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0.1.28 • Public • Published

ChakraUI Custom Components

ChakraUI Custom Components is a library created by jpcchaves, a Software Engineer who loves using Chakra UI in his React TypeScript projects. This library includes a set of custom components commonly used in his projects, aiming to simplify development by avoiding code replication across projects.


To install ChakraUI Custom Components in your project, run the following command:

npm install chakra-ui-custom-components
yarn add chakra-ui-custom-components


Importing Components

import {
   /* other components */,
} from 'chakra-ui-custom-components';



Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { InputComponent } from 'chakra-ui-custom-components';

const MyForm: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      handleChange={() => {}}
      handleBlur={() => {}}


Prop Type Description
inputLabel string The label for the input field.
isInvalid boolean Indicates whether the input is in an invalid state.
inputErrorMessage string Error message to be displayed when isInvalid is true.
onChange (e?: FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Event handler for the input change event.
onBlur (e?: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Event handler for the input blur event.
inputValue string The current value of the input.
inputIdentifier string A unique identifier for the input.
isRequired boolean Indicates whether the input is required.
hasFloatingLabel boolean Indicates whether the input has a floating label.
placeholder string Placeholder text for the input.
floatingLabelBgColor string Background color for the floating label. Default is '#FFFFFF'. Various props from Chakra UI's InputProps Refer to Chakra UI Input documentation for additional props and customization options.

Utility Function: floatingLabelVariant

The floatingLabelVariant function returns custom styles for a floating label variant within the Chakra UI Form component. It takes two parameters:

  • floatingLabelBgLight (string): Background color for the label when the overall background is light.
  • floatingLabelBgDark (string): Background color for the label when the overall background is dark.
// Import this function to get custom styles for the floating label variant
export const floatingLabelVariant = (
  floatingLabelBgLight: string,
  floatingLabelBgDark: string
) => {
  return {
    components: {
      Form: {
        variants: {
          floating: {
            container: {
              _focusWithin: {
                label: {
              'input:not(:placeholder-shown) + label, .chakra-select__wrapper + label, textarea:not(:placeholder-shown) ~ label': {
              label: {
                top: 0,
                left: 0,
                zIndex: 2,
                position: 'absolute',
                backgroundColor: floatingLabelBgLight,
                pointerEvents: 'none',
                mx: 3,
                px: 1,
                my: 2,
                transformOrigin: 'left top',
                _dark: {
                  backgroundColor: floatingLabelBgDark,

Applying the Floating Label Variant

Follow these instructions to seamlessly integrate the custom floating label variant into your Chakra UI theme configuration.

1. Import Dependencies

In your Chakra theme configuration file, start by importing the necessary dependencies:

// In the user's Chakra theme configuration file
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { floatingLabelVariant } from 'chakraui-custom-components';

2.Define Background Colors and pass them to floatingLabelVariant method

Define the background colors for the floating label variant in both light and dark modes:

const floatingLabelBgLight = '#FFFFFF'; // Set your desired light mode background color
const floatingLabelBgDark = '#1B254B'; // Set your desired dark mode background color

const floatingLabelStyle = floatingLabelVariant(
); // the function returns the custom variant with the custom background colors your selected

3. Use the floatingLabelStyle in your chakra global styles definition

const globalStyles = {
  components: {

4. Add the global styles in your chakra theme definition

const theme = extendTheme(
    /* you theme extensions here */

5. Add theme in Chakra Provider

<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>/* your app*/</ChakraProvider>


Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { PasswordInput } from 'chakra-ui-custom-components';

const MyForm: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      handleChange={() => {}}
      handleBlur={() => {}}


Prop Type Description
inputLabel string The label for the password input.
isRequired boolean Indicates if the password input is required.
handleChange function The function to handle password input changes.
handleBlur function The function to handle password input blur.
inputValue string The value of the password input.
inputIdentifier string A unique identifier for the password input.
isInvalid boolean Indicates if the password input is invalid.
inputErrorMessage string The error message to display for an invalid password.
hasFloatingLabel boolean (optional) Adds a floating label effect.
placeholder string (optional) The placeholder text for the password input.
variant string (optional) The Chakra UI variant for the password input. Various props from Chakra UI's InputProps Refer to Chakra UI Input documentation for additional props and customization options.


The ScrollTop component is a React component designed to provide a convenient "scroll to top" button for a web page. When the user scrolls down the page, the button becomes visible, and clicking it smoothly scrolls the page back to the top.


Import the ScrollTop component into your React application and use it within your desired component or layout.

import { ScrollTop } from 'chakraui-custom-components';

// ... your other imports

const YourComponent = () => {
  // ... your component logic

  return (
      {/_ Your component content _/}
      {/_ ... _/}

      {/* ScrollTop component */}
      <ScrollTop />

export default YourComponent;


Prop Type Description
aria-label string ARIA label for accessibility. Automatically handled for the button. Various props from Chakra UI's IconButton Refer to Chakra UI IconButton documentation for additional props and customization options.


  • The button becomes visible when the user scrolls down the page.
  • Clicking the button smoothly scrolls the page back to the top.


import { ArrowUpIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
import { ScrollTop } from 'chakraui-custom-components';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      {/_ Your component content _/}
      {/_ ... _/}

      {/* ScrollTop component with custom props */}
        // ... other IconButton props

export default ExampleComponent;

Feel free to customize the ScrollTop component by passing additional props to the IconButton component.


  aria-label="Your ARIA label"


The FloatButton component is a customized button component built to create a floating button that can be positioned on the screen.


Import the FloatButton component and use it within your React application.

import React from 'react';
import { FloatButton } from 'chakraui-custom-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const handleButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
    // Handle button click event
    console.log('Button Clicked!', event);

  return (
      {/_ Other components _/}

      {/_ Use FloatButton component _/}
      <FloatButton onClick={handleButtonClick} />


Name Type Description
onClick (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void Callback function triggered when the button is clicked. Various props from Chakra UI's IconButton Refer to Chakra UI IconButton documentation for additional props and customization options.


import React from 'react';
import { FloatButton } from 'chakraui-custom-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const handleButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
    // Handle button click event
    console.log('Button Clicked!', event);

  return (
      {/_ Other components _/}

      {/_ Use FloatButton component _/}
        icon={<YourIconComponent />}
        // Add other Chakra UI IconButton props as needed

This example showcases how to use the FloatButton component with additional customization using Chakra UI's IconButton props.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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    • jpcchaves