
0.0.11 • Public • Published

B-Graph DB

Javascript database. Memory DB with nested b-graph (B-Tree).

Please use version > 0.0.9

From v0.0.10, db structure use String instead of object for a storage(bgraph) of label to avoid JSON circular iteration problem.

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👩‍🎓 Tutorial

Most of Case

const bgraphdb = new BGraphDB();
bgraphdb.insertData("test1", "1", "1");
bgraphdb.insertData("test1", "2", "2");
bgraphdb.insertData("test1", "3", "3");
bgraphdb.insertData("test1", "4", "4");
bgraphdb.insertData("test1", "5", "5");
bgraphdb.deleteData("test1", "6");

This database stays in the memory. So if you want to maintain them, you need to store them in the persistent storage. The database can be serialized and the serialized database can be stored by indexedDB or using file system from node.js.

Don't store bigger than what hardware can handle.

It would be good to maintain read and write a file speed under 1 second for desktop apps. For example: If you target HDD users, less than 80mb size of serialized database. If you target SSD users, less than 450mb size of serialized database.

Another good option is read and write only when your apps need to. For example: Read a db file only when your app is strating. Write a db file only before your app is closing. Or only when user decides to write a db file.

📖 Simple document

function insertLabel(label)
description This function is for reserving place of 1 b-graph for storing data. This is like name of category or page. And data will be stored under that name (label)
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return true for inserting label otherwise false
function updateLabel(oldLabel, newLabel)
description This function is for updating name of label.
arg: oldLabel string, old name of b-graph to store data
arg: newLabel string, new name of b-graph to store data
return false for failure of updating value, true for success
function deleteLabel(label)
description This function deletes label. Which mean it removes all of data under the name of label.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return does not exist yet
function insertData(label, key, value)
description This function inserts the key and value inside of b-graph of the label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
arg: value anything but recommend the value that can be JSON.stringfy()
return false for failure of inserting data, true for success
function updateData(label, key, value)
description This function updates value of the key inside of b-graph of label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
arg: value new value. anything but recommend the value that can be JSON.stringfy()
return false for failure of updating data, true for success
function deleteData(label, key)
description This function deletes the data of key inside of b-graph of label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
return false for failure of deleting data, true for success
function search(label, key)
description This function searches key inside of b-graph of label and return the value of key
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
return unidentified for failure of searching data, value for success
function searchRange(label, key, total, position = 0)
description This function searches data and returns multiple number of data from the position
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
arg: total number, number of data from the position
arg: position number, the position where it start to store data into list. This let us skip first number of data from the where key is.
return unidentified for wrong label and key. list of data for success. else empty list
function searchRangeBackward(label, key, total, position = 0)
description This function searches data and returns multiple number of data from the position. Adds data backward.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: key string, name of value
arg: total number, number of data from the position
arg: position number, the position where it start to store data into list. This let us skip first number of data from the where key is.
return unidentified for wrong label and key. list of data for success. else empty list
function searchLabelContains(substring, total, position, lastKey)
description This function is for finding list of labels that contains substring.
arg: substring string
arg: total number, number of labels to grab
arg: position number, number to skip labels
arg: lastKey string, last label where it should start search from
return return list of label (empty list as well)
function searchLabelContainsOnlyLabel(substring, total, position, lastKey)
description This function is for finding list of labels that contains substring.
arg: substring string
arg: total number, number of labels to grab
arg: position number, number to skip labels
arg: lastKey string, last label where it should start search from
return return list of label (empty list as well)
function searchKeyContains(label, substring, total, position, lastKey)
description This function is for finding list of data that its key contains substring.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: substring string
arg: total number, number of data to grab
arg: position number, number to skip data
arg: lastKey string, last key where it should start search from
return return list of data (empty list as well)
function searchValueContains(label, substring, total, position, lastKey)
description This function is for finding list of data that its value contains substring.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
arg: substring string
arg: total number, number of data to grab
arg: position number, number to skip data
arg: lastKey string, last key where it should start search from
return return list of data (empty list as well)
function getStart(label)
description This function is for finding list of data that its value contains substring.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return return first data,
function getEnd(label)
description This function is for finding list of data that its value contains substring.
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return return last data
function getAllLabels()
description This function returns a list of labels
return return array list
function getAllKeysFromLabel(label)
description This function returns a list of all key from label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return return array list
function getAllValuesFromLabel(label)
description This function returns a list of all value from label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return return array list
function getAllFromLabel(label)
description This function returns a list of all data from label
arg: label string, name of b-graph to store data
return return array list
function serialize()
description serialize database. it can be stored by indexedDB or using file system from node.js
return string, serialized database
function deserialize(string)
description deserialize serialized database.
arg: string string, serialized database

👨‍💻 Author

Victor Chanil Park

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