A lightweight JavaScript to change the main color of images, background images, videos and canvases in the page
- Features
- Zero dependencies
- Very easy to use
- Multiple color formats
- Fully accessible
- Works on all modern browsers (no IE support)
npm install --save color-change
<img class="cc" src="a.jpeg" />
<div class="cc" style="background:url(b.jpeg)"></div>
<video class="cc" src="c.mp4" ></video>
<canvas class="cc"></canvas>
import {ColorChange} from 'color-change'
// Select the element you want to change
let cc = new ColorChange('.cc')
// Change the color & hue of the element into 'red'
console.log('set color finish .')
img color pick:
import {ColorPick} from 'color-change'
// Get the main color of the img
let cp = new ColorPick(document.querySelector('img'))
let mainColor=color // [r,g,b]
let colorArray=colors // [[r,g,b],...]
// May also use async/await
let colors=await cp.getColors(5) // return [[r,g,b],...]
ColorPick + ColorChange:
import {ColorChange,ColorPick} from 'color-change'
let cp = new ColorPick(document.querySelector('img'))
// Get the main color of the img
// Change video color to img main color
let cc = new ColorChange('video')
* ColorChange(el[,isBrightness][,isSaturate])
* el: img,background,video,canvas // Select the element you want to change
* isBrightness: bool // Turn on color brightness recognition.
* isSaturate: bool // Turn on color saturation recognition.
let cc =new ColorChange(el,isBrightness,isSaturate)
// function
cc.setColor('#f00') // set color, rgb(255,0,0)| #ff0000 .., return Promise
cc.clear() // clear color
* ColorPick(sourceImage)
* sourceImage: img,background,video,canvas // Want to get source Image of the color
let cp =new ColorPick(sourceImage)
// function
cp.getColor().then((color)=>{ ... }) // Promise, get mian color, return [r,g,b]
cp.getColors(5).then((colors)=>{ ... }) // Promise, Get colors, return [[r,g,b],...]
cross domain URLs are not supported !!!
Please enable cross domain access of resources on the server or use the proxy
Copyright (c) 2022 zhu18@vip.qq.com
color-change is licensed under the MIT license.