A TypeScript/Javascript implementation of a binary tree map.
Package Objective
The TreeMap
class merges the functionality of key=>value pairs with the
sorting power of an AVL Tree. An AVL Tree is a derivative of the Binary Search
Tree (BST) which self-balances its subtrees to achieve reliable O(log n) on
the core lookup, insertion, & deletion functions.
At any one time, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most 1 due to rebalancing that occurs upon insertion & deletion when the tree becomes unbalanced. The AVL data structure was designed and named after the inventors Georgy Adelson-Velsky & Evgenii Landis.
This TreeMap
class uses the object compare()
method to sort the LeafNode
keys upon insertion. The associated value in the key-value pair is stored in the
same node as its key via add(key, value)
The TreeMap is implemented to support generic types provided at the new
construction of the TreeMap object. See the constructor()
function for
The class provides default a compare()
function to sort keys of either
typeof number
or typeof string
. See the compare()
function for further
explanation. You must override this function to specify a different ordering
scheme or handle different typeof key
sorting. Ordering schemes & sort will
effect how nodes are searched and ordered when extracted from the data
structure. For the best performance, using a key with typeof number
is the
fastest, then typeof string
, and lastly a custom object comparator. With this
in mind, if you are attempting to sort lots of objects, you should
extract/derive an unique numeric id
or string UUID
as the key to the
pair that you insert into the tree where your value is the object
you are attempting to sort and store.
How to use
1. Install
npm install --save avl-treemap
2. Import & intialize
import { TreeMap } from "avl-treemap"; // es6 import example
const treemap = new TreeMap(); // JavaScript
// TypeScript generic construction
const treemap = new TreeMap<string, unknown>();
3. Common Uses
Event Handling
msTimestamp => Event:{ ... }
Quick alphabetical sorting via insertion sort
4. Special Config
Change the default behavior of keys()
, values()
, allEntries()
to a desired
search algorithm via provided Treemap.defaultAlgorithm
attribute. DEFAULT:
Depth-First Search (DFS)
import { TreeMap, TreeAlgorithm } from "avl-treemap";
const treemap = new TreeMap(); // Algorithm is DFS [DEFAULT]
// Change to Breadth-First Search (BFS)
treemap.defaultAlgorithm = TreeAlgorithm.BFS;
User examples of the API can be found in the unit test file
ENUM TreeAlgorithm
Defined constanjs to define supported search algorithms for traversing a binary tree.
ENUM TreeAlgorithm.DFS
ENUM TreeAlgorithm.BFS
defaultAlgorithm: TreeAlgorithm
Enum to specify which search algorithm to use by default in methods. See TreeAlgorithm for possible values.
constructor(): new TreeMap
Creates a new TreeMap
object with 0 nodes. Initializes with DFS as the
Example use:
// 1. Explicit type mapping
const numbertree = new TreeMap<number, unknown>();
// 2. Dynamic type mapping
const key: string = "alphanumeric";
const data: number = 1;
const treemap = new TreeMap<typeof key, typeof data>();
first(): T | false
Finds the value of the first key in the dataset determined by the depth-first search algorithm
firstKey(): K | false
Finds the first key in the dataset determined via the depth-first search algorithm
last(): T | false
Finds the value with the last key in the dataset determined by the depth-first search algorithm
lastKey(): K | false
Finds the last key in the dataset determined via the depth-first search algorithm
fetch(key: K): T | null
Finds the value/data of the key=>value pair contained in the tree's nodes which
matches the specified key. Function returns the data stored by the specified key
if the key is not found.
isKey(key: K): boolean
Determines if a specified key is in the TreeMap. The function returns True
key exists, otherwise False
keys(): K[]
Returns all keys in the TreeMap according to the set defaultAlgorithm
dfsKeys(): K[]
Returns all keys in the TreeMap defined by a Depth-First Search regardless of
the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
bfsKeys(): K[]
Returns all keys in the TreeMap defined by a Breadth-First Search regardless of
the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
values(): T[]
Returns all values in the TreeMap according to the order of keys found via the
set defaultAlgorithm
dfsValues(): T[]
Returns all values in the TreeMap defined by a Depth-First Search of the
associated keys regardless of the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
bfsValues(): T[]
Returns all values in the TreeMap defined by a Breadth-First Search of the
associated keys regardless of the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
allEntries(): [K, T][]
Returns all key-value pairs as an entry [key, value]
according to the order of
keys found via the set defaultAlgorithm
dfsEntries(): [K, T][]
Returns all key-value pairs as an entry [key, value]
according to the order of
a Depth-First Search, regardless of the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
bfsEntries(): [K, T][]
Returns all key-value pairs as an entry [key, value]
according to the order of
a Breadth-First Search, regardless of the value of treemap.defaultAlgorithm
size(): number
Counts and returns the number of nodes in the TreeMap. An empty map will return
height(): number
Counts and returns the number of layers in the TreeMap. An empty map will return
add(key: K, value: T): TreeMap<K, T>
Creates and inserts a key=>value node into the TreeMap. The function returns this TreeMap instance for function chaining if desired.
merge(tree: TreeMap<K, T>): TreeMap<K, T> | false
Merges 2 TreeMaps into 1. All nodes in the tree
parameter are incrementally
extracted and inserted into the current TreeMap instance. If successful, The
function returns this adjusted TreeMap instance for function chaining, or
on failure
WARNING: Node keys in the provided tree that match keys in this tree will be overwritten with the data in the provided tree.
remove(key: K): T | false
Removes a node and returns the associated data based on a given key. Returns
if key is not found.
removeAll(): TreeMap<K, T>
Quickly removes all nodes & values from TreeMap. The function returns this TreeMap instance for function chaining if desired.
dfTraversal<R>(nodeHandlerFn: (this: TreeMap<K, T>, head: LeafNode<K, T>, visited: R[]) => void): R[]
Performs a Depth-First traversal across the TreeMap and perform a custom programable operation as each node is visited.
To interrupt and return from the DFS with the data collected, the
can throw a StopSearchException
which will be caught by this
function and the persistent array of collected data returned.
For Typescript, the generic type R should be provided to define the type of the objects that exist in the array that will be returned from this function. It is guaranteed to be an array by this function definition.
The nodeHandlerFn will be called when each node is visited. It is passed the
current node and the persistent array that can store data between each function
call each. The persistent array visited
is returned after the last node is
visited or when a StopSearchException has been thrown.
const treemap = new TreeMap<number, string>();
[1, "one"],
[2, "two"],
[3, "three"]
].forEach(([key, data]) => {
customTMap.add(key, data);
// Extract data from only odd keys via DFS
const result = treemap.dfTraversal<string>((node, captureArray) => {
if (node.key % 2 === 1) {
console.log(result); // [ "one", "three" ]
bfTraversal<R>(nodeHandlerFn: (this: TreeMap<K, T>, currentNode: LeafNode<K, T>, visited: R[], depth: number) => void): R[]
Performs a Breadth-First traversal across the TreeMap and perform a custom programable operation as each node is visited.
To interrupt and return from the BFS with the data collected, the
can throw a StopSearchException
which will be caught by this
function and the persistent array of collected data returned.
For Typescript, the generic type R should be provided to define the type of the objects that exist in the array that will be returned from this function. It is guaranteed to be an array by this function definition.
The nodeHandlerFn will be called when each node is visited. It is passed the
current node and the persistent array that can store data between each function
call each. The persistent array visited
is returned after the last node is
visited or when a StopSearchException has been thrown.
const treemap = new TreeMap<number, string>();
[3, "three"],
[1, "one"],
[2, "two"],
[4, "four"]
].forEach(([key, data]) => {
customTMap.add(key, data);
// Extract data from only even keys via BFS
const result = treemap.bfTraversal<string>((node, captureArray) => {
if (node.key % 2 === 0) {
console.log(result); // [ "four", "two" ]
subtree(start: K): TreeMap<K, T> | false
Takes a specific key and creates a shallow cloned subtree of that portion of the
tree. The new TreeMap will have a root node of the node found from the provided
and all of its descendants. It will also duplicate the original configuration of
the parent tree. See sliceTree()
for details.
WARNING: This is a shallow copy of the descendents, it is up to the user to remove the reference in the parent tree to this subtree.
The function returns False
if the key provided was not found.
compare(this: void, node1: LeafNode<K, T>, node2: LeafNode<K, T | null>): -1 | 0 | 1
Defines the sorting algorithm for nodes in this BST. This is expected to be
overriden by a users implementation unless they want to use the default
ascending numberic sorting or ascending ASCII string sort (0,1,2,...n
). Keys that are strings of numberic values will be converted to
numbers for comparison if they are both numeric.
If not overridden, this function passes the nodes off to the generic static comparison function of the TreeMap class to perform the default action
If this function is overridden, it must return -1 || 0 || 1
to indicate to the
tree sorting algorithm whether to replace the current node, or which side should
it continue to traverse (-1 = left, 1 = right).
- @param node1 base node in which to determine current position in tree
- @param node2 node being evaluated for if it should be in front(left) or behind(right) the base node
- @returns
if node2 should be in to the left of node1,+1
if on the right, or0
if keys are equal
// Example
const customTMap = new TreeMap<number, string>();
// Custom compare function (Descending Order)
customTMap.compare = function descOrder(node1, node2) {
return node1.key > node2.key ? 1 : node1.key < node2.key ? -1 : 0;
// Load data
[1, "one"],
[2, "two"],
[3, "three"]
].forEach(([key, data]) => {
customTMap.add(key, data);
console.log(customTMap.dfsKeys()); // [ 3, 2, 1 ]
toString(): string
Converts TreeMap to human readable representation. Returns a string in the format:
"TreeMap:{ root:[key=value], dfs:[[key, data], entryN, ...] }"
print(): void
Prints the serialized version of this TreeMap to console
The internal generic class for defining a node within the binary tree. It maintains a key of generic type K, the associated data of type T, and the references to it's parent and descendents which are other LeafNodes within the tree similar to a Linked List Node.
Exception to throw inside a custom traversal function to cause an interrupt that
terminates the search algorithm and returns immediately. StopSearchException
extends the built-in Error
constructor(message?: string): new StopSearchException
Creates a new StopSearchException
object. If a message
is provided it will
be passed to the Error superclass upon instantiation. The message currently has
no effect or use.
// 1. No message (default returns Exception name)
throw new StopSearchException();
// 2. Custom message
throw new StopSearchException("Custom Message");
Vulnerability Report
Vulnerability | PKG | Category | In Production Pkg? | Notes |
RegExp DoS | trim@<0.0.3 |
High | No (DevDependency/Linter) | waiting for remark-parse@9 release, owner will not patch v8.0.3
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