
1.1.2 • Public • Published


Allow you to create your personal npm card started by Tierney (@bitandbang) with npm init my-card.

Your card's code is bundled into a single JS file with webpack so it has no dependencies.

A static HTML version of your card is also generated in index.html. You can see it with unpkg.




npm init my-card

After answering the questions, it should create a new directory with the code to publish your npm card.

If your current directory is already named the same as <my-card-repo-name>, then no new directory is created.


cd <my-card-repo-name>
npm install
node src/card

If you want to modify your card info and display, see customizing for details.

GitHub Push

To push your repo to your github account:

  • First create an empty repo on github with the same repo name.
  • Then run the following commands:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<your-github-id>/<your-repo-name>.git
git push --set-upstream origin master


Your npm card package is published with a single JS bundle that's created with webpack so there's no dependencies.

First Version

The very first time you publish your card, do a npm version major to bring your package version to 1.0.0.

npm version major
npm publish

Update Versions

To publish patches to your card, do a npm version patch.

npm version patch
npm publish

Push version commit and tag

After you update your package version and published to npm, you should push the version commit and tag.

You can do it with:

git push origin --tags :

Or two separate git pushes:

git push
git push --tags


Your card info and data are saved to your package.json as myCard.

  • contains the info you entered.
  • is an array containing the lines for your card.

Each line can be a string or an object.

  • If it's a string, then it's used directly to render the line.

  • If it's an object, then it should follow this format:

        "label": "GitHub",
        "text": "<green>{{github}}</>",
        "when": "{{github}}"


  • label The label for the line.
    • If this is missing, then only text is used to render the line.
    • If it's an empty string, "", then no label but text is aligned with text of other lines.
  • text The text for the line.
  • when Turn off displaying the line if it process to an empty string "".


  • pad The built-in renderer automatically add enough spaces to align all labels on the right. You can provide your own pad string override for each line.

String colors and tokens

Any string in the data lines can contain color markers enabled by chalker or tokens.

  • Color markers has the <red>red text</red> format. You can use any valid methods chalk supports.

    • For example, <blue.bold>blue bold text</blue.bold> will colorize blue bold text with
    • Closing marker can be simply </>
    • See chalker for more info on color markers.
  • Tokens has the {{github}} format. The token string reference what's in

Roll your own renderer

If you prefer to implement your own JavaScript renderer, you can replace the code in the src directory. Put your code in the main file card.js and you can utilize the webpack bundling logic to publish your card without dependencies.


Initializing Card

Demo is using fyn to install dependencies.

Initialize Card

Pushing to GitHub

Create empty repo:

Create empty repo

Push repo:

Push repo

Publish to npm

Publish first verion (using npm version major)

Publish first version

Scrolling down:

Publish scroll down

And profit, also remember to push version tag & commit to github with git push origin --tags :



Copyright (c) 2018-present, Joel Chen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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npm i create-my-card

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  • jchip