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A view module for intelligently applying an hierarchy to form data. MultifieldView gathers field views into a collection that can be treated as a single field view whose value is an object with keys and values corresponding to its sub-views' names and values. Works well with ampersand-form-view.

It does the following:

  • Accepts a collection of views that implement the form field view conventions.
  • Acts as a form field view and passes information about its fields to the parent form


npm install ampersand-multifield-view


var MultiFieldView = require('ampersand-multifield-view');
var InputView = require('ampersand-input-view');
var AddressFieldView = MultiFieldView.extend({
  fields: [
    new InputView({
      name: 'address1',
      label: 'Address 1',
      placeholder: 'Address line 1',
      value: ''
    new InputView({
      name: 'address2',
      label: 'Address 2',
      placeholder: 'Address line 2',
      value: ''
    new InputView({
      name: 'city',
      label: 'City',
      placeholder: 'City',
      value: ''
    new InputView({
      name: 'state',
      label: 'State/Region',
      placeholder: 'State/Region',
      value: ''
    new InputView({
      name: 'zip',
      label: 'ZIP/Postal Code',
      placeholder: 'Postal Code',
      value: ''
module.exports = AddressFieldView
var FormView = require('ampersand-form-view');
var AddressFieldView = require('./address-field-view');
module.exports = FormView.extend({
  fields: function() {
    return [
      new AddressView({
        name: 'address',
        label: 'address',
        value: {
          address1: '350 Fifth Avenue',
          address2: '',
          city: 'New York',
          state: 'NY',
          zip: '10118'

API Reference

extend AmpersandMultiFieldView.extend({ })

Because this view is based on ampersand-state, it can be extended the same way to create your own MultiFieldView class.

Note: If you want to add your own version of a function (such as initialize()), remember you are overriding MultiFieldView's own functions. Thus, you should call the parent's functions manually:

var AmpersandMultiFieldView = require('ampersand-multifield-view');
var MyCustomMultiField = AmpersandMultiFieldView.extend({
  initialize: function(spec) {
    // call its parent's initialize manually, spec);
    // do whatever else

constructor/initialize new AmpersandMultiFieldView({opts})

When creating an instance of MultiFieldView, you can pass initial values to be set to the state.


  • name: the field's name attribute's value. Used when reporting to parent form.
  • label: the label for the views.
  • fields: an array of form-vield views
  • value: initial value to pass on to the MultiFieldView's forms. An object where the keys match the fields' name attributes.
  • template: a custom template to use.
  • tests (default []): validation functions to run on the fields' values. See below.
  • beforeSubmit: function called by ampersand-form-view during submit.
  • validCallback: function called whenever the valid property's value changes.

render AmpersandMultiFieldView.render()

Renders the MultiFieldView. Called automatically when used within a parent ampersand-form-view.

reset AmpersandMultiFieldView.reset()

Reset the fields' values to their starting value

clear AmpersandMultiFieldView.clear()

Clears the fields' values

template AmpersandMultiFieldView.template

This can be customized by using extend or by passing in a template on instantiation.

It can be a function that returns a string of HTML or DOM element -- or just an HTML string.

The resulting HTML should contain the following hooks:

  • an element with a data-hook="label" attribute.
  • an element with a data-hook="multifields" attribute where the fields are inserted.

tests AmpersandMultiFieldView.tests

The test functions will be called in the context of the MultifieldView and receive the MultiFieldView's value.

The tests should return an error message if invalid and return either a falsy value or not return otherwise.

It's recommended that tests validatate the relationship of the fields. As an example, validate that when the address field has a value, that the zip code field does as well.

var AmpersandMultiFieldView = require('ampersand-multifield-view');
var MyCustomMultiField = AmpersandMultiFieldView.extend({
  tests: [
    function(value) {
      var hasAddrOrZip = !!value.address1 || !!;
      var hasBoth = value.address &&
      if (hasAddrOrZip && !hasBoth) {
        return 'An address and zip code must both be provided'

beforeSubmit AmpersandMultiFieldView.beforeSubmit()

This function is called by ampersand-form-view during submit and calls its fields' beforeSubmit functions.

Note: if you want to write your own version, be sure to call the parent to ensure the MultiFieldView's fields' beforeSubmit functions are calledd.

var AmpersandMultiFieldView = require('ampersand-multifield-view');
var MyCustomMultiField = AmpersandMultiFieldView.extend({
  beforeSubmit: function() {
    // call its parent's beforeSubmit manually;
    // do whatever else

validCallback AmpersandMultiFieldView.validCallback()

A function that gets called, if it exists, when the field first loads and anytime the form changes from valid to invalid or vice versa.




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