
1.1.0 • Public • Published

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🍏 ApplePayHelper

ApplePayHelper is a comprehensive JavaScript library designed to simplify the integration of Apple Pay within your Node.js applications. It provides a seamless way to initiate Apple Pay sessions, decrypt payment tokens, and map the decrypted tokens to different payment providers. Most of the decryption logic is taken from samcorcos/apple-pay-decrypt and was modified to work with modern Node.js. I highly recommend checking his guide on how to generate the required PEM files for Apple Pay. Although mentioned Unpacked Size 45 kB in the npm package, the actual sum size of the files that are being used is around 14kb and 7kb on gzip format. That is not including the dependencies.

🌟 Features

  • Apple Pay Merchant Validation: Easily initiate Apple Pay sessions with Apple's servers for the onmerchantvalidation event.
  • Payment Token Decryption: Securely decrypt Apple Pay payment tokens using your merchant certificates once the user has authorized the payment.
  • Payment Provider Mapping: Map the decrypted payment tokens to different payment providers.

📦 Installation

You can install the apple-pay-helper library from npm:

npm install apple-pay-helper

Before You Begin

📜 You'll need to have the following files before you can get started:

  1. Merchant certificate (merchantCertOnlyPem)
  2. Merchant private key (merchantKeyOnlyPem)
  3. Payment processor private key (paymentProcessorPrivateKeyPem)

You can read more here on how to generate these files:

  • File Numbers 1,2
  • File Number 3
  • The old decrypting library that does not support modern Node.js has a good guide on how to generate the required files. You can find it here

🚀 Quick Start

Here's a quick example to get you started:

const fs = require("fs");
const ApplePayHelper = require("apple-pay-helper");

 * Get the 3 required PEM files from the filesystem.
 * 1. Merchant certificate (merchantCertOnlyPem)
 * 2. Merchant private key (merchantKeyOnlyPem)
 * 3. Payment processor private key (paymentProcessorPrivateKeyPem)
 * Note: Make sure to generate these files using the instructions
const merchantCertOnlyPem = fs
const merchantKeyOnlyPem = fs
const paymentProcessorPrivateKeyPem = fs

const applePayConfig = {
  merchantId: "",
  displayName: "Your Company",
  initiativeContext: "",
  version: "0008",
  initiative: "web", // web, ios, etc.
  isValidateExpirationDate: true, // neither to validate the expiration date of the payment token or not
  tokenExpirationWindow: 300000, // defaults to 5 minutes
  paymentProcessorPrivateKeyPem: paymentProcessorPrivateKeyPem,
  merchantCertOnlyPem: merchantCertOnlyPem,
  merchantKeyOnlyPem: merchantKeyOnlyPem,

const applePayHelper = new ApplePayHelper(applePayConfig);

 * Initiate an Apple Pay session with Apple's servers. Use the response inside the 'onmerchantvalidation' event handler in the front.
const appleValidationURL =
const response = await applePayHelper.initiateSession(appleValidationURL);

// After the user has authorized the payment, you can send the encrypted token from the front and decrypt the token like so:
const decryptedToken = await applePayHelper.decryptToken(paymentData);

// at this point you send the decrypted token to your payment processor

For a more detailed example, check out the test file

🧪 Testing

To run the tests, you'll need to have the required files mentioned above. Once you have the files, create a config.js file similar to the example.config.js file and add the paths to the file. Then run the following command to run the testing server:

npm run test

Then you can import the Postman collection and test the endpoints.

Run in Postman

📖 Resources

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙌 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Happy coding! 🎉


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