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3.0.0 • Public • Published

Attestation Agency SDK


This package is hosted on npm and can be installed with:

npm install attestation-agency-sdk


An Attestation is the evidence of mutual agreement of the specific value of an attribute. In other words, a user makes a claim of an attribute having a specific PII value (Personally Identifiable Information) and a 3d party confirms (or attests) that PII value being true. Here is an example of an attestation: A user X claimed that their "First_name" = "John" and an agency Y verified this claim to be true on 2019-01-01.

A verification at globaliD is the process of attesting a group of claims bound together by specific context. For example, a verification of a passport document is a collection of attestations about each attribute found in a passport.

This Attestation SDK and the corresponding attestation service enables any developer to create and service any verification of identity.

ONGOING verifications are also possible where the same claims are verified periodically.



import attestationAgencySdk {
  // Other interfaces if implementing using typescript
} from 'attestation-agency-sdk'


let config: Config = {

  // client credentials
  clientId: 'test-clientId', // globalid api client id
  clientSecret: 'test-clientSecret', // globalid api client secret

  // signing and encryption key setup
  privateSigningKey: '', // private signing key or a path to the key file
  privateEncryptKey: '', // private encryption key or a path to the key file

  signingPassphrase: '', // passphrase for private signing key (optional, recommended)
  encryptPassphrase: '', // passphrase for private encryption key (optional, recommended)

  sandbox: true, // [default = false], if connecting to globaliD sandbox backend



// Make a new SDK Instance
const sdk = SDK.Module

// Init the SDK instance: this will call globaliD API to get the configuration
// for the agency identified by the set clientId and then configure itself correctly.
try {

  sdk = await attestationAgencySdk.init(config)

  console.log('SDK initialized and can be used')

} catch (err) {
  console.error('SDK initialization failed', err)


Processing of a new verification

Client will first make a request to the globaliD attestation service identifying which agency should be used for the verification process. Using this call, a trackingId for the new verification will be returned to the client.

It will then call agency's route defined to process the verification, for example:

  PUT /confirm/:trackingId

Decrypting of the payload sent by the client

Depending on the verification flow defined by the agency, client might then need to collect additional data and send it as a payload to the above route. The payload will be encrypted using agency's public encryption key:

  • client will generate a random password and use AES to encrypt the JSON string representing the payload
  • it will then encrypt the password using the agency's public encryption key.

To obtain the raw data, verifyAndDecryptData should be called:

// if using typescript
let encryptedData: EncryptedData = {
  enc_password: request.body.enc_password // password with which data is encrypted
  enc_data: request.body.enc_data // encrypted data

// else
let encryptedData = request.body

try {

  const plainData: object = await sdk.verifyAndDecryptData(

  console.log('decrypted data:', plainData)

  // process the request..

} catch (err) {
  console.error('decryption and verification failed', err)

Confirming the verification on success (simple)

After PII values are obtained from the payload, your verification process must be performed. This is where you check your internal processes to verify user's claims. Afterwards, if successfully verified, this verification request must be marked as successfully processed. This should be done using confirmAttestationRequest method. Only predefined attestation types for the agency must be used: for example (as in the example below) legal_first_name, legal_last_name, date_of_birth and photo_file_front:

// using typescript
let PII: PiiData = {
  legal_first_name: 'John',
  legal_last_name: 'Rain',
  date_of_birth: '1973-01-01',
  photo_file_front: fs.createReadStream('document_image.png')

try {

  await sdk.confirmAttestationRequest(

  // verification successfully confirmed, it's now user's turn to
  // either accept or deny it

} catch (err) {
  console.error('error processing the verification confirmation', err)

Marking verification as failed

If the verification request can not be processed by the agency, it should be marked as failed, using failAttestationRequestWithCode (SEE AVAILABLE FAILURE REASON CODES HERE):

 try {
   await sdk.failAttestationRequestWithCode(
 } catch (err) {
   console.error('error marking the verification as failed, this is a globaliD issue', err)

Alternatively, if you do not find an appropriate failure reason code, you can send your own text to the user using failAttestationRequest (keep in mind the message will not be localized for the user):

try {
   await sdk.failAttestationRequest(
     'Reason explaining the problem to the requesting user'
} catch (err) {
   console.error('error marking the verification as failed, this is a globaliD issue', err)

If you want to fail all expired requests directed to your service prior to a certain datetime, you should call failExpiredAttestationRequests method with the datetime in ISO format. The service will find all verification requests submitted to your service which are currently in progress (and were created before teh specifeid date) and fail them with 600-5 code.

 try {
    await sdk.failExpiredAttestationRequests(new Date().toISOString())
 } catch (err) {
    console.error('Failing all verification requests submited before this date and still not completed.', err)

Forwarding the user back to globaliD

In certain cases, when the user arrives to your service outside of the globaliD app (or web client) you may want to forward the user to a landing page with a message to get back to globaliD

You can use this link on success:{tracking_id}

Otherwise use this link:{tracking_id}

Use the original {tracking_id} of the verification request.

Revoking issued verifications

You can revoke the verifications you issued with the revokeAttestationRequest method.

 // UUID of the verification request you are trying to revoke
const trackingId: string = 'cd27a133-0193-4508-9cbf-61c91de602b1'

try {
  await sdk.revokeAttestationRequest(
    trackingId, // uuid of the verification request
} catch (err) {
  console.error('error: request you are trying to revoke might not be possible to revoke', err)

Updating ongoing status

This is an example how you can update ongoing status for all your issued verifications. Only the agency application/service that supports ongoing verifications can use this method.

const appId: string = '82fece9b-2963-48c1-9807-60e87b5766ed' // Agency app uuid
const logRequestId: string = uuid() //uuid sent by agency to track their update

try {
  await sdk.updateOngoingAttestationStatus(
} catch (err) {
  console.error('error, agency application might not support ongoing verifications', err)

Also you can revoke multiple verification requests with this method if you pass a 3rd parameter in the method like this:

const appId: string = '82fece9b-2963-48c1-9807-60e87b5766ed' // Agency app uuid
const logRequestId: string = uuid() //uuid sent by agency to track their update

const revokeObjects: RevokeInterface[] = [
      attestation_request_uuid: '704e13c5-a0a6-4b65-a05b-61bced577560',
      reason: 'Verification has expired',
      attestation_request_uuid: '4401f35c-1bd6-44df-8246-024508d98f62',
      reason: 'Related verifications are not longer valid',

try {
  await sdk.updateOngoingAttestationStatus(
} catch (err) {
  console.error('error, agency application might not support ongoing verifications', err)

Confirming a verification on success (advanced)

Grouped attestations

In case agency obtains multiple attestations which should be logically grouped as sets, the related attestations should be marked as grouped.

For example, your agency can verify for attestee's name plus multiple addresses:

  • photo_file_front (file)
  • legal_first_name
  • legal_last_name
  • addresses, each containing
    • address_city
    • address_country
    • address_zip_code
    • address

To properly mark such verification as successful, a processAttestationRequest should be used, which returns an attestation response builder (see below for more details):

try {

  const builder: Module.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
  // adding file attestation
  await builder.addFile('photo_file_front', fs.readFileSync('document_image.png'))

  // add first and last names as simple attestations
  await builder.add('legal_first_name', 'John')
  await builder.add('legal_last_name', 'Rain')

  // now add attestations for each address set.
  // Let's say they will be grouped by the `address` attestation
  // and that `addresses` variable already contains properly grouped
  // address objects:
  for (let address of addresses) {

    // `builder.add()` returns `uuid` representing the prepared
    // attestation. This can be used by other attestations to
    // indicate attestation relations
    let group = await builder.add('address', address.address)

    // add other attestations for this address and
    // pass `group` as the third argument to indicate the relation:
    let options: AttestationOptions = {
      relatedAttestations: group
    await builder.add('address_city',, options)
    await builder.add('address_country',, options)
    await builder.add('address_zip_code',, options)

  // after all attestation PII are added to the builder,
  // `builder.submit()` must be called:

  await builder.submit()

} catch (err) {
  console.error('error processing the attestation', err)
Partial updates - keeping the verification request in process until all of the data is collected

In some cases, agency can perform additional verifications based on the PII data. To avoid saving of raw PII values on agency side, you can use a partial update feature, where it stores partial PII on the globaliD side and keep the verification in process (meaning it is not yet ready for the user's action).

Example would be that agency can attest for:

  • photo_file_front
    • legal_first_name
    • legal_last_name
  • phone_number and using phone number it can then also obtain the
    • address_country // based on phone number code
  // here is a first set of PII data: we obtained the
  //   legal_first_name, legal_last_name, and phone_number
  try {

    const builder: Module.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
      true // indicate that this is a partial update

    // adding file attestation with related attestation
    const fileId: string = await builder.addFile('photo_file_front', fs.readFileSync('document_image.png'))

    await builder.add('legal_first_name', 'John', {
      relatedAttestations: fileId
    await builder.add('legal_last_name', 'Rain', {
      relatedAttestations: fileId

    // we'll relate the `address_country` as related to this phone
    // number attestation, so we need to remember it's attestation uuid
    const phoneRelated: string = await builder.add('phone_number', '+123456789')

    // save partial attestation data:
    await builder.submit()

    // now try and get the `address_country` from the phone number

  } catch (err) {
    console.error('error processing the attestation', err)

  async function doGetAddressCountryFromThePhoneNumber(
    trackingId: string,
    phoneNumber: string,
    relatedAttestation: string | string[]
  ) {

    let country = somehowObtainTheCountryFromThePhoneNumber(phone_number)

    // again, get the builder, add a new attestation and now mark the verification request
    // as processed

    try {

      const builder: Modules.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
        // partialUpdate = false by default

      await builder.add('address_country', country, {
        relatedAttestations: relatedAttestation

      await builder.submit()

    } catch (err) {
      console.error('error processing this verification request', err)


Partial update - remove a previous attestation

It is also possible to remove the previous attestation from a partially verification. An example would be that agency attests for the

  • legal_full_name
  • phone_number
    • and then checks if the obtained phone number actually is valid or not
// NOTE:error handling is skipped for the sake of shorter examples

// submit a partial verification
let builder: Modules.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
  true // indicate that this is a partial update
await builder.add('legal_full_name', 'John Rain')
const phoneRelated: string = await builder.add('phone_number', '+123456789')
await builder.submit()

// validate the phone number: a longer process where user receives an sms
// or a phone call, etc..
let valid: boolean = await validatePhoneNnumber('+123456789')

// finalize the verification, keep phone attestation based on whether it is valid or not
builder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(trackingId)
if (!valid) {
await builder.submit()

Partial update - update previous verification

Partially stored PII on globaliD side can also be updated, using the related attestation(s) uuid(s). Example could be when attesting for legal_full_name where

  • in first step Mr. John Rain would be obtained
  • which would then be passed to another validation / normalization which would return John Rain
// NOTE:error handling is skipped for the sake of shorter examples

let obtainedName = 'Mr. John Rain'

// submit a partial verification result

let builder: Modules.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
  true // indicate that this is a partial update
const nameAttestation: string = builder.add('legal_full_name', obtainedName)
await builder.submit()

// do additional lookup on that name (and possible other obtained data) and get updated name
let normalizedName: string = await lookupThisName(obtainedName)

// update the legal_full_name
builder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(trackingId)
if (normalizedName !== obtainedName) {
  await builder.update(

await builder.submit()

Creating attestations with public data field

In case when agency would like to add public data and public attestor note to the attestations or create attestations without PII value.

  try {
    // prepare builder
    const builder: Modules.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
    // creating attestation with PII value and public data
    await builder.add('date_of_birth', '1986-04-01', {
      publicData: '24+'
    // creating file attestation with public data and attestor note
    await builder.addFile('photo_file_front', fs.readFileSync('document_image.png'), {
      publicData: 'Passport',
      publicAttestorNote: 'User took the photo',
    // save attestation data:
    await builder.submit()

  } catch (err) {
    console.error('error processing the attestation', err)

Get information about attestee requesting the verification

In case when agency would like to know which globaliD identity is requesting the verification

  // prepare builder
  const builder: Modules.AttestationBuilder = await sdk.processAttestationRequest(
  // get attestee information
  let attestee: AttesteeInfo = builder.getAttesteeInfo()

  // get attestee information without using the builder option
  let attestee: AttesteeInfo = await sdk.getAttesteeInfo(trackingId)
Validating PII value

In case when agency would like to check if the PII value for one attestation is valid.

  import SDK, { PIIValidationParameters } from 'attestation-agency-sdk'
  try {
    // prepare params
    const params: PIIValidationParameters = {
      piiValue: '', // plain PII value to check
      attestationUuid: 'cb364193-4244-48be-b79d-ef482bdf5b92', // attestation uuid
      saltPassword: 'saltPassword', // password with which salt is created and then data hash is generated
      attestationType: 'email', // type of attestation
      attestor: 'mandrill', // OPTIONAL attestor
      attestee: 'oneGlobaliDUSer' // OPTIONAL attestee
    const attestation = await SDK.PIIValidation(params)
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('error PII value is incorrect', err)


SDK Configuration

  • clientId: (required) used for authentication on globalId API
  • clientSecret: (required) used for authentication on globalId API
  • privateSigningKey: (required) private key used for signing
  • signingPassphrase: (optional) passphrase for private signing key
  • privateEncryptKey: (required) private key used for encryption
  • encryptPassphrase: (optional) passphrase for private encryption key
  • sandbox: (required default false), if sandbox is false, production api is used, otherwise - staging

Available Methods

SDK has the following public async methods:

  • sdk.verifyAndDecryptData: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used to verify and decrypt data.

    async verifyAndDecryptData(trackingId: string, encryptedData: EncryptedData): Promise<object>
  • sdk.confirmAttestationRequest: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. It takes attested data, encrypts the PII, signs verifications and sends attested data to globaliD

    async confirmAttestationRequest(trackingId: string, piiData: PiiData): Promise<object>
  • sdk.processAttestationRequest: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Returns the verification response builder in case partial updates are needed and/or related attestations should be used (for marking sets of attestation data as groups)

    // see `AttestationBuilder` interface below
    async processAttestationRequest(trackingId: string, partialUpdate?: boolean): Promise<Modules.AttestationBuilder>
  • sdk.failAttestationRequest: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used when agency completes the verification process and the verification has failed.

    async failAttestationRequest(trackingId: string, failReason: string): Promise<void>
  • sdk.failExpiredAttestationRequests: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used when agency need to fail all expired verification requests.

    async failExpiredAttestationRequests(createdBefore: string): Promise<{ failed_requests_uuid: string[] }>
  • sdk.verifyAndDecryptData: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used to verify and decrypt data.

    async verifyAndDecryptData(trackingId: string, encryptedData: EncryptedData): Promise<object>
  • sdk.PIIValidation: Used when agency wants to check if the PII value is valid and a specific attestation is correct

    async PIIValidation({
      piiValue: string,
      attestationUuid: string,
      saltPassword: string,
      attestationType: string,
      attestor?: string,
      attestee?: string
    }: PIIValidationParameters): Promise<PIIAttestation>
  • sdk.getConfig: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. It contains a configuration fetched from the globaliD backend during the configuration.

    let config: Config = sdk.getConfig()
  • sdk.getAgency: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. It contains a agency information fetched from the globaliD backend during the configuration.

    let config: AgencyConfig = sdk.getAgency()
  • sdk.getAttesteeInfo: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used to get information about attestee requesting the verification process.

    async getAttesteeInfo(trackingId: string): Promise<AttesteeInfo>
  • sdk.revokeAttestationRequest(trackingId: string, reason: string): Promise<AttestationRequest>: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used to revoke an existing attestation.

    async revokeAttestationRequest(trackingId: string, reason: string): Promise<AttestationRequest>
  • updateOngoingAttestationStatus(appId: string, logRequestId: string, revocations?: RevokeInterface[]): Promise<UpdateOngoingStatusResponse>: Available after a successful await sdk.init() call. Used to update ongoing verifications, with the same call you can also revoke a batch of attestations.

    async updateOngoingAttestationStatus(appId: string, logRequestId: string, revocations?: RevokeInterface[]): Promise<UpdateOngoingStatusResponse>


interface Config {
  clientId?: string
  clientSecret?: string
  privateSigningKey?: string
  signingPassphrase?: string
  privateEncryptKey?: string
  encryptPassphrase?: string
  sandbox?: boolean

interface EncryptedData {
  enc_password: string
  enc_data: string

interface PiiData {
 [key: string]: string

interface PIIValidationParameters {
  piiValue: string,
  attestationUuid: string,
  saltPassword: string,
  attestationType: string,
  attestor?: string,
  attestee?: string,

interface AttestationBuilder {
   * Add new attestation
   * @param {string} type
   * @param {string} piiValue
   * @param {object?} {
   *   relatedAttestations?:
   *      string of related attestation uuids (separated by comma if multiple)
   *      or string[] of related attestation uuids
   *   publicData?: string public attestation data
   *   publicAttestorNote?: string attestor notes
   * @returns {Promise<string} attestation uuid which can be used for related_attestations
    type: string,
    piiValue: string|Buffer,
    options? : {
      relatedAttestations?: string | string[]
      publicData?: string
      publicAttestorNote?: string
  ): Promise<string>

   * Add new file attestation
   * @param {string} type
   * @param {Stream | Buffer} file
   * @param {object?} {
   *   relatedAttestations?:
   *      string of related attestation uuids (separated by comma if multiple)
   *      or string[] of related attestation uuids
   *   publicData?: string public attestation data
   *   publicAttestorNote?: string attestor notes
   * @returns {Promise<string} attestation uuid which can be used for related_attestations
    type: string,
    file: Stream|Buffer,
    options? : {
      relatedAttestations?: string | string[]
      publicData?: string
      publicAttestorNote?: string
  ): Promise<string>

   * Getting information about attestee requesting the process
  getAttesteeInfo(): AttesteeInfo

   * Remove existing attestation (when using partialUpdate feature)
   * @param {string} attestationUUID existing attestation uuid to be updated
   * @param {string} type
   * @param {string} piiValue
   * @param {object?} {
   *   relatedAttestations?:
   *      string of related attestation uuids (separated by comma if multiple)
   *      or string[] of related attestation uuids
   *   publicData?: string public attestation data
   *   publicAttestorNote?: string attestor notes
   *                                      separated by comma
   *                                      if omitted, existing value will be kept
   *                                      if set new value will be set
   *                                       - use empty string to remove related
   *                                       attestations
   * @returns {Promise<string} attestation uuid which can be used for related_attestations
    attestationUUID: string,
    piiValue: string|Buffer,
    options? : {
      relatedAttestations?: string | string[]
      publicData?: string
      publicAttestorNote?: string
  ): Promise<string>

   * Remove existing file attestation (when using partialUpdate feature)
   * @param {string} attestationUUID existing attestation uuid to be updated
   * @param {Stream|Buffer} file
   * @param {object?} {
   *   relatedAttestations?:
   *      string of related attestation uuids (separated by comma if multiple)
   *      or string[] of related attestation uuids
   *   publicData?: string public attestation data
   *   publicAttestorNote?: string attestor notes
   *                                      separated by comma
   *                                      if omitted, existing value will be kept
   *                                      if set new value will be set
   *                                       - use empty string to remove related
   *                                       attestations
   * @returns {Promise<string} attestation uuid which can be used for related_attestations
  updateFile (
    attestationUUID: string,
    file: Stream | Buffer,
    options?: AttestationOptions,
  ): Promise<string>

   * Remove attestation by uuid (when using partialUpdate feature)
   * @param {string} attestationUUID
  remove(attestationUUID: string): boolean

   * Submit the prepared attestaion response


interface AgencyConfig {
  uuid: string                  // agency's uuid
  globalid: string              // agency's globalid (`attestor`)
  attestation_process: string   // description of agency verification process
  name: string                  // agency name
  logo: string                  // link to logo image
  description: string           // description of the agency
  brand_color: string
  gid_name?: string             // agency's globalid (`attestor`)
  client_id: string
  signing_pbk: string           // public key used to verify agency signatures
  encryption_pbk: string        // public key to share sensitive data with the
                                // agency
  min_app_version: number       // min version of globaliD app which supports
                                // the agency verification flow
  types: AgencyType[]
  category: AgencyCategory
  created_at: string
  updated_at: string

interface AgencyType {
  uuid: string
  type: string             // attestation type (atttribute of identity)
  agency: string           // agency's uuid
  optional: boolean        // indicates if this type might not be present for all
                           // of the verifications by this agency
  max_att_number: number   // for multi attestation purpose - indicates how many
                           // salts for this type should be present if agency can
                           // attest for more than just one PII value related to
                           // this type
  created_at: string
  updated_at: string

interface AgencyCategory {
  uuid: string        // category uuid
  name: string        // category name
  short_name: string  // short category name
  created_at: string
  updated_at: string

interface AttesteeInfo {
  gid_name: string
  gid_uuid: string


Thrown on initialization, if required properties are missing from the configuration object


During the verification processing

  • ERR_CREATE_AND_SIGN_ATTESTATION_INVALID_VALUE the set PII value is not of string or Buffer type
  • ERR_CREATE_AND_SIGN_ATTESTATION_INVALID_RELATED_ATTESTATIONS related_attestations passed is passed but is not a string
  • ERR_GET_GLOBALID_PUBLICKEY obtaining the public encryption key from globaliD verification service failed.
  • ERR_ENCRYPT_PII_DATA encrypting of PII data failed, enable debugging to get additional data.
  • ERR_DECRYPT_PII_DATA something went wrong while using the verifyAndDecryptData. Enable debugging for additional info.
  • ERR_INVALID_ATTESTATION_REQUEST globaliD problem, verification is corrupted and cannot be processed by the agency.
  • ERR_REQUEST_NOT_FOR_THIS_AGENCY the verification does not belong to the client configured for this sdk instance.
  • ERR_COULD_NOT_UPDATE_ATTESTATION_SALT_IDX_INVALID client did not prepare the verification request correctly, verification can not be successfully processed by the sdk.
  • ERR_COULD_NOT_UPDATE_ATTESTATION_SALT_DUPLICATED attestation is using the same salt that was already used by another attestation of the same type
  • ERR_NO_SALTS_FOUND client did not prepare the verification request correctly, verification can not be successfully processed by the sdk.
  • ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTESTATION_IN_REQUEST invalid trackingId is used, such verification request does not exist.
  • ERR_ATTESTATION_REQUEST_CAN_NOT_BE_UPDATED_BY_AGENCY the verification related to trackingId is not in correct status to be updated by the agency any more (was already marked as failed / processed before)
  • ERR_NOTHING_TO_SUBMIT using the processAttestationRequest builder, a submit() is being called but no changes were made to the verification.
  • ERR_ATTESTATION_NOT_FOUND can not get attestation on PIIValidation
  • ERR_PII_NOT_MATCH_ATTESTATION PII is incorrect for the given attestation
  • FAILED_TO_GET_ATTESTATION Attestations can not be found under this uuid
  • ERR_MISSING_SALTS_FOR_<type> verification request is missing salt for one attestation type
  • ERR_INVALID_PII_VALUE PII value is empty
  • ERR_ENV_SDK_SANDBOX_NOT_IN_RIGHT_FORMAT Environment value SANDBOX needs to be true or false

Other errors

Other errors can be thrown by the globaliD verification backend.


Debug messages are printed using debug node module and namespaced as attestation-agency-sdk. In order to see the debug messages, enable debugger for the SDK:

DEBUG=attestation-agency-sdk node index.js

To enable debugging on deployed images, the debug should be added to the deployment yaml file:

- name: DEBUG
  value: attestation-agency-sdk

Failure reason codes

300 - Government ID

Code Description
300-1 Agency cannot determine the type of the document. The image provided does not contain a document
300-2 Agency determined that the submitted picture contains a document but does not support this document type.
300-3 Document expired, expiration date is in the past relative to the date/time of the verification request
300-4 Provided selfie doesn't match the picture on the photo ID
300-5 When second page/side is required, only one page/side was provided.
300-6 Possibly fraudulent document. Agency could parse and understand document, but cannot issue a successful verification.
300-7 Missing required document data: document number. Agency could parse and understand document, but cannot find a document number on it to issue a successful verification.
300-8 Document version is not supported and cannot be verified.
300-9 Age could not be verified from the submitted document image.
300-10 Document images provided are of low quality
300-11 Selfie image provided is of low quality
300-12 Verification failed: MRZ could not be read
300-13 Verification failed: Expiration date could not be read
300-14 Verification failed: Your name could not be read
300-15 Verification failed: Date of birth could not be read or missing
300-16 Verification failed: face could not be detected on the document
300-17 Verification failed: face could not be detected on the selfie
300-18 Verification failed: document number could not be read
300-19 Verification failed: User OVER the allowed age limit
300-20 Verification failed: Document doesn't have info about age
300-21 User is UNDER the allowable minimum age for this verification.
300-22 The name on the ID did not match the name submitted.
300-23 The user was banned. (Most commonly due to repeated attempts)
300-24 The user uploaded a fake or sample image of an ID.
300-25 1st image sent was not of the front page
300-26 Verification failed: Gender could not be read
300-27 Service reported that customer deceased
300-28 Address in identity report can't be confirmed
300-29 Date of birth in identity report can't be confirmed
300-30 Person in the live photo or live video does not appear to be real (spoofed)
300-31 Two mis-matched pages were sent (they do not belong to the same document)
300-32 Submitted document is not accepted for this verification request because the user submitted a document which was different from the one allowed by this verification app.
300-33 Too many faces detected in the selfie
300-34 Direction of face of the user incorrect in the selfie
300-35 User declined consent to match selfie image
300-36 User entered some data from the document manually
300-37 Some text is missing from the front of the document
300-38 Some text is missing from the back of the document
300-39 Error reading barcode at the back of the document submitted
300-40 The user provided selfie image(s )that were unlikely to be genuine.

400 - Financial category

Code Description
400-1 Required data cannot be verified because information provided by the user did not match the record.
400-2 Financial institution does not support verification of required data

600 - All categories

Code Description
600-1 Verification failed, some required information could not be verified.
600-2 Verification service throws an exception and cannot service the request in the allotted time.
600-3 User canceled login to the system
600-4 User canceled the request for another reason
600-5 The user did not complete required steps in time.
600-6 No matching account information for the provided user details
600-7 globaliD system had an error or is not available at the moment
600-8 Verification provider system had an error or is not available at the moment
600-9 Provided address was not formatted properly
600-10 Validation of provided required verification(s) has failed
600-11 Only one ongoing instance is possible for this verification; the user cannot resubmit another one.
600-12 Verification not possible for given location
600-13 Velocity abuse suspected; suspicious repeated requests
600-14 You exceeded the allowed limit of requests to resend the verification code. Try again later
600-15 Unfortunately, you have reached the maximum number of confirmation attempts. Try submitting a new request for verification later

700 - Self declaration

Code Description
700-1 Required info was not provided for self-declaration


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