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Automatically create Form for your GaphQL API in AWS Amplify

This React component automatically reads the GraphQL schema of your Amplify API and creates a form for creating new items in your database.


  • Create a form for any of your AWS Amplify GraphQL API
  • Generate values that can be directly passed to grapql
  • Create automatically <select> for your enums
  • Customize Form name (here)
  • Customize fields label and messages + localization (here)
  • Change field size (here)
  • Customize Form branding (here)
  • Add <textarea> for long text (here)
  • Add drag'n'drop zone to add images with automatic uploads (here)
  • Add drag'n'drop zone to add files with automatic uploads (here)
  • Configure Storage (here)
  • Specify relationships between entities (here)
  • Add field props (readOnly, defaultValue,...) (here)
  • Typescript friendly

Note: This plugin requires AWS Amplify with a GraphQL API configured


npm install amplify-form


yarn add amplify-form


Import the component into your file. Pass the JSON representation of the GraphQL API that Amplify has generated for you and the name of the entity you want to edit.

  • Example page : create-todo-page.ts:
// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values (see below for example code)
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>

Required props

  • entity: The name of the entity you want to create a new record of.
    In this example, the entity is named *Todo_. Thus, the prop you need to pass is entity='Todo'.

  • graphQLJSONSchema: The JSON representation of the GraphQL schema. It's a file generated by Amplify when you execute the Amplify push command.
    By default located in the graphql folder (itself located on the project root or in the src folder). Look for the schema.json file if you have any trouble.

  • onSubmit: async (values: FormValues) => void: A callback function to retieves the form values.
    values can directly be passed to Amplify API.graphql() function to add a new record.
    The function can be asynchronous.

    Example function : utilities/add-todo.ts

    // Import Amplify
    import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify';
    import awsExports from '../aws-exports';
    import { createTodo } from '../graphql/mutations';
    import { CreateTodoMutation, ListTodosQuery, Todo } from '../API';
    import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
    // Import type for Typescript
    import { FormValues } from 'amplify-form'
    // Import NextJS router
    import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
    export default addTodo: async (values: FormValues) => {
      const router = useRouter();
      try {
        const request = (await API.graphql({
          authMode: GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE.API_KEY,
          query: createTodo,
          variables: {
            input: values,
        })) as { data: CreateTodoMutation; errors: any[] };
      } catch (response) {
        if (response instanceof Error) {
          const error = response as Error
          throw error
        } else {
          const { errors } = response
          throw new Error(errors[0].message);

Note: It is a rather simplified version. In the real world, creation in the GraphQL API shouldn't be allowed with API_KEY:

  • @auth authorization rules should be properly set on your GraphQL schema (see here)
  • Your page (or entire app) should be wrap with AWS Authenticator, like withAuthenticator

Add a label to the form

By default, the form is named after the entity name (the string passed to entity prop).
You can set a custom name by stting the labelprop.


// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>
        label='To do'

Customize fields label and messages, localization

By default, the fields are named after the name of the fields in the GraphQL schema.

If you want to use custom labels for some fields, use this prop:


// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values (see below for example code)
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  const labelMap: Map<string, string> = new Map([
    ['name', 'Enter a name'],
    ['description', 'Enter a description'],
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>

Customize Error/Feedback messages

You can add special names in the labelMap to customize Error or Feedback messages :

  • 'message:invalidError': Gives feedback to the user signaling that some fields are invalid. It appears next to the submit button.

    Default: 'Some fields are invalid'

  • 'message:required': Gives feedback to the user signaling that a required field is empty. It appears under the field as '${fieldname} ${required}' (for example *'name required'_).

    Default: 'required'

  • 'message:select': Text that appears in all <select>. Warning : this apply to single and multi select

    Default: 'Select'

  • 'message:submitAction': The text of the submit button.

    Default: 'Create'

  • 'message:creating': The appearing while the record is created in the backend.

    Default: 'Creating Item...'


// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values (see below for example code)
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  const labelMap: Map<string, string> = new Map([
    ['name', 'Enter a name'],
    ['message:invalidError', 'Check invalid fields before submitting'],
    ['message:required', 'is required'],
    ['message:select', 'Choose'],
    ['message:submitAction', 'Create To do !'],
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>


You can use labelMap prop for localization.

Change field size

Each field, depending on its type, has a default width.
If you want to change this default behaviour and set a particular size on some fields, set this prop:

  • fieldsSize?: Pass an object with the fieldname as key and a FieldSize as value

    Type FieldSize = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl' | '3xl' | 'full' | 'max' | 'screen'


// Import AmplifyForm and FieldsSize
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { FieldsSize } from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  const fieldsSizeConfig: FieldsSize = {
    'name': 'lg',
    'description': '3xl'
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>

Customize Form branding

The form comes with default color scheme.

For a better branding, you use the theme prop with 2 props :

  • color? = Color: Set the Color scheme of the form.
    As AmplifyForm uses Tailwind CSS under the hood, it is based on Tailwind colors (as defined here).
    Note: Type Color = 'black' | 'slate' | 'gray' | 'zinc' | 'neutral' | 'stone' | 'red' | 'orange' | 'amber' | 'yellow' | 'lime' | 'green' | 'emerald' | 'teal' | 'cyan' | 'sky' | 'blue' | 'indigo' | 'violet' | 'purple' | 'fuchsia' | 'pink' | 'rose'

  • branding? = 'basic'| 'full': Set the level of branding you want to apply.

    Default: 'basic'


// Import AmplifyForm and FormTheme
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { FormTheme } from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values (see below for example code)
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  const theme: FormTheme = {
    color: 'lime',
    branding: 'full',
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>

Add a <textarea>

By default, strings in GraphQL model are transformed into <input type='text'>. This is generally ok, but some strings are meant "long" text, like description, content, text, etc.

AmplifyForm has a simple solution for that :

  • textAreas? : A prop where you pass an array containing all the string fields that need to be displayed as <textarea>.


Let's say your GraphQL model schema.grapql is a simple Todo list :

type Todo
@model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String

If you want description to be a <textarea> you simple pass its name to the textAreas prop like so :

// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>


  • If you have multiples fields to display as <textarea>, you pass them all in a single array.
    e.g. textAreas=['description', 'annotations', 'seo_summary']
  • Names are compatible with dotted notation.
    e.g. textAreas=['details.description']

Advanced usage

For finer control over the <textarea>, you can pass HTMLTextAreaElement props to textAreas.

For this, you should pass an object to textAreas (not an array, which is reserved for the simpler form). The fields to display as <textarea> are the keys, and the value for each key is an object containing the HTMLTextAreaElement props you want to set.

⚠️ Warning: some HTMLTextAreaElement props might not work has they may be overwritten somewhere else in the code... Use at your own risks !


// Import AmplifyForm and TextAreas
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { TextAreas } from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default Home = () => {
  const textAreasConfig: TextAreas = {
    'description': {
      readOnly: true,
      col: 4
  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>

Add drag'n'drop zone to add images

Sometimes you want to add images to your backend. GraphQL give no direct type to reference file. So generally, images are uploaded to a S3 bucket and referenced in the API by a string (typically s3_key).

Amplify give you the tools to simplify storage in S3, via the module AWS Amplify Storage.

But as images are only referenced in the GraphQL schema as string, you have to manually declare to AmplifyForm which fields are in reality images.

It is quite straightforward with this prop:

  • imageFields?: A prop where you pass an array containing all the fields that need to be displayed as <input type='file'>.

Instead of boring <input type='file'> AmplifyForm creates for you a nice drag'n'drop zone (based on React Dropzone) and thumbnails.

Images re-ordering

If you drop multiple files, you can re-order images simply by drag'n'dropping the thumbnails.

The resulting Array in the values will be ordered accordingly.

Automatic image upload

Upon submission (when you click the Create button), images will automatically be uploaded to your S3 Storage configured in your Amplify backend.

You can add configurations on the Storage (detailed here)

This has 2 requierements :

  • Storage module must be delpoyed in your Amplify backend
  • Amplify must be configured on the page containing the AmplifyForm: typically via the Amplify.configure({...awsExports}) command on the top of the file or in _app.tsx

Parsing returned values (image)

As Images are not simple fields, the values returned by AmplifyForm must be parsed and reworked before being sent to GraphlQL API. This is achieve via the onSubmit: async (values: FormValues) => void prop of AmplifyForm.

The value returned by Amplify is either a single FieldWithStorage (for single image) or a FieldWithStorage[] (for multiple images).

FieldWithStorage is a special type that contains all the informations you need about the image :

  • name: the name of the image
  • storageKey: the S3 key, typically used to download the image via Storage.get(storageKey) (details here)
  • type: the MIME type of the image
  • width: the image width
  • height: the image height

Example (image)

Let's say your GraphQL model schema.grapql is a simple blog with Post, described in Post, and each Post has some images (at least one), described in ImageFile :


type Post
@model {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  content: String!
  gallery: [ImageFile!]!

type ImageFile {
  s3_key: String!
  mime_type: String!
  width: Int
  height: Int

You declare gallery as an image field (also content as a <textarea>).
And you create 2 functions :

  • createPostInput to put the image infos in the right place
  • addPost to create the new Post in the backend via the GraphQL API


// Import Amplify
import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsExports from '../aws-exports';
import { createPost } from '../graphql/mutations';
import { CreatePostMutation, ImageFileInput } from '../API';
import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import { withAuthenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';

// Import AmplifyForm and types
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { FormValues, FileWithStorage } from 'amplify-form'

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

const CreatePost = () => {

  // Configure Amplify
  Amplify.configure({ ...awsExports });

  const imageFields = ['gallery']

  const createPostInput = (values: FormValues, imageFieldList: string[]) => {
    const postInput: FormValues = {...values}; => {
      // Retrieve the FileWithStorage array from values
      const imageValues = values[imageFieldName] as FileWithStorage[];
      // Parse every value and transform it into ImageFileType
      const imageFiles: ImageFileInput[] = => {
        return {
          s3_key: image.storageKey,
          mime_type: image.type,
          width: image.width,
          height: image.height,
      // Replace the value in postInput
      postInput[imageFieldName] = imageFiles;
    // Return the values now in the right format
    return postInput;

  const addPost (values: FormValues) => {
    const postInput = createPostInput(values);
    try {
      const request = (await API.graphql({
        query: createPost,
        variables: {
          input: postInput,
      })) as { data: CreatePostMutation; errors: any[] };
    } catch (response) {
      if (response instanceof Error) {
        const error = response as Error;
        throw error;
      } else {
        const { errors } = response;
        throw new Error(errors[0].message);

  return (
      <h1>Create a new Post</h1>

export default withAuthenticator(() => CreatePost)

Add drag'n'drop zone to add files

Sometimes you want to add files to your backend. GraphQL give no direct type to reference a file. So generally, files are uploaded to a S3 bucket and referenced in the API by a string (typically s3_key).

Amplify give you the tools to simplify storage in S3, via the module AWS Amplify Storage.

But as files are only referenced in the GraphQL schema as string, you have to manually declare to AmplifyForm which fields are in reality files.

It is quite straightforward with this prop:

  • fileFields?: A prop where you pass an array containing all the fields that need to be displayed as <input type='file'>.

Instead of boring <input type='file'> AmplifyForm creates for you a nice drag'n'drop zone (based on React Dropzone).

Automatic file upload

Upon submission (when you click the Create button), files will automatically be uploaded to your S3 Storage configured in your Amplify backend.

You can add extra configurations on the Storage (detailed here)

This has 2 requierements :

  • Storage module must be delpoyed in your Amplify backend
  • Amplify must be configured on the page containing the AmplifyForm: typically via the Amplify.configure({...awsExports}) command on the top of the file or in _app.tsx

Parsing returned values (files)

As File are not simple fields, the values returned by AmplifyForm must be parsed and reworked before being sent to GraphlQL API. This is achieve via the onSubmit: async (values: FormValues) => void prop of AmplifyForm.

The value returned by Amplify is either a single FieldWithStorage (for single file) or a FieldWithStorage[] (for multiple files).

FieldWithStorage is a special type that contains all the informations you need about the file :

  • name: the name of the file
  • storageKey: the S3 key, typically used to download the file via Storage.get(storageKey) (details here)
  • type: the MIME type of the file

Example (file)

Let's say your GraphQL model schema.grapql is a simple blog with Post, described in Post, and each Post has some attachements (at least one), described in File :


type Post
@model {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  content: String!
  attachements: [File!]!

type File {
  name: String!
  s3_key: String!
  mime_type: String!

You declare attachements as an file field (also content as a <textarea>).
And you create 2 functions :

  • createPostInput to put the file infos in the right place
  • addPost to create the new Post in the backend via the GraphQL API


// Import Amplify
import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsExports from '../aws-exports';
import { createPost } from '../graphql/mutations';
import { CreatePostMutation, FileInput } from '../API';
import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import { withAuthenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';

// Import AmplifyForm and types
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { FormValues, FileWithStorage } from 'amplify-form'

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

const CreatePost = () => {

  // Configure Amplify
  Amplify.configure({ ...awsExports });

  const fileFields = ['attachements']

  const createPostInput = (values: FormValues, fileFieldList: string[]) => {
    const postInput: FormValues = {...values}; => {
      // Retrieve the FileWithStorage array from values
      const fileValues = values[fileFieldName] as FileWithStorage[];
      // Parse every value and transform it into ImageFileType
      const files: FileInput[] = => {
        return {
          s3_key: file.storageKey,
          mime_type: file.type,
      // Replace the value in postInput
      postInput[fileFieldName] = files;
    // Return the values now in the right format
    return postInput;

  const addPost (values: FormValues) => {
    const postInput = createPostInput(values);
    try {
      const request = (await API.graphql({
        query: createPost,
        variables: {
          input: postInput,
      })) as { data: CreatePostMutation; errors: any[] };
    } catch (response) {
      if (response instanceof Error) {
        const error = response as Error;
        throw error;
      } else {
        const { errors } = response;
        throw new Error(errors[0].message);

  return (
      <h1>Create a new Post</h1>

export default withAuthenticator(() => CreatePost)

Configure Storage

If you want to add additionnal configs to Storage you can use the storageConfig?, with 2 props:

  • storagePrefix?: string: a prefix that will be add to storageKey in the FileWithStorageKey value.
    This can be useful if you want to give your Storage some kind of folder-tree like organisation (with storagePrefix='afoldername/' for example)
  • storageLevel?: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private': specify the file access level in Storage (as defined here)

Specify relationships

In GraphQL schema you can add relationships between 2 entities with the @connection directive (as explained here).

In order for AmplifyForm to display these relationships correctly, you need to specify a few infos in a relationships?: Relationship[] prop (note that you need to pass an array, as they can be multiple relationships).

A relationship is displayed in AmplifyForm as a <select>

A Relationship object has this props:

  • entity: string: the name of the entity you established a connection to

    If your entity is nested in an object, you can specific a path?: string with a "dotted" notation (e.g. name='category path='details.category')

  • items: any[]: an array conaining all possible values of the entity.

    Each item in items must contain an id field, as GraphQL establish the relationship with this field.

  • labelField: string: the field in the item object you want to display in your <select>

  • label?: string: an optionnal label for the relationship

  • size?: FieldSize: an optionnal size (as using fieldsSize prop for a relationship wouldn't be very straightforward)


Let's say your GraphQL model schema.grapql is a project management tool with Project and Team. Each Project has a Team attached (via a @connection directive):


type Project @model {
  id: ID!
  label: String
  team: Team @connection

type Team @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  size: Int!


// Import Amplify
import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsExports from '../aws-exports';
import { createProject } from '../graphql/mutations';
import { listTeams } from '../graphql/queries';
import { 
  } from '../API';
import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import { withAuthenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';

// Import react hooks
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

// Import AmplifyForm and types
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';
import { FormValues, Relationship } from 'amplify-form'

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

const CreatePost = () => {

  // Configure Amplify
  Amplify.configure({ ...awsExports });

  // Fetch teams
  const [teams, setTeams] = useState<Teams[]>();

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchTeams = async () => {
      const { data } = (await API.graphql({
        authMode: GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE.API_KEY,
        query: listTeams,
      })) as GraphQLResult<ListTeamsQuery>;
      const *teams = (data?.listTeams?.items || []) as Team[];
  }, [teams]);

  if (!teams) {
    return (

  const teamRelationship: Relationship = {
    name: 'team',
    items: teams,
    labelField: 'name',
    label: 'Pick a team',
    size: 'lg',

  const addProject (values: FormValues) => {
    try {
      const request = (await API.graphql({
        query: createProject,
        variables: {
          input: values,
      })) as { data: CreateProjectMutation; errors: any[] };
    } catch (response) {
      if (response instanceof Error) {
        const error = response as Error;
        throw error;
      } else {
        const { errors } = response;
        throw new Error(errors[0].message);

  return (
      <h1>Create a new Post</h1>

export default withAuthenticator(() => CreatePost)

Add field props

You can add any props to any field with the fieldsProps? prop of *AmplifyForm_.

This is useful to set a defaultValue, or to define a field as readOnly for example.

The prop value must be either string, number or boolean
⚠️ Warning: some props might not work has they may be overwritten somewhere else in the code... Use at your own risks !


A simple Todo, with a ref field which contains a more human-readable id that you manage (via nextRef prop on your page).


type Todo
@model {
  id: ID!
  ref: Int!
  name: String!
  description: String


// Import AmplifyForm
import AmplifyForm from 'amplify-form';

// Path to the JSON representation of the GraphQL Schema
import schema from '../graphql/schema.json';

// Import function to process the Form values
import addTodo from '../utilities/add-todo';

export default CreateTodo = ({ nextRef: number}) => {

  const fieldsProps = {
    'ref': {
      defaultValue: nextRef,
      readOnly: true,

  return (
      <h1>Create a new To do</h1>


  • ⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome.
  • For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
  • Pull requests must be accompanied by passing automated tests.


This library relies heavily on the tremendous work of others :


Under MIT License

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  • posicamois