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1.3.2 • Public • Published


The lightest of libraries for good solid HTML data binding.


If you are like me and often want to spin up a quick project that uses just plain JavaScript.

  • No compilation process
  • No bundle bigger than my actual project
  • No complex setup or strict framework "rules"
  • No Virtual DOM

Just... Data... Binding... This is for you


All you need to know to get this library working is:

Colon (:) before any attribute or text within a (${}) in a text node become Bind Handlers.

A Bind Handler is what Binds the Reactive Data and the HTML, expressions defined within Bind Handlers get re-evaluated ONLY when data changes that concern that Bind Handler happen

Data changes have direct effect on DOM updates thanks to native JavaScript Proxy API, which gets rid of the need for expensive dirty checking or setter functions.

Using the Proxy API along-side Bind Handlers, anytime a property is updated, all and ONLY the DOM elements that are related to that data are updated accordingly.

This library requires no configuration, or setup, just include the js bundle into your page and you are ready to start binding reactive data to your HTML

Not buying it?

This library is also built thinking about how YOU might want to scale it up to your specific needs. Chances are you DO need data reactivity, but you want it to affect your DOM in your very own specific way, with this library you can create you own HTML Bind Handlers which can interact and take full advantage of the internal data reactivity implementation.

Don't be shy and take a look at the demo:

How to use

// Install with npm
npm install bindrjs


Include the script tag your HTML

<!-- This will make the Bind object available globally in your scripts -->
<script src="node_modules/dist/index.js"> </script>


// Import the Bind class to your file
import { Bind } from 'bindrjs'
// New instance of Bind
let MainContent = new Bind({
  // Id of the element that will benefit from the Bind context
  id: 'main-content', // (Required)
  // HTML template string or path to HTML file, if provided it will replace
  // the content of the container found with the id (paths only work when running the app in a live server)
  template: '', // (Optional)
  // Reactive properties that will be provided in the template 
  bind: { // (Optional)
    // These are accessible in the template trough the "this" keyword
    text: 'Hello world!'

// This is 100% reactive!

// You can access the properties of the Bind instance
// > Hello world!

// And reassign them
MainContent.bind.text = 'Changing reactive data';
// Now any part of the template that depends on "this.text" property WILL automatically be updated accordingly

TS type safety:

You can have type safety when using TS by providing your own interface to the Bind class

interface IHomeView {
  header: string

let HomeBind = new Bind<IHomeView>({
  id: 'home',
  bind: {
    header: 0 // This will error out because IHomeView interface requests a string

let bind = HomeBind.bind // The reactive bind object will follow the IHomeView interface, and provide any intellisense available from your IDE


Download the code

// Clone repository
git clone
// Go to directory
cd bindrjs
// Install dependencies
npm run install


npm run compile


npm run examples

This will run the examples page ( locally


npm run test

Things that have been built using BindrJS

Thanks for passing by, more things are under active development. HAPPY CODING!


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  • damuz