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A music package with buttons

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Table of content:

- installation

- Get started

- How to use


npm i buttube


yarn add buttube

get started

Here is how to get started

First you need to decide whether you will use a local file database or quick-mongo

Below is the line for Quic mongo

const Discord = require('discord.js');
Client = Discord.Client;
Intents = Discord.Intents;
//GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent is required
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES] });
const {buttube} = require('buttube')
client.buttube = new buttube(client, "mongodb url", embed, api)


client - Discord.client mongodb url - mongodb connection url embed - The setup embed api - the youtube api key used for add song to playlist function(now is shifted to this place)


Below is for Local file database

const Discord = require('discord.js');
Client = Discord.Client;
Intents = Discord.Intents;
//GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent is required
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES] });
const {quickbuttube} = require('buttube')
client.buttube = new quickbuttube(client, embed, api)


client - Discord.client embed - The setup embed api - the youtube api key used for add song to playlist function(now is shifted to this place)

another step

//add this event
client.on('interactionCreate', async(interaction) => {
    if (!interaction.isButton()) return;

another step

Here you can set the embed details. eg:-

//I have not added image as the image has to be the song thumnail
//you can only set title, footer and dexcription for now.
const playembed = {
    title: 'Now playing: -song.name-',
    footer: "Song's duration: -song.duration-",
    description: 'Some description' 
//-song.name- : this is the name of the song
//-song.url- : this is the song url
//-song.duration- : this is the song duration
//-song.user- : the user who requested the song

add the following line in Your code anywhere:-


how to use

here is how to create commands

play command

if(command === "play" || command === "p"){
        client.buttube.play(message, args.join(" "));
        //For playing your playlist the args.join(" ") should be equal to "my list". Eg: ?p my list.

to make setup command

if(command === "setup" || command === "leave"){

Creating Playlist Command

if(command === "addlist" || command === "a"){
        client.buttube.addSongToPlaylist(message, args.join(" "));

Deleting a playlist

if(command === "clearList" || command === "c"){

Slash Commands

added slash commands

//set listEnabled to true if you have provided an api key else set it to false
//if listEnabled is true then please fill addList and clear command's name
client.buttube.slashCmd(client, 'client_id', {
    listEnabled: true/false, 
    playCmd: 'play command name',
    setupCmd: 'setup command name',
    addList: 'add song to playlist command name',
    songName: 'the option name which is added to the slash command',
    clear: 'clear command name'

addlist function will not work witout api key addlist slashcommand is off by default to turn it on just set the above to true and provide the youtube api key

That's it enjoy

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