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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Callback Batcher

PRs Welcome License: MIT

Browser Demo 👀

Built at @Tubitv


This library provides a simple tool for in-memory rate-limiting of function invocation in both the browser and in node. Key features:

  • The developer can choose between rate-limiting algorithms with different "burstiness" characteristics
  • The next call after a series of throttled calls is passed a count of previously throttled calls, which is useful for situations in which the developer needs to track occurrences of a certain event without impacting each occurence creating load on a scarce resource
  • Callback functions passed to the batcher utility can be assigned an identifier string, allowing a single batcher instance to separately rate-limit many distinct kinds or categories of event

This tool is ideal for situations where--for example--a client application issues repeating log, error, or analytics events which must all be tracked, but where there is also a need to minimize load on a logging or tracking service.


npm i callback-batcher

This package has no runtime dependencies.

Basic Usage

The makeCallbackBatcher function, given a configuration, returns a batcher object:

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000,

This object exposes two functions. The first, schedule, is used to request invocation of a callback, subject to a rate limit:

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000,
batcher.schedule(() => console.log('invoked!')) > 'invoked!';

If we schedule callback invocations more quickly than the rate limit allows, some calls will be throttled, invoked only after some time. When invoked, the callbacks will be passed a count telling us how many calls were throttled in between the last sucessful scheduled invocation and the current one:

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000

for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
  batcher.schedule((c) => console.log('invoked! count: ${c}'))
> 'invoked! count: 1'
> 'invoked! count: 1'
> 'invoked! count: 1'
then after 1000ms...
> 'invoked! count: 3'

The second function on the batcher object, disposer, cleans up the timers used internally by the batcher, immediately making any trailing, batched invocations:

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000,

for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
  batcher.schedule((c) => console.log('invoked! count: ${c}'));
batcher.dispose() >
  'invoked! count: 1' >
  'invoked! count: 1' >
  'invoked! count: 1' >
  'invoked! count: 3';

Keeping State Per-Callback

The scheduler function on the batcher also accepts a second optional string argument. Called a "callback identifier hash", this value is meant to uniquely identify a callback to the batcher. This allows the batcher to separately track state for different callbacks.

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000,

// max out `callback-a`
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
  batcher.schedule((count) => console.log(`A ${count}`), 'callback-a');

// callback b will still be invoked as soon as it is scheduled
batcher.schedule((count) => console.log(`B ${count}`), 'callback-b') >
  'A 1' >
  'A 1' >
  'A 1' >
  'B 1';


The makeCallbackBatcher factory function can optionally be passed a strategy argument that specifies which algorithm to use for rate limiting. The various algorithms have their own configuration parameters.

The Leaky Bucket strategy assignes each callback a token bucket to which tokens are added at tokenRate (in milliseconds), with an initial and maximum value of maxTokens. Under callback invocation pressure, this strategy allows initial bursts of size maxTokens, with a trickle of batched calls following determined by tokenRate.

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  strategy: 'LEAKY_BUCKET',
  maxTokens: 3,
  tokenRate: 1000,

The Windowed Rate Limiter strategy keeps track of when invocations were previously requested for each callback identifier hash over a window of length windowSize (in milliseconds). If invoked more than callsPerWindow during this backwards-looking window, the callback is throttled. Batch invoations take place when calls slow down, or every windowSize milliseconds (to ensure that tailing calls are captured when there are no more invocations).

const batcher = makeCallbackBatcher({
  windowSize: 1000,
  callsPerWindow: 2,

When not passed a strategy argument, makeCallbackBatcher by default selects the Leaky Bucket strategy.

This in-browser demo vizualizes the varying timing charactaristics of the strategies.


The rate-limiting strategies employed by this library make use of setInterval internally. Many browser environments choose to throttle timers on inactive or hidden pages. This means that the rate of callback invocation may drop substantially below the configured rate.

However, if a Leaky Bucket batcher configured to refill buckets every second is throttled by the browser to instead add tokens only every ten seconds, the count value passed to the callback will be correct, ensuring that while the rate of callback invocation may slow, invocations can be tracked.

In a browser context, it may make sense to invoke the disposer cleanup function on the batcher in a beforeunload event. In addition to cleaning up setIntervals used internally, disposers make any tailing batched calls, ensuring that throttled callbacks are not "missed".


To make change to this library, clone it, run yarn install, and then yarn run start. This will launch the in-browser demo, which is useful for verifying that changes have their intended effects.

Unit tests (written using vitest) can be run via yarn test.


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