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1.0.3 • Public • Published

Battle Pass Manager

The Battle Pass Manager is a class that manages the progression and rewards of a battle pass. It provides functionality to track the current level, total XP earned, and emit events when certain conditions are met. The manager extends the EventEmitter class from the node:events module to handle event emission and listening.


To use the Battle Pass Manager, you need to have Node.js installed on your system. You can then import the required modules and classes into your project.

npm install battlepass


First, import the necessary classes and types into your project:

import {
} from "./BattlePassManager";

Creating a Battle Pass Manager

To create a new instance of the BattlePassManager class, provide an array of levels in the battle pass. Each level should have an associated XP threshold and optional rewards.

const levels = [
  { xp: 100, rewards: [{ name: "Reward 1" }] },
  { xp: 200, rewards: [{ name: "Reward 2" }] },
  { xp: 300, rewards: [{ name: "Reward 3" }] },
  // Add more levels as needed

const battlePass = new BattlePassManager(levels);

You can also specify the current level and total XP earned as optional parameters:

const battlePass = new BattlePassManager(levels, 2, 150);

Listening to Events

The BattlePassManager class extends the EventEmitter class, allowing you to listen for events emitted by the manager.

Listening to Battle Pass Events

To listen to any battle pass event, use the onBattlepassEvent method. Provide the event name and a callback function to handle the event.

battlePass.onBattlepassEvent("levelUp", (reward: BattlePassReward) => {
  console.log(`Level up! Reached level ${reward.level}`);
  console.log("Unlocked rewards:", reward.rewards);

battlePass.onBattlepassEvent("maxLevel", () => {
    "Congratulations! You reached the maximum level in the battle pass."

Listening to Specific Events

The BattlePassManager class provides convenience methods to listen to specific events, such as "levelUp" and "maxLevel".

Listening to the "levelUp" Event

To listen specifically to the "levelUp" event, use the onLevelUp method. Provide a callback function that receives the reward object (BattlePassReward) as an argument.

battlePass.onLevelUp((reward: BattlePassReward) => {
  console.log(`Level up! Reached level ${reward.level}`);
  console.log("Unlocked rewards:", reward.rewards);
Listening to the "maxLevel" Event

To listen specifically to the "maxLevel" event, use the onMaxLevel method. Provide a callback function that does not receive any arguments.

battlePass.onMaxLevel(() => {
    "Congratulations! You reached the maximum level in the battle pass."

Adding XP

You can add XP to the battle pass using the addXp method. Provide the amount of XP to add as a parameter.


The addXp method increments the total XP earned and checks if the added XP causes the player to level up. If a level up occurs, the "levelUp" event is emitted with the corresponding reward information. If the player reaches the maximum level, the "maxLevel" event is emitted.

Event Documentation

The BattlePassManager

emits the following events:

Event: "levelUp"

Emitted when the player levels up in the battle pass.

battlePass.on("levelUp", (reward: BattlePassReward) => {
  // Handle level up event

The event callback function receives the reward object (BattlePassReward) as an argument. The reward object contains the level number and an array of rewards for that level.

Event: "maxLevel"

Emitted when the player reaches the maximum level in the battle pass.

battlePass.on("maxLevel", () => {
  // Handle max level event

The event callback function does not receive any arguments.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


The Battle Pass Manager is released under the MIT License.

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