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0.0.5 • Public • Published

Storybook CSS Chaos Addon

An addon that applies inheritable css properties around a component to better test in-context scenarios that alter the look and feel of a component. By testing in this way, you can limit style bleeding when the component is added in an application.



Usage scripts

Run npm install css-chaos-addon

In your main.js file, add to the addons array:

addons: ["css-chaos-addon"]

Supported CSS Properties

The inheritied properties that are set by this addon include:

  • border-collapse
  • border-spacing
  • caption-side
  • color
  • cursor
  • direction
  • empty-cells
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • font-weight
  • letter-spacing
  • line-height
  • list-style-position
  • list-style-type
  • text-align
  • text-indent
  • text-transform
  • white-space
  • word-spacing

For more information about these properties, see the properties file here.

Some of the properties have arbitrary values that might be set by a consuming application (ex. color). If you would like to override these values with a set of your own, see the section on customizing the CSS properties.

Customizing CSS Properties

To customize, you will need to leverage Storybook's parameters feature that can be set globally or at the story level. The parameter used for the CSS Chaos Addon is called cssPropertyData.

The CSS Property keys include:

  • name: The name of the css property that will be set above addon dropdown and will be used to set the css propery value in the global css.
  • description: The description of the css property that will be shown in the addon panel underneath the name and above the dorpdown option.
  • default: The default value for the dropdown. This value will be applied automatically in the global css when the addon panel is active.
  • values: The list of options that the user has to choose from to manipualte the view. The randomize functionality will also use this list to pick a random value.

If you want to add a css property:

parameters: {
    cssChaos: {
                "name": "hello world",
                "description": "Lorem ipsum",
                "default": "world",
                "values": [

If you want to alter a css property, update one or all keys in the object (name, description, default, values):

parameters: {
    cssChaos: {
                "name": "updated-name",
                "description": "An updated description goes here",
                "default": "new default",
                "values": [
                    "new default"

To remove an existing css property dropdown from the addon panel, remove all of the values from the object:

parameters: {
    cssChaos: {
                "name": "color",
                "values": []

Setting Max Variance

If you would like to limit the amount of variance when the "Randomize!" button is clicked, you can set a value called maxVariance. If you set the max variance, it will only randomize the number of properties you set. If you do not set a max variance, it will default to randomizing all of the properties.

parameters: {
    cssChaos: {
        maxVariance: 5
  • Setting the max variance does not mean that there will be that number of non-default values. Each property is set to a random value which may equal the default.

Turning off History

If you would to hide the history dropdown, set the history property under the cssChaos object to false. By default, this property will be set to true.

parameters: {
    cssChaos: {
        history: false

Development scripts

  • npm start runs babel in watch mode and starts Storybook
  • npm run build build and package your addon code

Package Sidebar


npm i css-chaos-addon

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  • codebyalex