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📅 Contribution Streak Maintainer

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  • Have you ever wanted to keep your contribution streak going but never been able to?
  • Do you find it challenging to make manual contributions every single day?
  • Worry no more!

Contribution Streak Maintainer is a tool, available as an npm package, designed to be used inside a GitHub Actions workflow. This npm package is utilized within your workflow, automatically maintaining your GitHub contribution streak. The GitHub Actions workflow, configured through YAML files, generates and pushes commits to your repository, ensuring your activity stays active even on days when you're not able to make manual contributions.

Now you can focus on your work, knowing that your GitHub contributions are being taken care of automatically. Keep your streak alive effortlessly by integrating the Contribution Streak Maintainer npm package into your GitHub Actions workflow!


Here is how to add my badges to your profile:

  1. Star this repository.

  2. Create a private repository your-username/name-of-your-choice

  3. Add the following workflow to your repository at .github/workflows/contribution-streak-maintainer.yml

    name: contribution-streak-maintainer
        # For more information on the cron scheduler,
        # see or
        # This cron schedule means the action runs every day at midnight UTC.
        - cron: "0 22 * * *"
      contents: write
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: Make a contribution
            run: npx contribution-streak-maintainer ${{github.repository}}
              DEVFUL_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CSM_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  4. Create your own personal access tokens (classic)

    1. Verify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet.
    2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
    3. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
    4. In the left sidebar, under Personal access tokens, click Tokens (classic).
    5. Click Generate new token button then Generate new token (classic).
    6. Under Note, enter a name for the token.
    7. Under Expiration, select No expiration for the token.
    8. Under Select scopes, check repo, read:user, user:email. repo scope read scope
    9. Click Generate token.
    10. Note down the generated token.
  5. Create a secret for your private repository

    • Check out the docs
    • In the Name field, type CSM_GITHUB_TOKEN.
    • In the Secret field, enter the newly generated token.

NOTE: Ensure that the GitHub token (CSM_GITHUB_TOKEN) is kept private and not shared publicly.

Run Manually

You can start contribution-streak-maintainer workflow manually, or wait for it to run automatically.

Alternatively, you can perform these steps manually:

  • Go to your newly created local repo.
  • Run npx contribution-streak-maintainer <username>/<repository_name> --email=<email> --token=<token> --condition=<condition>
    • Example: npx contribution-streak-maintainer my-username --token=gph_nJkKQKJKFb7YxqkLtFf3wvXyU6X --condition=6
  • Verify changes in


Param ENV alias Type Description Required Default
repository DEVFUL_GITHUB_REPO String The owner and repository name. For example, octocat/Hello-World Yes
email String Primary email address associated with your GitHub account Yes
token DEVFUL_GITHUB_TOKEN String Github Auth token Yes
condition String Condition for contribution to be made No 0

By default, this action runs daily, checks if the user has made any contribution, and generates a random number of commits between 1-3. If the user sets the condition to, for example, 5, the action will only make commits if the user has made 0-5 commits that day.




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  • eliasafara