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Nest CSS rules inside custom properties


Anesthetic is a small tool that does one thing - allows CSS authors to nest CSS rules inside other CSS rules in a way that meets the following criteria:

  1. 100% valid CSS syntax
  2. Works in browsers today
  3. No conflict with native CSS nesting syntax
  4. Future-proof

How does it work?

The technique is to put the declaration list for the rule you would like to nest as the value of a custom property, and to name the custom property in a special way. Here's how we'll think about the naming of these properties

"--" <custom-name> <selector> ":" <block> [ ";" ]
  • every custom property starts with a double dash --
  • <custom-name> is part of a valid CSS property name you choose to namespace your nested rules and keep them easily identifiable amongst all your custom properties
  • selector is a CSS selector list, with any special characters escaped by a backslash \
  • <block> is a {-block containing the declaration list of the nested rule.
  • ; semicolon is the delimiter that is required to separate multiple properties in a declaration list

Here's an example using - as the custom name:

/* nested */
a {
  color: red;
  ---b: {
    color: blue;
/* expanded */
a {
  color: red;
a b {
  color: blue;

Here in this example, the first part of the custom property ---\ b made up of the first two dashes plus our custom name (-) is replaced by the selector of the original rule, so ---\ b becomes a b.

If you work with a different custom name, like nest-, you can process the same rules written like this:

a {
  color: red;
  --nest-b: {
    color: blue;


This package is available on npm and is delivered in two formats:

  • index.cjs.js is a CommonJS module for use with Node and CommonJS bundlers
  • index.js is an ES module for use with Deno, browsers, and ES module bundlers

Below are some of the ways you can consume and use this package.

Using anesthetic via npx without installing anything

$ npx anesthetic 'a { color: red; ---\ b: { color: blue; }; }'
$ npx anesthetic path/to/stylesheet.css

Using as an ES module with Deno or a browser

import anesthetic from ''
    a {
      color: red;
      ---\\ b: {
        color: blue;

Using as a CommonJS module with Node

const anesthetic = require('anesthetic/index.cjs.js')
    a {
      color: red;
      ---\\ b: {
        color: blue;

Command-line usage with Node or Deno

Expanding a string

To expand a string, supply a string to the CLI script as the first argument

$ node cli/node.js 'a { color: red; ---\ b: { color: blue; }; }'
$ deno cli/deno.js 'a { color: red; ---\ b: { color: blue; }; }'

Expanding a file

To expand a stylesheet, supply a pathname to the CLI script as the first argument:

$ node cli/node.js path/to/stylesheet.css
$ deno --allow-read cli/deno.js path/to/stylesheet.css

You can run npm link if you want to use cli/node.js on your system as the command anesthetic


anesthetic(string, propertyName)
  • string is a string containing a CSS stylesheet to expand
  • propertyName is a part of a custom property name to namespace your nested rules. The default value if omitted is -.


Nesting rules

/* nested */
a {
  color: red;
  ---b: {
    color: green;
    ---c: {
      color: blue;
/* expanded */
a {
  color: red;
a b {
  color: green;
a b c {
  color: blue;

Using selector lists

/* nested */
ab, c {
  ---d\,\ e\,\ f: {
    color: lime;
/* expanded */
a d,
a e,
a f,
b d,
b e,
b f,
c d,
c e,
c f {
  color: lime;

To see more demos, check out the tests in examples/

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  • tomhodgins