
1.0.9 • Public • Published
## charming-log

Enhance your console output with colors, styles, symbols, and more!


npm install charming-console

Why charming-log?

  • Why have multiple packages, when you can have one?
  • Get rid of chalk, cli-spinners, console.table, time-stamp, and many others. We have you covered.
  • This package is constantly growing in features! What you need, we have. And if we don't have it, email us at


const {colorize, symbols, alignText, table, spin, createClickableLink, time} = require('charming-console');

// Colorize text
console.log(colorize('This is red text!', 'red'));
console.log(colorize('This is green text!', 'green'));
console.log(colorize('This is blue text!', 'blue'));

// Apply styles
console.log(applyStyle('Bold and italic text', 'bold,italic'));

// Display symbols
console.log(symbols.success, 'Operation successful!');
console.log(symbols.error, 'Error occurred!');
console.log(symbols.warning, 'Warning: proceed with caution!');
console.log(, 'Information: check this out!');

// Align text
console.log(alignText('Right-aligned text', 'right'));
console.log(alignText('Center-aligned text', 'center'));

// Create a table
const data = [
  { name: 'John', age: 28, city: 'New York' },
  { name: 'Alice', age: 22, city: 'Los Angeles' },
  { name: 'Bob', age: 34, city: 'Chicago' },

// Clickable link
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', ''));
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', 'green')); 
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', 'red', 'bold,underline'));
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', 'blue', 'white', 'bold,underline'));
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', 'bold,underline'));

//Spin forever
const forcast = spin('forcast');
//Spin for 5 seconds
const forcast = spin('forcast');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);

const formattedDate = time('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', new Date());
const timestamp = time();
const timestamputc = time.utc();
const formattedUtcDate = time.utc('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', new Date());



//Red Text
console.log(colorize('Red text', 'red'));
//Green text with a yellow background
console.log(colorize('Green text', 'green', 'yellow'));
console.log(colorize('Blue text', '#0000FF', '#FFFF00'));

Apply Styles

console.log(applyStyle('Bold and italic text', 'bold,italic'));
console.log(applyStyle('Underlined text', 'underline'));

Display Symbols

//Symbol Success `✓`
console.log(symbols.success, 'Operation successful!');
//Symbol Error `✗`
console.log(symbols.error, 'Error occurred!');
//Symbol Warning `⚠`
console.log(symbols.warning, 'Warning: proceed with caution!');
//Symbol Info `ℹ`
console.log(, 'Information: check this out!');

Align Text

//Align Right
console.log(alignText('Right-aligned text', 'right'));
//Align Center
console.log(alignText('Center-aligned text', 'center'));

Create a Table

const data = [
  { name: 'John', age: 28, city: 'New York' },
  { name: 'Alice', age: 22, city: 'Los Angeles' },
  { name: 'Bob', age: 34, city: 'Chicago' },

Interactive or clickable console output

// Basic usage, default color is blue
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', ''));

// Custom color and style
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', 'green', 'bold,underline'));

// Basic usage with text color and background color
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', 'blue', 'white', 'bold,underline,italic'));

// Custom text and background colors with style
console.log(createClickableLink('Click me!', '', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', 'bold,underline,italic'));


//Spin Forever
const forcast = spin('forcast');
//Spin for 5 seconds
const forcast = spin('forcast');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);


time(str, date, utc)

Formats a date object according to the provided format string.

  • str (string): The format string specifying how the date should be formatted.
  • date (Date, optional): The date object to format. Defaults to the current date.
  • utc (boolean, optional): If true, UTC time will be used. Defaults to false.

Returns: A formatted date string.

time.utc(str, date)

Same as time, but uses UTC time.

const formattedDate = time('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', new Date());

const formattedUtcDate = time.utc('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', new Date());



Style Description
RESET Resets all styles.
BRIGHT Bright or bold text.
DIM Dim or faint text.
UNDERLINE Underlined text.
BLINK Blinking text.
REVERSE Reversed background and foreground colors.
HIDDEN Hidden or invisible text.
ITALIC Italicized text.


Color Description
BLACK Black text.
RED Red text.
GREEN Green text.
YELLOW Yellow text.
BLUE Blue text.
MAGENTA Magenta (purple) text.
CYAN Cyan (blue-green) text.
WHITE White text.
GRAY Gray text.
BRIGHT_RED Bright or light red text.
BRIGHT_GREEN Bright or light green text.
BRIGHT_YELLOW Bright or light yellow text.
BRIGHT_BLUE Bright or light blue text.
BRIGHT_MAGENTA Bright or light magenta (pink) text.
BRIGHT_CYAN Bright or light cyan text.
BRIGHT_WHITE Bright or light white text.

Background Color

Background Color Description
BG_BLACK Black background.
BG_RED Red background.
BG_GREEN Green background.
BG_YELLOW Yellow background.
BG_BLUE Blue background.
BG_MAGENTA Magenta (purple) background.
BG_CYAN Cyan (blue-green) background.
BG_WHITE White background.
BG_GRAY Gray background.
BG_BRIGHT_RED Bright or light red background.
BG_BRIGHT_GREEN Bright or light green background.
BG_BRIGHT_YELLOW Bright or light yellow background.
BG_BRIGHT_BLUE Bright or light blue background.
BG_BRIGHT_MAGENTA Bright or light magenta (pink) background.
BG_BRIGHT_CYAN Bright or light cyan background.
BG_BRIGHT_WHITE Bright or light white background.

Spinner Types

Explore a variety of spinners to add dynamic elements to your console output. Choose from the following spinner types:

Spinner Type Spinner Type Spinner Type Spinner Type
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
lines1 lines2 arrowPipe lilDots
scrollyDots stary xstars waveFlip
spongebob upDown leftRight balloonPop
balloonPop2 flash cornerBounce lineBounce
triangle binary noahsArc around
squareCorners circle25 circle.5 grid
toggleLine togglesmBox togglebBox togglesbBox
toggleReq target eye arrowRound
arrowRight reboundingBar bounceBall silly
peekaBoo love time earth
moonPhase trackStar pingPong babyShark
forcast santa bomb fingy
booYah soccer crazy colorPulse

Choose the spinner that suits your console output style and adds a touch of creativity!

Time Format Options

The format string can include the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
YYYY Full year (4 digits).
YY Short year (2 digits).
MM Month (zero-padded).
DD Day of the month (zero-padded).
HH Hours (zero-padded).
mm Minutes (zero-padded).
ss Seconds (zero-padded).
ms Milliseconds.

Questions, Comments, Support?

Send us an email at to create a ticket! Or join our Discord


This project is licensed under the MIT License


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