
1.1.0 • Public • Published



Some Node modules in this space represent a CSV file as an ARRAY of javascript (JS) objects. This module represents a CSV file as a DICTIONARY of JS objects. It reads a CSV file and returns a single JS 'object of objects' where each line of the CSV file is represented as a named property of the returned object. This object of objects can serve as a (sort of) database table to represent a small-ish CSV file.


  1. The module assumes and requires a 'header' line: the comma-separated values in the first line of the CSV file are the names of the comma-separated 'fields' in each of the succeeding 'data' lines.
  2. The module also assumes and requires that a subset of one or more of the fields of the CSV file contain, in each line, values which uniquely identify that line. These 'key field(s)' are used to derive a key for each line of the CSV file by concatenating the value(s) of those field(s) to form a string that's unique across all lines.


var CsvDict = require('csv-dict');

var csvdict = new CsvDict({
    tblName    = <string>,                   // deafaults to the file name
    tblDescr   = <string>,                   // nice to have..future use
    csvPath    = <string>,                   // required
    numFields  = [<field1>,..],              // names of numerical fields - defaults to []
    keyFields  = [<field1>,..],              // defaults to field #1
    selFields  = [<field1>, <field2>, ...],  // defaults to all fields
    delim      = ','                         // defaults to comma

The module's constructor function accepts arguments represented as properties of an object.

The "numFields" argument is an array of one/more field name(s) (a subset of the values in the first line of CSV file). The field(s) in the numFields array specify the fields containing numerical values. The values for these fields will be stored in the csv-dict object as numbers (as opposed to strings).

The "keyFields" argument is an array of one/more field name(s) (a subset of the values in the first line of CSV file). The field(s) in the keyFields array specify the fields containing values which form, for each of the succeeding data lines, a 'key' unique among all lines of the CSV file, and which is used to derive the name of the property that will represent that line.

The "selFields" (as in "select fields") argument is analogous to the SQL "SELECT" directive and specifies the fields which should be included in the csv-dict object. If not specified, it defaults to all fields.

Each data line of the CSV file is represented in the returned object as a property, where the property name is the line's 'key' (the string concatenation of the value(s) of that line's key field(s)) and the property value is a JS 'row' object. The 'row object' for each line is itself an object with properties corresponding to all, or a subset (specified by selFields) of, the CSV file's fields, where each property's name is one of the field names and the property value is the value of that field in the line.

Usage Example

var CsvDict = require('csv-dict');

// CSV file fields: stop_id,stop_code,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,zone_id
var csvFile = 'tests/stops.txt';

var keyFields = ['stop_id'];
var selFields = ['stop_id','stop_code','stop_name',

try {
    var csvDict = new CsvDict({
	tblName     : 'Stops',
	tblDescr    : 'Train stops',
	csvPath     : csvFile,
	keyFields   : keyFields,
	selFields   : selFields,
	delim       : ","
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Failed to instantiate the CsvDict. ");
    console.log("Error: %s", e);

csvDict.on('tblLoaded', report);

function report(event) {
    console.log("Table named '%s' is loaded", event);
    var tblKeys = csvDict.tblKeys();
    var keyCount = tblKeys.length;
    console.log("%d Keys: %s", keyCount, tblKeys.join(", "));
    console.log(JSON.stringify(csvDict.data, null, 2));



Retrieves values for some of the fields of every line in the CSV file. Can be called with no arguments, with one field name (string), or an array of field names. Returns array of arrays, one for each data line in the CSV file, containing for each line the values of every field or, if a field name or array of field names is passed as sole argument, the values of the specified fields.

  var valArray = csvDict.values()   # returns value for all fields
  var valArray = csvDict.values(<field name>)
  var valArray = csvDict.values([<field name1>, <field name2>, ...])


Retrieves values for selected/all fields of selected/all lines in the CSV file. Can be called with no arguments or with a JS object containing one/both of the following properties:

  • keys - one key or array of keys
  • fields - one field name or an array of field names

The keys property of the argument object specifies which CSV lines to return. The fields property of the argument object specifies the fields whose values are to be returned.

  var valArray = csvDict.valuesForKeys()   # returns all values for all fields
  var valArray = csvDict.values({keys : <key> | [ <key1>, <key2>, ..]}
  var valArray = csvDict.values({
           fields : <field name> | [ <field namne1>, <field name2>, ..]
  var valArray = csvDict.values({
           keys : <key> | [ <key1>, <key2>, ..],
           fields : <field name> | [ <field namne1>, <field name2>, ..]


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