commandpost is a command-line options parser. This library is inspired by commander.
commander is very user-friendly, but not TypeScript-friendly. commandpost aims to improve this. Of course, commandpost can also be used from an ordinary JavaScript program. 👍
$ npm install --save commandpost
How to Use
Basic Usage
$ cat cli.ts
import * as commandpost from "commandpost";
let root = commandpost
.create<{ spice: string[]; }, { food: string; }>("dinner <food>")
.version("1.0.0", "-v, --version")
.description("today's dinner!")
.option("-s, --spice <name>", "What spice do you want? default: pepper")
.action((opts, args) => {
console.log(`Your dinner is ${} with ${opts.spice[0] || "pepper"}!`);
.exec(root, process.argv)
.catch(err => {
if (err instanceof Error) {
} else {
$ node cli.js --help
Usage: dinner [options] [--] <food>
-s, --spice <name> What spice do you want? default: pepper
$ node cli.js -s "soy sause" "fillet steak"
Your dinner is fillet steak with soy sause!
A top-level command is created by the commandpost.create
commandpost also supports sub-commands.
A sub-command is created by using the topLevelCommand.subCommand
Refer to this example for a demonstration.
commandpost can automatically generate help and command usage messages based on your configuration. For best results, it is recommended that you should set .version
and .description
for your top-level command.
// shorthand & formal option with a required parameter. value is converted to string[].
cmd.option("-c, --config <configFile>", "Read setting from specified config file path");
// option with optional parameter. value is converted to string[].
cmd.option("-c, --config [configFile]", "Read setting from specified config file path");
// option without parameter (flag). option value is converted to boolean and defaults to `false`.
cmd.option("--suppress-warning", "Suppress warning");
// option with `--no-` prefix. option value is converted to boolean and defaults to true.
cmd.option("--no-type-checking", "Type checking disabled");
If you want to handle unknown options, you can use the .allowUnknownOption
// required argument
commandpost.create<{}, { food: string; }>("dinner <food>");
// optional argument
commandpost.create<{}, { food: string; }>("dinner [food]");
// variadic argument
commandpost.create<{}, { foods: string[]; }>("dinner <food...>");
This package's author, vvakame, is not a native English speaker. My first language is Japanese. If you find incorrect English, please send me a pull request.