
0.0.5 • Public • Published


a simple Angular ES6 starter kit that uses Webpack and BabelJs

Getting started:

Download or clone the repository, or use the npm (node package manager):

npm install angular-es6-starter

Install the dependencies and once is done, run the webpack-dev-server,this operations can take few seconds or minutes depending on the speed of your connection.

npm install
npm run start

Than visit the url: http://localhost:8080/ and start to write your app!

How does it work:

The starter project uses Webpack as bundler and development server and BabelJs as compiler for ES6, the main entry file is src/app/app.js, any changes made to it or the files required into it, will trigger the Webpack's HMR (hot module replacement) that will rebuild the bundle file, serve it from memory and reload the page.

What does include?

The starter includes some example of how you can use the items in the list below to begin your project without doubts.

  • Controller(s): the controllers are build with the es6 class type.
  • Service(s): the services are build with the es6 class type.
  • Directive(s): the services are build by exporting a function. (I can't do it with class)
  • Route(s): the config functions and route are build by exporting a function.
  • Sub-Module(s): the sub modules, which contain all of the previous elements, are build with the es6 class type.


After the download go to the root directory where the package.json file is located and type:

npm run build     // generate the bundle file
npm run start     // launch the webpack development server with HMR e inline mode enabled


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