
1.0.1 • Public • Published


provides standard series and parallel functionality with the addition that series allows passing variables from one function to another .. thus allowing cleaner global ws


a. working with medium sized app found that this is the only piece of functionality I wanted

b. pretty small code base

tests (npm test)

✓ asyncLight  series runs function in series  
✓ if One of the functions in async series array errors out ..other functions are not ran 
✓ if One of the functions in async series array errors out ... returned result is null 
✓ asyncLight parallel runs in parallel 
✓ if One of the functions in async parallel errors out ... other functions are not ran 
✓ if One of the functions in async parallel errors out ... result returned is null 
✓ asyncLight parallel returns an empty resultArr when the function array is empty 
✓ asyncLight series returns an empty resultArr when the function array is empty 
✓ asyncLight series allows passing variables from one function to another 
✓ asyncSeries allows following callback signatures cb() , cb(err), cb(err,result), cb (err,any,number,of,arguments,result)

exmaple of seires passing variables

it('asyncSeries allows following callback signatures cb() , cb(err), cb(err,result), cb(err,any,number,of,arguments,result)', 
function(done) {
        function(callback) {
            callback(); // result null means '' is put in resultArr
        function(callback) {
            var result = 'm the result 2'
            callback(null, 'three', result); // result is added to resultArr while 'three' is passed on
        function(arg1, callback) {
            // arg1 is now 'three' 
            var result = arg1;
            callback(null, 'done1', 'done2', 'done3', 'done4', 'done5', result);
        function(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback) {
            // arg1 will be 'done1' , arg2 will be 'done2' , arg3 will be 'done3'
            var result = arg1 + arg2 + arg3;
            callback(null, result);
    ], function(err, resultArr) {
        resultArr.should.eql(['', 'm the result 2', 'three', 'done1done2done3']);

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  • node.enthu