
0.0.11 • Public • Published

A-Frame multi-user Croquet component

The component allows easily, while staying in A-Frame scene definition (plain HTML file), to add a multi-user features onto A-Frame entities in scene. Create Croquet (aka Croquet V) simulations on A-Frame entities.
A-Frame multi-user component works by synchronizing / replicating entities and their components to connected peers using Croquet application architecture. It relies on public Croquet reflectors, which are available online on the Internet.

source code

Demo video

Live basic project at Glitch:

Sample world in this repository

Getting Started

How to share an entity in an A-Frame scene with other users:

Add links to this component and croquet lib in the html header

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

or, to bundle aframe-croquet-component:

import 'aframe-croquet-component';

Add croquet component to the root element.

<a-scene croquet>

By default, the session name and password will be generated by Croquet app. Random key will be added in the url automatically, like:
http://localhost:8080/?q=11e4rpm5ot#Lro7M5pHq7b4V_c7kkhezA. Then, this link should be shared between users.

Optionally, you could specify a fixed session name, password and api key manually:

<a-scene croquet="sessionName: test; password: test; apiKey: myApiKey">

Croquet free API key could be get from

Give an id to the entity (if not exist) and finally add multiuser component

 <a-box id="box1" position="-1.5 1 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9" multiuser></a-box>

Open the same scene in several Web Browsers windows. The entity should be synced!

How to try out the synchronization:

Open Web Browser Developer Tools and select an entity with multiuser component

let box = document.querySelector('a-scene').querySelector('#box1')

Change entity attributes like, position, rotation, geometry or material etc., by replicating the entity properties

box.setAttribute('position', {x:0, y: 1, z: -4});
box.setAttribute('rotation', {x:0, y: 45, z: 0});
box.setAttribute('material', {color: '#4BAC41'});
box.setAttribute('geometry', {width: 3});

Start a Croquet application attached to an entity, by replicating a computation (animation example)

box.setAttribute('multiuser', {anim: true});

Also, you could try to attach to scene the A-Frame scene Inspector by pressing <ctrl> + <alt> + i. Modify entity properties within it's GUI and observe how some of the properties replicates on other peers.

User Avatars

When a user connects, other clients will look for an avatar template:

<template id="avatarTemplate">
    <a-entity>   <!-- This entity's location and rotation are set from the other user's camera -->
        <a-entity gltf-model="#avatarModel" position="0 -.30 0" rotation="0 90 0"></a-entity>

The first child of the template (and its children) will be cloned and used as an avatar for the newly-connected player. The color attribute will be set to a distinct color, but only primitives such as a-box will use that.

The position and rotation of that entity will be set from the other user's camera. If the avatar model does not face the positive Z-axis and have eyes close to y=0, you will need to wrap the model entity in an outer entity, and set the position and/or rotation of the model entity.

Seed random numbers for procedural generation

During Croquet initialization, the data-seeds attribute of the scene element will be set to a list of 25 random numbers - the same list on every client. These numbers can be used for procedural generation of the world.

Croquet Component Attributes


default: 'demo', that is, randomly generated


default: 'demo', that is, randomly generated


default: 'myApiKey'


default: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}

User avatars will spawn near to and facing this point.

Multiuser Component Attributes


default: false

Whether the element will be animated by its Croquet Model.

Basic Scene Example

source code

  <title>A-Frame & Croquet</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <a-scene croquet>
    <a-box id="box1" position="-1.5 1 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9" multiuser="anim: true"></a-box>
    <a-sphere id="sphere1" position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E" multiuser></a-sphere>
    <a-cylinder id="cylinder1" position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5" color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder>
    <a-plane id="plane1" position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="4" height="4" color="#7BC8A4" multiuser></a-plane>
    <a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>

  <template id="avatarTemplate">
      <a-octahedron radius="0.8"></a-octahedron>


Doug Reeder



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  • nikolaysuslov