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This is a simple node.js library inspired by Cognitect's Clojure micro-library.

The idea here is to help you better categorize errors as they occur, and better report these errors as actionable things to callers of your APIs. Anomalies are simple objects that have at least a key category in it, and which has a string value of one of the following:

category retry fix
Unavailable yes make sure callee healthy
Interrupted yes stop interrupting
Incorrect no fix caller bug
Forbidden no fix caller creds
Unsupported no fix caller verb
NotFound no fix caller noun
Conflict no coordinate with callee
Fault no fix callee bug
Busy yes backoff and retry

Anomaly Conversion

You can convert an anomaly to an object, which will flatten out data within the anomaly, add a retriable flag, and add a description for any custom reason included in the anomaly.

const anomalies = require('anomalies');
let obj = anomalies.toObject({category: 'Busy'});
// returns: { category: "Busy", retriable: true }

More useful may be converting an anomaly to an HTTP response, which will choose a HTTP status code appropriate for the category, and will encode the object version of the anomaly as JSON and return that as the body of the response. The responses here are usable for things like AWS API Gateway, but may be usable for other systems (and, you can change the returned object however you wish).

const anomalies = require('anomalies');
let response = anomalies.toResponse({category: 'Forbidden'});
// returns {statusCode: 403, body: '{"category":"Forbidden","retriable":false}'}

You can pass any object to toObject and toResponse. If the value you pass is not an anomaly, then it treats it as if you had passed in {category: 'Fault'}.

Custom Reasons

You can register a "reason description" for custom reason codes with this library:

const anomalies = require('anomalies');
anomalies.registerReason('MY_CUSTOM_REASON', 'My custom thing failed');

Then if you include a reason field in an anomaly, converting that to an object will include your description and reason:

let obj = anomalies.toObject({category: 'Fault', reason: 'MY_CUSTOM_REASON'});
// returns {category: 'Fault', reason: 'MY_CUSTOM_REASON', error: 'My custom thing failed'}


  • isRetriable: tells if the argument passed in is a retriable error or not.
    • Input: any value.
    • Returns: boolean.
  • isCategory: tells if the argument passed in is a known anomaly category (a string).
    • Input: any value.
    • Returns: boolean.
  • isAnomaly: tells if the argument passed in is an anomaly.
    • Input: any value.
    • Returns: boolean.
  • toObject: flattens an anomaly, and populates reason and error fields if appropriate.
    • Input: an anomaly.
    • Returns: an object describing the anomaly.
  • toResponse: return an HTTP style response object for an anomaly.
    • Input: any object (expects an anomaly, however).
    • Returns: an object with statusCode and body set appropriately for the argument.
  • registerReason: register a custom error code with a human-readable description.
    • Inputs:
      • Your custom error code (usually a string, but may be whatever you like).
      • A description string of your custom error code.
  • toAnomaly: ensure a value is an anomaly.
    • Input: any value.
    • Output: an anomaly; if already an anomaly, returns the input. If an instance of Error, returns an anomaly with category Fault and message set to the message field of the error. Otherwise, returns an anomaly with category Fault.

Immutable Values

This library can optionally support immutable data structures, by passing in a immutable Map to isAnomaly or isRetriable, and you can get an immutable value from toObject or toResponse if you pass a second argument asImmutable = true.


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