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plotly.js component for Angular

Provides a PlotlyComponent for working with Plotly.js
This library is designed around the Plotly.react() API (available since Plotly.js 1.34.0)

There is an official angular-plotly.js library. However, angular-plotly-react has a different design, which is discussed at the bottom of this page.

angular-plotly-react installation

  1. Install the angular-plotly-react package
  2. import PlotlyModule in one of your Angular modules
    import { PlotlyModule } from 'angular-plotly-react';
  3. (optional) install dev dependency: @types/plotly.js

By default the Plotly global will be used, or if it doesn't exist, plotly.js will be downloaded from the CDN

PlotlyComponent usage

If you installed @types/plotly.js you may want to import and use these types:
import {Config, Layout, ScatterData} from 'plotly.js';

Create your trace(s) data. See the Plotly.js documentation examples and full reference.

    dataPartial<ScatterData>[] = [
        type: 'scatter',
        x: [1, 2, 3, 4],
        y: [2, 4, 3, 0.5]

In your template: <plotly [data]="data"></plotly>

At minimum, only traces data is required. However, you probably want to set a config to adjust Plotly's buttons and a layout to adjust margins:
<plotly [data]="data" [layout]="layout" [config]="config"></plotly>

  layoutPartial<Layout> = {
    title: 'Hello Plotly!',
    margin: {
      t: 36, r: 16, b: 30, l: 24
  configPartial<Config> = {
    displaylogo: false,
    showLink: false,
    modeBarButtonsToRemove: [


To update the plotly chart when <plotly> is resized, you can provide an Observable to [resize$] or call PlotlyComponent.react().

If you're using material2, you can use ViewportRuler to get an Observable that emits when the window size changes:

  constructor(private viewportRulerViewportRuler) {}
  ngOnInit() {
    this.resize$ = this.viewportRuler.change(100);

plotly.js loading customization

Synchronous loading

You can create the Plotly global by either:
Adding <script src=""></script> to index.html
In an @angular/cli project, install plotly.js and add "node_modules/plotly.js/dist/plotly-basic.min.js" to scripts in angular.json

Alternatively, instead of loading the Plotly global, you can import it within AppModule and pass it to PlotlyModule:

import * as Plotly from 'plotly.js/dist/plotly.min.js';
  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ plotly: Plotly })

Asynchronous loading

With an asynchronous configuration, plotly.js will be downloaded on demand. To preload, set preload: true in PlotlyModule's config. preload is delayed by 250ms by default, which can be configured with delay.

In AppModule

  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ url: '' })

Alternatively, with @angular/cli > 6.0, you can configure lazy global scripts in angular.json:

  { "input": "node_modules/plotly.js/dist/plotly-basic.min.js", "bundleName": "plotly", "lazy": true }

In AppModule

  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ url: 'plotly.js' })

angular-plotly.js discussion

There is an official angular-plotly.js library. However, I decided to publish angular-plotly-react because of some fundamental design differences. For comparison, see:


  • angular-plotly.js requires that you install plotly.js and provides no way to choose the build (see issue #5)
    import * as Plotlyjs from 'plotly.js/dist/plotly.js';
    angular-plotly-react just uses the Plotly global by default and supports multiple ways of loading plotly.js.
  • angular-plotly.js has some strange change detection code, which I worry will impact performance when plotting lots of data. I plan to test this and report the issue.
  • angular-plotly.js creates an Output() EventEmitter for every Plotly event (about 26) and hooks all of them even if you don't use the event.
  • Currently, angular-plotly-react manages datarevision for you and increments it when data changes, which simplifies usage.
  • angular-plotly-react currently lacks a few features such as [divId], [style], [className], [debug], but IMO these aren't needed. Submit an issue if you think otherwise.
  • (error) Plotly.react() does not seem to throw errors (at least with bad trace data), so angular-plotly-react has no error reporting system. needs more research


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.3.

The default angular-plotly project is an app for testing the angular-plotly-react library.

Build angular-plotly-react library: ng build angular-plotly-react

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