babel-plugin-sjsp ⚡
A babel plugin, for sjsp (Simple JavaScript Profiler).
What is it
This is a babel plugin for JavaScript profiler, inspired by sjsp, which is implemented in Haskell.
And babel-plugin-sjsp
is forked from node-sjsp.
How to install
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-sjsp
- .babelrc
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-sjsp", { "interval": 10 }]
- Options
Type: number
Default: 1
output interval.
Open the page with your browser and you can see profiles in the JavaScript console every 1 seconds. (you can change this interval by interval
========== SORT BY TIME ==========
time: 0.60sec count: 1777 something.js test1 (line: 7, col: 17) function test1(){
time: 0.60sec count: 1701 something.js test0 (line: 1, col: 17) function test0(){
time: 0.58sec count: 1601 something.js test4 (line: 25, col: 17) function test4(){
time: 0.57sec count: 1703 something.js test2 (line: 13, col: 17) function test2(){
time: 0.54sec count: 1632 something.js test3 (line: 19, col: 17) function test3(){
time: 0.53sec count: 1586 something.js test5 (line: 31, col: 17) function test5(){
========== SORT BY COUNT ==========
time: 0.60sec count: 1777 something.js test1 (line: 7, col: 17) function test1(){
time: 0.57sec count: 1703 something.js test2 (line: 13, col: 17) function test2(){
time: 0.60sec count: 1701 something.js test0 (line: 1, col: 17) function test0(){
time: 0.54sec count: 1632 something.js test3 (line: 19, col: 17) function test3(){
time: 0.58sec count: 1601 something.js test4 (line: 25, col: 17) function test4(){
For details, see original document
How it works
This profiling is available for browser only now.