msg("Hello World!");

// Output:
// {"level":"warn","time":"2024-02-25T17:45:32.297Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:8","message":"Hello World!"}
// {"level":"error","time":"2024-02-25T17:45:32.307Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:9","message":"Hello World!"}

Logging without Level

You may send a log without using a "level" field, this can be done by using the Log() method.

log().Log().Msg("Hello World!");

// Output:
// {time":"2024-02-25T17:45:32.297Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"Hello World!"}

Logging without Message

You may send a log without using a "message" field, this can be done by ending the log with the Send() method or using an empty string ("") in the Msg() method.


// Output:
// {"level":"warn","time":"2024-02-25T17:45:32.297Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3"}
// {"level":"error","time":"2024-02-25T17:45:32.307Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:4"}





Contextual Fields


Pretty Logging for Development


Error Logging

You can log in "error" level using the Error() method as shown in Leveled Logging. You can also attach an error object to the error log.

log().Error(new Error("some error")).Msg("An error occurred");

// Output:
// {"level":"error","error":"Error: some error","time":"2024-02-25T18:12:58.746Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"An error occurred"}

The error is formatted as such: ${err.name}: ${err.message}

Error Logging with Stacktrace

Using the Stack() method, the logger will use the builtin stacktrace in the Error object, and format into an array for the stack.

function someFunction() {
  throw new Error("This is an error");

const loggerWithStack = log().With().Stack().Logger();

try {
} catch (error) {
  loggerWithStack.Error(error as Error).Msg("An error occurred");

// Output (formatted):
// {
//   "level": "error",
//   "error": "Error: This is an error",
//   "stack": [
//     "Error: This is an error",
//     "at someFunction (./src/index.ts:4:9)",
//     "at Object.<anonymous> (./src/index.ts:10:3)",
//     "at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1376:14)",
//     ...
//   ],
//   "time": "2024-02-25T18:18:57.903Z",
//   "caller": "./src/index.ts:12",
//   "message": "An error occurred"
// }

Logging Fatal Level

When the Fatal level is used, the program will exit with process.exit(1)

log().Fatal().Error(new Error("some error")).Msg("Hello World!");

// Output:
// {"level":"fatal","error":"Error: some error","time":"2024-02-25T18:25:49.352Z","caller":"./src/index.ts:3","message":"Hello World!"}



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