
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Customizable slideshow module for modern websites


See it in action: Demo


  • Lightweight
  • Touch support (optional, significantly increases filesize)
  • CSS3 animations
  • Webkit/Browserify support
  • Single-page-application support
  • Simple API
  • No built-in UI - build your own to perfectly blend with your website/application
  • Use any block-style element - not restricted to just images


Installation - Webkit/Browserify

Install from npm:

npm install auru

Then in your code:

var Auru = require('auru');

Also include the stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="auru.css" />

By default touch events will be enabled, which adds to the size of your built module as it includes Hammer.js. To disable this, set the global AURU_TOUCH_ENABLED to false.


plugins: [
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        'AURU_TOUCH_ENABLED': false

Browserify: TODO

Installation - Standalone

Download the desired version from the build folder, or install with npm:

npm install auru

Include the pre-built script in your page, which will expose the Auru global:

<script src="auru.min.js"></script>

Also include the stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="auru.css" />

There are four built versions:

  • auru.js: full version, unminified
  • auru.min.js: full version, minified
  • auru.notouch.js: no touch events, unminified (smaller file size as touch code is not included)
  • auru.notouch.min.js: no touch events, minified


Make some HTML for the slideshow:

<div id="auru">
    <img src="image1.jpg" />
    <img src="image2.jpg" />
    <img src="image3.jpg" />

Make some CSS to size things, here is how you would make a responsive slideshow that follows the golden ratio:

#auru {
    width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 61.8%;
#auru > * {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;

Initialize it with Javascript:

var slideshow = new Auru(document.getElementById('auru'));


Constructor Options

You may pass a second argument to the Auru constructor with additional settings:

var slideshow = new Auru(document.getElementById('auru'), options);
  • options.slideDuration: How many seconds to show each slide for, or false to not play automatically. Default: 5
  • options.classPrefix: Prefix to use for every CSS class, you may change this in case of a conflict. Default: "auru-"
  • options.continuousLoop: true for the slides to form a continuous loop; false for the animation to reverse when moving from the last slide to the first, or vice versa.
  • options.touch: Whether to enable touch events for swipe and tap. Default: false


The resulting object (named slideshow on this page) has the following properties. You should never write to these properties--consider them read-only.

  • element: The DOM element you passed to the constructor (DOMElement)
  • options: The full list of options used, including defaults and any you set (object)
  • playing: Whether the slideshow is currently playing automatically (bool)
  • currentIndex: (int)
  • maxIndex: (int)
  • previousSlide: The slide that was previously shown (DOMElement)
  • currentSlide: The slide that is currently shown (DOMElement)
  • hammer: The Hammer.js instance used for touch events, undefined if touch is disabled


The following methods exist:

  • play(): Start playing the slideshow automatically. Will do nothing ifoptions.slideDuration` is not a positive number
  • stop(): Stop playing the slideshow automatically
  • next(): Move to the next slide
  • previous(): Move to the previous slide
  • goToSlide(index): Move to the specified slide index (0-based)
  • destroy(removeClasses=false): Completely destroy the slideshow object. If removeClasses is false, will not touch the DOM; if true, it will remove any classes it added but otherwise will not touch the DOM. Primarily useful for single-page applications to remove all event listeners and timers.


The slideshow will emit events when things happen. The API is similar to that used for standard Node.js events--to listen to an event, do:

slideshow.on('change', eventHandler);

The following events exist. Events do not include any additional data, thus event handlers do not need to accept any arguments.

  • change: The current slide has changed
  • swipe: The current slide has changed due to the user swiping (requires build with touch events)
  • swipeleft: The current slide has changed due to the user swiping left (requires build with touch events)
  • swiperight: The current slide has changed due to the user swiping right (requires build with touch events)
  • tap: The user has clicked or tapped on the current slide (requires build with touch events)

Additionally you may listen to any events emitted by Hammer.js:

slideshow.hammer.on('panleft', eventHandler);

CSS Classes

The following classes are added to slideshow elements:

  • auru-slideshow: The main slideshow container
  • auru-slide: All elements within the main container
  • auru-current: The current slide
  • auru-previous: The previous slide
  • auru-hidden: All slides other than the current and previous

The current slide will also have a class of either auru-from-left or auru-from-right depending on whether the previous slide was before or after it. The previous slide will have a corresponding class of either auru-to-right or auru-to-left. These classes are for CSS3 animation purposes, or you may listen to events and use Javascript animations if you need old browser support or complex animations.


  • Test in Browserify
  • Determine browser support, ideally basic functionality will exist in IE8+ and sane browsers, and animations will work in all modern browsers (latest - 2 and IE10+)

Contributing & Support

If you think something is broken or need support, open an issue on GitHub.

Pull requests are always welcome, but will be accepted at my discretion. If you submit a pull request, please ensure that:

  • The code passes lint (npm run lint) and generally follows the existing code style
  • All builds succeed (npm run build or npm run watch)
  • All examples still function properly
  • Any new features added must have an example, and must be documented in the API section above
  • The description is descriptive

Preferably open an issue before making any pull requests so we can discuss the proposed changes.


Copyright 2015 Paul Rayes

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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