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1.1.2 • Public • Published


create read–eval–print-loop (repl) programs
want to create a repl? with creply you create easily
you can use it with TypeScript too!

  • also see the documetation generated by typedoc

creating the repl

const creply = require("creply");
const repl = new creply({
  name: "app",
  description: "simple node.js repl app",
  version: "v1.0.0",
  history: "app.history",
  prompt: "app> ",
  prefix: "!"
  • this will create a repl with the following options:
  "name": "app",
  "description": "simple node.js repl app",
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "history": "app.history",
  "prompt": "app> ",
  "prefix": "!"

starting the repl

  • this will start the repl and output the following:

adding commands

  • commands are added with the repl.addCommand() method
  • commands are saved in the repl.commands object
  description: "hello world", 
  exec: (args) => { 
   console.log("hello world")
  usage: () => "hello [name]"
  • this will add a command with the following options:
  "description": "say hello",
  "exec": "[Function: exec]",
  "usage": "[Function: usage]"

removing commands

  • commands are removed with the repl.removeCommand() method
  • this will remove the command with the name hello
  • the command will be removed from the repl.commands object

updating options

  • options are updated with the repl.set() method
  • options are saved in the repl.options object
  • example updating the prompt
  prompt: "cli> "
  • this will update the prompt to cli>
  • output will be:

getting options

  • options are retrieved with the repl.get() method
  • this will output the prompt
  • output will be:

listening to events

  • events are listen with the repl.on() method

  • when you listen an event the repl will not prints the data except the event uncaught-error

  • example listening to the line event

  • the event will be called when the user types a line

repl.on("line", (line) => {
  console.log("line: " + line);
  • example listening to the uncaught-error event
  • the event will be called when the repl throws an error
repl.on("uncaught-error", (err) => {
  console.log("uncaught-error: " + err);
  • example listening the keypress event
  • the event will be called when the user press a key
repl.on("keypress", (char, key) => {
  console.log("keypress: " + key);
  • example listening to the exit event
  • this event will be called when the repl is closed
repl.on("exit", () => {
  • example listening to the cursor-move event
  • this event will be called when the cursor moves
repl.on("cursor-move", (cursor) => {
  console.log("cursor-move: " + cursor);
  • example listening to the command event
  • this event will be called when the repl executes a command
repl.on("command", (command, args) => {
  console.log("command: " + command);
  • example listening to the command-not-found event
  • this event will be called when the repl executes a command that doesn't exist
repl.on("command-not-found", (command) => {
  console.log("command-not-found: " + command);
  • example listening to the did-you-mean event
  • this event will be called when repl try to mean the command
repl.on("did-you-mean", (command, didYouMean) => {
  console.log("did-you-mean: " + didYouMean);
  • example listening to the command-not-specified event
  • this event will be called when the repl executes a command that doesn't have a name
repl.on("command-not-specified", () => {
  • example listening to the start event
  • this event is triggered when the repl starts
  • the listener must be before the repl.start() call
repl.on("start", () => {

readline and rl

  • the readline is the readline library used by the creply
  • the rl is the readline interface used by the creply
  • to get readline use repl.readline
  • to get rl use repl.rl but you need to start the repl first by using repl.start()

view command usage

  • the repl.usage() method will print the usage of the command
repl.usage("hello"); // hello [name]
  • you can type help [command] to see the usage of the command on the repl
app> help hello
  • output:
hello [name]

common problems

  • if console.log prints out of the repl, you can use the repl.log() method
  • the repl.log() method will print out the data to the repl
  • this methods clear prompt and move the cursor to the start of the line
  • output:

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  • otoniel