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1.0.0 • Public • Published

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This Astro integration generates a robots.txt for your Astro project during build.

Release License: MIT

Why astro-robots-txt?

The robots.txt file informs search engines which pages on your website should be crawled. See Google's own advice on robots.txt to learn more.

For Astro project you usually create the robots.txt in a text editor and place it to the public/ directory. In that case you must manually synchronize site option in astro.config.* with Sitemap: record in robots.txt.
It brakes DRY principle.

Sometimes, especially during development, it's necessary to prevent your site from being indexed. To achieve this you need to place the meta tag <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> into the <head> section of your pages or add X-Robots-Tag: noindex to the HTTP response header, then add the lines User-agent: * and Disallow: \ to robots.txt.
Again you have to do it manually in two different places.

astro-robots-txt can help in both cases on the robots.txt side. See details in this demo repo.


Quick Install

The experimental astro add command-line tool automates the installation for you. Run one of the following commands in a new terminal window. (If you aren't sure which package manager you're using, run the first command.) Then, follow the prompts, and type "y" in the terminal (meaning "yes") for each one.

# Using NPM
npx astro add astro-robots-txt

# Using Yarn
yarn astro add astro-robots-txt

# Using PNPM
pnpx astro add astro-robots-txt

Then, restart the dev server by typing CTRL-C and then npm run astro dev in the terminal window that was running Astro.

Because this command is new, it might not properly set things up. If that happens, log an issue on Astro GitHub and try the manual installation steps below.

Manual Install

First, install the astro-robots-txt package using your package manager. If you're using npm or aren't sure, run this in the terminal:

npm install --save-dev astro-robots-txt

Then, apply this integration to your astro.config.* file using the integrations property:


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  // ...
  integrations: [robotsTxt()],

Then, restart the dev server.


The astro-robots-txt integration requires a deployment / site URL for generation. Add your site's URL under your astro.config.* using the site property.

Then, apply this integration to your astro.config.* file using the integrations property.


import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default defineConfig({
  site: '',

  integrations: [robotsTxt()],

Note that unlike other configuration options, site is set in the root defineConfig object, rather than inside the robotsTxt() call.

Now, build your site for production via the astro build command. You should find your robots.txt under dist/robots.txt!

Warning If you forget to add a site, you'll get a friendly warning when you build, and the robots.txt file won't be generated.

Example of generated `robots.txt` file


User-agent: *
Allow: /


To configure this integration, pass an object to the robotsTxt() function call in astro.config.mjs.


export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [robotsTxt({
    transform: ...
Type Required Default value
Boolean / String / String[] No true

If you omit the sitemap parameter or set it to true, the resulting output in a robots.txt will be Sitemap: your-site-url/sitemap-index.xml.

If you want to get the robots.txt file without the Sitemap: ... entry, set the sitemap parameter to false.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',
  integrations: [
      sitemap: false,

When the sitemap is String or String[] its values must be a valid URL. Only http or https protocols are allowed.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',
  integrations: [
      sitemap: [
Type Required Default value
String No sitemap-index

Sitemap file name before file extension (.xml). It will be used if the sitemap parameter is true or omitted.

@astrojs/sitemap and astro-sitemap integrations have the sitemap-index.xml as their primary output. That is why the default value of sitemapBaseFileName is set to sitemap-index.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',

  integrations: [
      sitemapBaseFileName: 'custom-sitemap',
Type Required Default value
Boolean / String No undefined

Some crawlers (Yandex) support a Host directive, allowing websites with multiple mirrors to specify their preferred domain.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',

  integrations: [
      host: '',

If the host option is set to true, the Host output will be automatically resolved using the site option from Astro config.

Type Required Default value
(content: String): String
(content: String): Promise<String>
No undefined

Sync or async function called just before writing the text output to disk.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',

  integrations: [
      transform(content) {
        return `# Some comments before the main content.\n# Second line.\n\n${content}`;        
Type Required Default value
Policy[] No [{ allow: '/', userAgent: '*' }]

List of Policy rules

Type Policy

Name Type Required Description
userAgent String Yes You must provide a name of the automatic client (search engine crawler).
Wildcards are allowed.
disallow String / String[] No Disallowed paths for crawling
allow String / String[] No Allowed paths for crawling
crawlDelay Number No Minimum interval (in secs) for the crawler to wait after loading one page, before starting other
cleanParam String / String[] No Indicates that the page's URL contains parameters that should be ignored during crawling.
Maximum string length is limited to 500.


import robotsTxt from 'astro-robots-txt';

export default {
  site: '',

  integrations: [
      policy: [
          userAgent: 'Googlebot',
          allow: '/',
          disallow: ['/search'],
          crawlDelay: 2,
          userAgent: 'OtherBot',
          allow: ['/allow-for-all-bots', '/allow-only-for-other-bot'],
          disallow: ['/admin', '/login'],
          crawlDelay: 2,
          userAgent: '*',
          allow: '/',
          disallow: '/search',
          crawlDelay: 10,
          cleanParam: 'ref /articles/',


Example Source Playground
basic GitHub Play Online
advanced GitHub Play Online


You're welcome to submit an issue or PR!


See for a history of changes to this integration.



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  • 0.1.7
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  • alextim