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0.0.5 • Public • Published


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apiplatform-fetch-builder is a TypeScript library designed to simplify and streamline interactions with ApiPlatform / Hydra APIs. It provides a builder-pattern interface for making typed fetch requests, handling pagination, sorting, filtering, property selection, and includes an optional entityServiceBuilder for more advanced resource CRUD operations with type safety.


  • Typed fetch requests
  • Builder-pattern interface (pagination, sorting, filtering, property selection)
  • Hydra & ApiPlatform compatibility
  • Optional entityServiceBuilder for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations with typed IRIs
  • No bundler required


npm install apiplatform-fetch-builder
# or
yarn add apiplatform-fetch-builder
# or
pnpm add apiplatform-fetch-builder

Quick Usage Example

import builder from "apiplatform-fetch-builder";

const api = builder("https://api.example.com", {
  getToken: async () => "your_jwt_token_here",
  onUnauthorized: async () => {
    console.log("Unauthorized! Redirecting to login...");

// Simple GET
const result = await api.get<{ items: { id: number; name: string }[] }>("/items").fetch();

if (result.success) {
  console.log("Fetched items:", result.data.items);
} else {
  console.error("Failed to fetch items:", result.error);

// GET with pagination, sorting, filtering, and property selection
const getOptions = {
  pagination: true,
  pageIndex: 0,
  pageSize: 20,
  sortBy: [{ id: "name", desc: false }],
  filters: [{ id: "category", value: "books" }],
  properties: ["id", "name"] as const,

const paginatedResult = await api
  .get<{ items: { id: number; name: string }[] }>("/items")

if (paginatedResult.success) {
  console.log("Paginated items:", paginatedResult.data.items);

Using entityServiceBuilder

import fetchBuilder from "apiplatform-fetch-builder";
import entityServiceBuilder from "apiplatform-fetch-builder/entity-service-builder"; 
import type { Company, CompanyBody, CompanyIri } from "./types/company";

// Create a typed service builder
const companyService = entityServiceBuilder<CompanyIri, CompanyBody, Company>(

// GET collection with options
const companiesResult = await companyService.getAll({
  pagination: true,
  pageIndex: 1,
  pageSize: 10,
  sortBy: [{ id: "name", desc: false }],
  properties: ["name", "description", "ceo", "employees.id"] as const,

if (companiesResult.success) {
  console.log("Companies:", companiesResult.data["hydra:member"]);

// GET single item
const companyResult = await companyService.get(1);
if (companyResult.success) {
  console.log("Company:", companyResult.data);

// CREATE new item
const createResult = await companyService.create({
  name: "New Company",
  description: "We build new things",
if (createResult.success) {
  console.log("Created company:", createResult.data);


builder(entrypoint: string, config?: BuilderConfig)


  • entrypoint: string: Base URL of your API (e.g., "https://api.example.com").
  • config?: BuilderConfig: Optional config object.
    • getToken?: () => string | null | Promise<string | null>
    • onUnauthorized?: () => void | Promise<void>

Returns: An object with methods get, post, patch, put, and delete.

get(url: string)

Returns an object with:

  • fetch(options?: FetchOptions): Performs a GET request.
  • withOptions(getOptions: GetOptions): Applies pagination, sorting, filtering, property selection.

post(url: string), patch(url: string), put(url: string), delete(url: string)

Similar to get but for respective HTTP methods. post, patch, and put accept a request body. delete returns null data on success.



  • Generic type parameters: <IriType, BodyType, EntityType>
  • Accepts a fetcher (from builder(...)) or a string/entrypoint object.
  • entityPath: string for the resource (e.g. "/companies").

An object with methods: create, get, getAll, update, replace, delete.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


Licensed under the MIT License.

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  • l.leo