
1.5.6 • Public • Published


Ok what

Boomer cuts down on your task configuration. It is essentially a wrapper for grunt-contrib-connect and grunt-contrib-watch. You can also use an express app on top of it, that gives you a little more flexibility.

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Excerpt from the test case.

var boomer = require("../boomer")
module.exports = function ( grunt ){
  boomer(grunt, "boomer-connect")
      hostname: "*",
      base: "test/"
      html: "test/*.html"
      options: {
        spawn: false,
        interrupt: true
      html: {
        files: ["test/*.html"],
        tasks: ["lr:html"]

boomer is a function, you should call it with a grunt instance and an optional task name.

Note: by default boomer registers under the "default" grunt task.

Here's an express example (also from the tests):

var path = require("path")
var boomer = require("../boomer")
var express = require("express")
var app = express()
module.exports = function ( grunt ){
  boomer(grunt, "boomer-express")
    .express(app, function(  ){
      app.use(express.static(path.join(process.cwd(), "test")))
      html: "test/*.html"
      options: {
        spawn: false,
        interrupt: true
      html: {
        files: ["test/*.html"],
        tasks: ["lr:html"]

What is what


options - Object

Simple: it gets passed to the connect task as follows:

grunt.config("connect.boomer.options", options)

.express(app, setup)

app - Function

Like this:

var app = express()

setup - Function [Optional]

A function called when the task is run. Use it to setup your app here.

You should slate calling methods like .use() on the app, because boomer dynamically assigns a free port to the server when the task is run.

In order for the live reloading to work, your app initialization must come after the live reload script.

Use the setup callback to do that.


options - Object

Gets passed directly to the watch task like this:

for( var name in options ){
  grunt.config("watch."+name, options[name])


options - Object

Boomer registers a helper task called lr. It has a single boolean option called refresh. If set to true, only the first file will be posted to the lr server. It's useful when you want to monitor files that would always reload the whole page (like .js, .html), so only one will be sent.

  js: {
    options: {refresh: true},
    src: "public/script/**/*.js"
  img: "public/image/**/*.{jpe?g,png,gif,svg}"

It posts changed files to the livereload server so your browser can refresh.

It does this:

for( var name in options ){
  grunt.config("lr."+name, options[name])


callback - Function(options)

Called when the server is started. The host the server is running on. (Usually your local IP) options.port The server port. options.livereload The livereload port.


Check the source, it's really straightforward.

Use it like this:

// I want these files posted to the browser
  html: "test/*.html"
  options: {
    spawn: false,
    interrupt: true
  html: {
    // when these files change
    files: ["test/*.html"],
    // call the lr task
    tasks: ["lr:html"]

That's it! MIT. Happy coding!

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