
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Angular Revolution

A directive for the Slider Revolution created by ThemePunch

Note: *This directive requires the jQuery plugin Slider Revolution, which is a paid plugin and requires license. The plugin is not included in this directive because of this.

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Get Started

(1) Get angular-revolution in one of the following ways:

  • clone & build this repository
  • download the release
  • via npm: by running $ npm install angular-revolution from your console
  • or via Bower: by running $ bower install angular-revolution from your console

(2) Include angular-revolution.js (or angular-revolution.min.js) in your index.html, after including Angular itself

(3) Add 'rev.slider' to your main module's list of dependencies

When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
    <script src="//"></script> 
    <script src="js/angular-revolution.min.js"></script> 
        var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['rev.slider']);
        // For Component users, it should look like this:
        // var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-revolution')]);


  • Easy to use directive
  • Ability to have multiple slider instances on a page, each with their own configuration
  • Template configurable and easily overridden
  • Uses angular framework to present sliders which enables the plugin to be run when it's needed and destroyed when it isn't to save memory

To Do

  • Create ability to pass slides object to the api so slides can be stored in a database.
  • Fully template the slides template using angular methodologies so the slides are dynamic and separate from the default template


The directive can be used as an element


or an attribute

<div rev-slider

The $scope is used to push slider configurations to the element & attributes which in turn feed into the slider jQuery plugin. Eventually I will add the ability to pass a slides object to the api which will allow slides to come from a database.



<!-- main container -->
<div class="container-fluid" data-ng-style="{'max-width':'1920px'}">
    <!-- slider parent container -->
    <section class="content-section" data-ng-style="{'max-width':'1920px', 'margin':'0 auto'}">
      <!-- slider container -->
      <div class="rev_slider_wrapper jumbotron" style="background-color:#ddd;margin:0px auto;padding:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">
        <!-- angular-revolution as attribute in div -->
        <div rev-slider


// angular module
angular.module("app", [])
// module controller
.controller("HomeCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
  // slider settings object set to scope.
  $scope.slider = {
    sliderType: "standard",
    sliderLayout: "auto",
    responsiveLevels: [1920, 1024, 778, 480],
    gridwidth: [1930, 1240, 778, 480],
    gridheight: [768, 768, 960, 720],
    autoHeight: "off",
    minHeight: "",
    fullScreenOffsetContainer: "",
    fullScreenOffset: "",
    delay: 9000,
    disableProgressBar: "on",
    startDelay: "",
    stopAfterLoops: "",
    stopAtSlide: "",
    viewPort: {},
    lazyType: "none",
    dottedOverlay: "none",
    shadow: 0,
    spinner: "off",
    hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0,
    hideCaptionAtLimit: 0,
    hideSliderAtLimit: 0,
    debugMode: false,
    extensions: "",
    extensions_suffix: "",
    fallbacks: {
      simplifyAll: "off",
      disableFocusListener: false
    parallax: {
      type: "scroll",
      origo: "enterpoint",
      speed: 400,
      levels: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
    carousel: {},
    navigation: {
      keyboardNavigation: "off",
      keyboard_direction: "horizontal",
      mouseScrollNavigation: "off",
      onHoverStop: "on",
      touch: {
        touchenabled: "on",
        swipe_treshold: 75,
        swipe_min_touches: 1,
        drag_block_vertical: false,
        swipe_direction: "horizontal"
      tabs: {
        style: "zeus",
        enable: true,
        width: 150,
        height: 30,
        min_width: 100,
        wrapper_padding: 0,
        wrapper_color: "transparent",
        wrapper_opacity: "0",
        tmp: "<span class="tp-tab-title">{{title}}</span>",
        visibleAmount: 3,
        hide_onmobile: true,
        hide_under: 480,
        hide_onleave: false,
        hide_delay: 200,
        direction: "horizontal",
        span: true,
        position: "inner",
        space: 1,
        h_align: "left",
        v_align: "top",
        h_offset: 30,
        v_offset: 30
    jsFileLocation: "",
    visibilityLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480],
    hideThumbsOnMobile: "off"

Default template

<ul data-ng-style="{'max-width':'1920px'}">
  <!-- SLIDE  -->
  <!-- MAIN IMAGE -->
  data-bgposition="center bottom"
  <!-- LAYER NR. 1 -->
  <a class="tp-caption News-Title tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  'color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.00)',
  'font-family':'Roboto Slab',
  'padding':'0 0 0 0',
  'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  <!-- LAYER NR. 2 -->
  <div class="tp-caption tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  data-ng-style="{'z-index':'6', 'line-height':'4px', 'padding':'0 0 0 0', 'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'}">
  <!-- LAYER NR. 3 -->
  <a class="tp-caption News-Subtitle tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
    data-style_hover="c:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);br:0 0 0px 0;cursor:pointer;"
    'color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.00)',
    'font-family':'Roboto Slab',
    'background-color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
    'padding':'0 0 0 0',
    'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  Balance SharePoint & Your Business to reach new heights
  <!-- LAYER NR. 4 -->
  <div class="tp-caption - tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  'color':'rgba(0, 210, 255, 1.00)',
  'padding':'0 0 0 0',
  'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  <i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
  <!-- SLIDE  -->
  data-title="Web Solutions"
  <!-- MAIN IMAGE -->
  data-bgposition="center bottom"
  <!-- LAYER NR. 1 -->
  <a class="tp-caption News-Title tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  'color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.00)',
  'font-family':'Roboto Slab',
  'padding':'0 0 0 0',
  'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  Websites &
  <!-- LAYER NR. 2 -->
  <div class="tp-caption  tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  data-x="['left','left','left','left']" data-hoffset="['80','80','40','40']"
  data-y="['top','top','top','top']" data-voffset="['587','587','382','282']"
  data-ng-style="{'z-index':'6', 'line-height':'4px', 'padding':'0 0 0 0', 'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'}">
  <img src="core/templates/default/images/sliders/bluebar.png" alt="" width="350" height="4" data-ww="" data-hh="" data-no-retina>
  <!-- LAYER NR. 3 -->
  <a class="tp-caption News-Subtitle tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  data-style_hover="c:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);br:0 0 0px 0;cursor:pointer;"
  'color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.00)',
  'font-family':'Roboto Slab',
  'background-color':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
  'padding':'0 0 0 0',
  'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  Provide unforgettable experiences to your users
  <!-- LAYER NR. 4 -->
  <div class="tp-caption - tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0"
  data-x="['left','left','left','left']" data-hoffset="['423','423','383','383']"
  data-y="['top','top','top','top']" data-voffset="['607','607','403','303']"
  'color':'rgba(0, 210, 255, 1.00)',
  'padding':'0 0 0 0',
  'border-radius':'0 0 0 0'
  <i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
<div class="tp-bannertimer tp-bottom" style="visibility: hidden !important;"></div>


sliderType: The type of slider to use (Standard, Hero, Carousel)

sliderLayout: Responsiveness of slider (Auto, fullwidth, fullscreen)

responsiveLevels: Grid Sizes (Aspect Ratios)

gridwidth: The content container size within a slider for width

gridheight: The content container size within a slider for height

autoHeight: allow the Slider to always keep the Aspect Ratio which is set via the gridwidth and gridheight parameters (on, off)

minHeight: Slider Minimum Height

fullScreenOffsetContainer: Slider’s height will be reduced with the height of the containers

fullScreenOffset: Fullscreen Slider’s height will be reduced/increased with the the value defined

delay: Describes the default (global) length of the slides in ms

disableProgressBar: Display progressbar (on, off)

startDelay: Wait with starting the first animation after the slider has been loaded.

stopAfterLoops: Auto Play stop after the Slider has been looped “x” time

stopAtSlide: Auto Play stop at Slide Nr. “x”

viewPort: Define how many percent of the Slider must be visible before it starts

lazyType: The art to load the images within the slides and navigation containers

dottedOverlay: A Default overlay on slides

shadow: Shadow type which will be drawn via jQuery and css on demand

spinner: Loader (“spinner”) Type

hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: Defines a Global parameter to hide all layers if the browser width is smaller than this

hideCaptionAtLimit: Defines a Global parameter to hide certain layers if the browser width is smaller than this

hideSliderAtLimit: Defines a Global parameter to hide certain layers if the browser width is smaller than this

debugMode: Turns on the Frontend Debug mode,

extensions: Extensions location

extensions_suffix: Extensions suffix

fallbacks: Fallbacks for slider on different devices / browsers

parallax: Defines the configuration for parallax

revCarousel: Defines the settings for carousel

navigation: Defines the settings for navigation

jsFileLocation: Location to js file

visibilityLevels: Visibility Levels

hideThumbsOnMobile: Hide thumbnails on mobile devices

slides: Slides object, still under development


Reporting issues and Contributing

Please read our Contributor guidelines before reporting an issue or creating a pull request.


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