
1.0.0 • Public • Published

AdCash Plugin

Quick Demo

# install cordova CLI
[sudo] npm install cordova -g

# install a small utility to run all the commands for you
[sudo] npm install plugin-verify -g

# run adcash demo with sample index.html
plugin-verify cordova-plugin-adcash

Show Banner ad with single line of javascript code

  1. Step 1: Create zone Id for your banner and interstitial, in AdCash portal, then use it in step 2 in your code.

  2. Step 2: Want a banner? single line of javascript code.

// it will display smart banner at the bottom, using the default options
var AdcashSDK = cordova.plugins.AdcashSDK;

AdcashSDK.createBanner({zoneId: 'ADD_YOUR_BANNER_ZONE_ID_HERE', 
						position: AdcashSDK.AD_POSITION.BOTTOM, 
						autoShow: true});

Step 3: Want full screen Ad? Easy, 2 lines of code.

var AdcashSDK = cordova.plugins.AdcashSDK;

// prepare and load ad resource in background, e.g. at begining of game level
							   autoShow:true} );

// Alternatively, you can set prepare the interstitial
// and show it manually at some later point of time:
							   function() {
									// Succeeded, we can now show the interstitial
									// Failed to prepare interstitial


Platforms supported:

  • Android
  • iOS

How to use?

Note: cordova-plugin-adcash is available both in and plugin registries.

  • If use with Cordova CLI:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-adcash
  • If use with PhoneGap Build, just configure in config.xml:
<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-adcash" source="npm"/>

Quick start with cordova CLI

	# create a demo project
    cordova create test1 com.example.test1 Test1
    cd test1
    cordova platform add android
    cordova platform add ios

    # now add the plugin
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-adcash

    # now remove the default www content, copy the demo html file to www/
    rm -r www/*;
    cp plugins/cordova-plugin-adcash/test/* www/;

	# now build and run the demo in your device or emulator
    cordova prepare; 
    cordova run android; 
    cordova run ios;
    # or import into Xcode / Android Studio

Javascript API Overview


// use banner
createBanner(zoneId/options, success, fail);
loadBanner( success, fail)
removeBanner(success, fail);
showBanner(success, fail);
hideBanner(success, fail);
// use interstitial
prepareInterstitial(zoneId/options, success, fail);
showInterstitial(success, fail);
// set default value for other methods
setOptions(options, success, fail);
// conversion tracking
reportAppOpen(success, fail)

Use setOptions to set values for the following variables:

Option Type Description
adSize enum Size of the banner. Look at AdcashSDK.AD_SIZE for possible values.
position enum Position of the banner. Look at AdcashSDK.AD_POSITION for possible values.
autoShow boolean Whether the banner/interstitial should be shown automatically when loaded.
zoneId string Use in options ONLY when passed to createBanner or prepareInterstitial!!! Otherwise it will be ignored.

Note: Take a look at AdcashSDK.js for full API usage.


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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 1.0.0

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npm i cordova-plugin-adcash

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  • martin-marinov