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0.2.7 • Public • Published


Analytics tool driver for web applications - make tracking events much easier


  • Install Comix with npm:
    npm install comix


  1. Include comix.min.js script file to the top of your page (defer or async attributes are NOT recommended):
    <script src="node_modules/comix/comix.min.js"></script>
  2. Add the following initialization code block to the bottom of your page:
  // (object) Your analytics tool token:
  tokens: {
    mp: '', // (string) Your Mixpanel token (optional)
    ga: ''  // (string) Your Google Analytics token (optional)
  // (object): Additional properties which are sent with every track event:
  additional_properties: {},
  // (string) Attribute name which its value contains the event name for all track_links & track_forms events.
  // (it should not match any existing track_custom events names):
  attribute: 'data-comix',
  // (boolean) Should page view be tracked? the event name is the document's title:
  track_pageview: false,
  // (boolean) Should links clicks be tracked? requires to have an attribute named {{ attribute }}:
  track_links: false,
  // (boolean) Should forms submissions be tracked? requires to have an attribute named {{ attribute }}:
  track_forms: false,
  // To how many ancestors should event bubble if clicked element does not match selector:
  bubbling_threshold: 0,
  // (boolean | [{}]) Should custom events be tracked? can be either false or an array of custom events otherwise:
  track_custom: [
      // (string) Selector of the elements you want to track:
      selector: '[data-comix-click]',
      // (string) The DOM event which triggers the track event:
      event: 'click',
      // (object) The name of the event which will be tracked:
      name: {
        // (string) Enumerator, could be either 'attribute', 'text' or 'function'
        type: 'attribute',
        // if type is 'attribute' - value is the name of the attribute which its value is the event name,
        // if type is 'text' - value is a string which is the event name,
        // if type is 'function' - value is a function which its returned value is the event name:
        value: 'data-comix-click'   
      // (object) The properties (meta data) of the event which will be tracked:
      properties: {
        // (string) Enumerator, could be either 'attribute', 'text' or 'function'
        type: 'attribute',
        // if type is 'attribute' - value is the name of the attribute which its value contains the STRINGIFIED version of the event properties JSON object,
        // if type is 'text' - value is a string which contains the STRINGIFIED version of the event properties JSON object,
        // if type is 'function' - value is a function which its returned value is the event properties JSON object:
        value: 'data-comix-props'   
  1. If you set track_links or track_forms to true, make sure to add an attribute with the name specified in the init method.
  2. If you wish to track events pragmatically, you can use the track event:
    comix.track('EVENT_NAME'[, {...}[, fncCallback]])
  • 'EVENT_NAME' (string) - the event name
  • {...} (object) - additional properties to add to the event (extra data) (optional)
  • fncCallback (function) - callback function to call after the event successfully submitted (optional)


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


  • 0.2.7 Jun 6th, 2016
    • Option to collect the event properties from DOM
    • Allow bubbling event to element ancestors in case selector does not match target element
    • Expose trackPageView event tracking
  • 0.2.1 Nov 22nd, 2015
    • Multiple providers support (Mixpanel, Google Analytics)
    • Bugfixes
  • 0.1.7 Aug 5rd, 2015
    • Bugfixes
  • 0.1.3 Jul 16th, 2015
    • New methods: trackCharge, disableEvents, registerEventsProperties, unregisterEventsProperties, identifyUser, registerUserProperties
    • New options in comix.init method
    • Modules refactoring
    • More demos on test file
  • 0.0.4 Jul 14th, 2015 - First release





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