Hi! It's a React component to build a customized UI of https://github.com/hibiken/react-places-autocomplete.
It's too a component Google Maps Places Autocomplete for React.
- npm install chalo-location-search-input
- yarn add chalo-location-search-input
It connects to the google API and returns the validated address
You can see the example complete in directory src/example/ExampleImplementation.js
// src/example/ExampleImplementation.js
//It's a method when response ok
handleSuccess = response => {
console.log("success: Direction valid",response);
//It's a method when response bad
handleError = response => {
console.log("error: Direction inavlid",response);
render () {
return (<LocationSearchInput
Additional note, the Google API script is required.
<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR-KEY-GOOGLE-API&libraries=places"></script>