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This module, written in JavaScript, is an extended fork of It converts an input string with ANSI escape codes (for colored console output etc.) into its HTML equivalent. It can be used either as a nodejs module, or as a command-line utility.

Unlike original module, this module wraps text with <span>s with defined CSS classes, instead of hardcoded inline CSS strings.

Apart from that, it allows to:

  • output either standalone HTML file, or just an HTML chunk
  • pre-process the text by escaping HTML special characters

Tested on Windows (Git Bash / MINGW).

It requires nodejs and npm. If you don't have node, grab it at Node installer bundles npm (node package manager).

Tested on nodejs 0.10.


a2h.fromStream(cfg, inputStream, outputStream)

Read text from inputStream and write HTML to outputStream.


Read text from stdin and write HTML to stdout.

a2h.fromString(cfg, string)

Read input text String string and return HTML as String


cfg.standalone Boolean (default: true when input is stream, false when input is string)

If true, output will be a valid HTML file, and it will contain color palette in the <head>, as a style tag. Otherwise, only a HTML chunk will be generated.

cfg.wrapped Boolean (defaults to value of cfg.standalone)

Whether to wrap the passed string in <span class="ansi_console_snippet"></span>.

cfg.escapeHtml Boolean (default: true)

Whether HTML entities in input string should be escaped (& -> &amp; etc.).

cfg.palette Object (optional)

This allows you to override the default colors.

By default, it is assumed that console is white text on black background, and HTML named colors are used for escape codes, i.e. ANSI 34 and 44 will use HTML blue color.

You can override each of the colors by passing any of the following keys: black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan.

You can also override each of them separately for foreground and background using fg_black, bg_black and so on.

You can override default colors of the console by either overriding black and white, or directly via bg and fg.


    palette: {
        bg: '#222222',
        fg: '#eeeeee',
        green: '#00cc3e'

Usage as a nodejs module

$ npm install --save-dev ansi2html-extended
var a2h = require('ansi2html-extended');
var cfg = {
    standalone: true,
    palette: {
        black: '#222222',
        white: '#eeeeee'
// read text from stdin and output HTML to stdout
// you can also just pass a string and get a string returned
a2h.fromString("commit d0fb3a8a5487559e8a2d76735f04b5a02b242838")
// returns `<span class="ansi_fg_yellow">commit d0fb3a8a5487559e8a2d76735f04b5a02b242838</span>`
// you can pass cfg as a first parameter too
  wrapped: true
}, "commit d0fb3a8a5487559e8a2d76735f04b5a02b242838")
// returns `<span class="ansi_console_snippet"><span class="ansi_fg_yellow">commit d0fb3a8a5487559e8a2d76735f04b5a02b242838</span></span>`

Usage from command line

# this will create two symlinks in PATH: `ansi2html` and `a2h` 
$ npm install -g ansi2html-extended
# Ask git for colored summary of last commit, and pipe it to a2h 
# This prints to stdout by default 
# Note we explicitly ask for --color; git disables colors when piping 
$ git show --stat --color | a2h
# It will be more interesting when we save it to a file... 
$ git show --stat --color | a2h > examples/git-show-stat.html
$ firefox examples/git-show-stat.html

See the live rendered examples/git-show-stat.html

The following options are used when a2h is invoked from command line:

    standalone: true,
    escapeHtml: true,
    palette: {
        black: '#222222',
        white: '#eeeeee',
        red:   '#dd0000',
        green: '#00cc3e',
        blue:  '#0099ff',
        cyan:  '#eeeeee'


MIT � Jakub Gieryluk


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