
0.4.4 • Public • Published
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AWS S3, SNS or SQS endpoint for cinovo-logger.

Getting started

At first you must install and require the logger.

npm install cinovo-logger

Next you must require the module

var logger = require("cinovo-logger");

Append cinovo-logger-aws endpoint

npm install cinovo-logger-aws

In your JavaScript code append the S3 endpoint.

require("cinovo-logger-aws").s3(true, true, true, true, "./log", "s3_", ".log", 1024 * 1024, 60 * 60, 5, "eu-west-1", "my-bucket-name", "my/folder", undefined, undefined, function(err, endpoint) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    } else {

and / or append the SNS endpoint.

logger.append(require("cinovo-logger-aws").sns(true, true, true, true, "eu-west-1", "topicArn"));

and / or append the SQS endpoint.

logger.append(require("cinovo-logger-aws").sqs(true, true, true, true, "eu-west-1", "queueUrl"));

Log something

logger.debug("all values are ok");"myscript", "all values are ok");
logger.error("myscript", "some values are not ok", {a: 10, b: 20});
logger.exception("myscript", "some values are not ok", new Error("error"));
logger.critical("myscript", "all values are not ok", {a: 10, b: 20}, function(err) { ... });


Now you can log to AWS S3, SNS or SQS endpoints.


sns(debug, info, error, critial, region, topicArn, [accessKeyId, secretAccessKey])

Sync creates an SNS endpoint.

  • debug: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log debug level
  • info: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log info level
  • error: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log error level
  • critical: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log critical level
  • region: String - your AWS region
  • topicArn: String - the topic you want to publish to
  • accessKeyId: String - your AWS access key ID (optional)
  • secretAccessKey: String - your AWS secret access key (optional)

return: Endpoint - use the endpoint like this logger.append(endpoint)

sqs(debug, info, error, critial, region, queueUrl, [accessKeyId, secretAccessKey])

Sync creates an SQS endpoint.

  • debug: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log debug level
  • info: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log info level
  • error: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log error level
  • critical: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log critical level
  • region: String - your AWS region
  • queueUrl: String - the URL of the SQS queue to take action on
  • accessKeyId: String - your AWS access key ID (optional)
  • secretAccessKey: String - your AWS secret access key (optional)

return: Endpoint - use the endpoint like this logger.append(endpoint)

s3(debug, info, error, critial, dir, fileSuffix, filePrefix, maxFileSize, maxFileAge, maxFiles, region, bucket, bucketDir, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, callback)

Async creates an cinovo-logger-file endpoint to copy log files into S3 on roll or stop.

  • debug: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log debug level
  • info: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log info level
  • error: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log error level
  • critical: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log critical level
  • dir: String - directory in which log files are saved.
  • filePrefix: String -
  • fileSuffix: String -
  • maxFileSize: Number - bytes
  • maxFileAge: Number - seconds
  • maxFiles: Number - Maximum Number of files in dir (oldest are removed first)
  • region: String - your AWS region
  • bucket: String - your AWS bucke name
  • bucketDir: String or Function - your AWS bucket "directory" (e. g. logs/ or logs/a/b/)
  • accessKeyId: String - your AWS access key ID (optional)
  • secretAccessKey: String - your AWS secret access key (optional)
  • callback: Function(err, endpoint) - fired if the endpoint is ready to use
    • err: Error (optional)
    • endpoint: Endpoint - use the endpoint like this logger.append(endpoint)

s3watcher(endpoint, region, bucket, bucketDir, [accessKeyId, secretAccessKey])

Sync takes an cinovo-logger-file endpoint to copy log files into S3 on roll or stop.

  • endpoint: FileEndpoint
  • region: String - your AWS region
  • bucket: String - your AWS bucke name
  • bucketDir: String or Function - your AWS bucket "directory" (e. g. logs/ or logs/a/b/)
  • accessKeyId: String - your AWS access key ID (optional)
  • secretAccessKey: String - your AWS secret access key (optional)



If the file can not be copied to S3 during roll.

  • err: Error
s3Copy(file, etag)
  • file: String - name of file that was copied (without path)
  • etag: String - AWS entity tag for the uploaded object


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