
1.3.9 • Public • Published


acme-aem-tool is a simple command-line tool to generate Storybook stories from content defined in an AEM instance.


npm install acme-aem-tool
npx acme init
npx acme pull --config acme.settings.json -d storybook-assets
npx acme create -s storybook-assets [--config acme.settings.json]

Set the DEBUG environment variable to output log messages

DEBUG=acme:* npx acme pull --config <config json file> -d storybook-assets
DEBUG=acme:* npx acme create -s storybook-assets [--config <config json file>]


export DEBUG=acme:*

NOTE: config cli option is optional. This is only required if there are designs to be referenced from Adobe XD.

Configuration File

This is the format for the expected config file. As of now, all fields are required. You can use the acme init command to trigger a prompt that will automatically create the config file, which is named acme.settings.json by default.

    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin",
    "baseURL": "https://localhost:4502",
    "homePage": "/content/<project appId>/us/en",
    "policyPath": "/conf/<project appId>/settings/wcm/policies/<project appId>/components",
    "componentsContentPath": "/content/core-components-examples/library",
    "pageContentContainerPath": "/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid",
    "componentsContainerType": "core-components-examples/components/demo/component",
    "titleResourceType": "core/wcm/components/title/v2/title",
    "designDocUrl": "<<home design document id>",
    "apiKey": "<XD api key>"

Configuration Parameters

  1. username - Username for AEM instance
  2. password - Password for AEM instance
  3. baseURL - Base url for the AEM instance
  4. homePage - Home page for the site being developed
  5. policyPath - The JCR node that contains all component policies
  6. componentsContentPath - Path to the parent page for all Core Component example content pages
  7. pageContentContainerPath - Used for parsing the HTML of the Core Component example pages
  8. componentsContainerType - Component type that contains each example component
  9. titleResourceType - acme uses the Title component text on the example content pages to name each of the stories
  10. designDocUrl - The URL of the published XD design (optional)
  11. apiKey - Key for the Adobe XD api (optional)

AEM Content

acme parses the rendered HTML of the Core Components example pages to generate stories based on those components. acme uses the Title component before each example to name each story and looks for the Demo container component to know where each individual component begins and ends. The AEM Core Component examples (core.wcm.components.examples) must be installed on the instance configured in the baseURL parameter of the acme.settings.json file.

Instructions for installing the AEM Core Components can be found here: AEM WCM Core Components

Command Line Reference

Usage: acme <command> <options>

  acme init [file]  Generate the configuration file
  acme pull         Pull content from AEM
  acme create       Create stories from AEM content

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


acme init [file]

Generate the configuration file

  file  Configuration file path         [string] [default: "acme.settings.json"]

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


acme pull

Pull content from AEM

  --help             Show help                                         [boolean]
  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]
  --destination, -d  Destination directory for AEM assets
                                                [string] [default: "aem-assets"]
  --config           Path to JSON config file                         [required]


acme create

Create stories from AEM content

  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --source, -s  Path to downloaded AEM assets   [string] [default: "aem-assets"]
  --config      Path to JSON config file

Generated Assets

Running acme pull "pulls" generated component markup, referenced images, js and css as well as component policies. This command generates the following directories and files under the destination directory provided by the --destination or -d option.

  1. components Contains sub-directories for each component which in turn contains html files of each component variation. These files are referenced as templates in the respective stories.

  2. content This directory contains all image resources referenced in the component variations. The path to the resource will be the same as that used in the component markup to ensure proper rendering in Storybook.

  3. policies All component policies are saved here as json files. These policies are referenced in the respective component stories to optionally apply any defined style system.

  4. resources This directory contains the clientlib-base js and css which includes the AEM Core Component client libraries as well as AEM Grid.

acme create generates stories for each component variation under the components directory of the source directory defined by --source or -s option. The source directory would be the same as the destination directory in the pull command. The following assets are created:

  1. stories

    Contains .stories.js files for each component. Each file in turn contains individual stories for that component.

  2. .storybook/preview.js

    This file imports the assets added to the resources directory as well as the entry point to the webpack application at /src/main/webpack/site/main.ts--this enables storybook to render the components with the default CSS and JavaScript from the AEM Core Components along with your own custom CSS and JavaScript.

  3. stories/artboards.json

    This file is only created if designDocUrl and apiKey are specified in the acme.settings.json file AND the settings file is passed to the create command through the config option. It contains a list of all the artboards that are a part of the design document and their public urls.

Example Setup

Steps to get up and running with acme on a fresh AEM archetype project.

  1. From the ui.frontend directory run the following commands:

  2. Add a .storybook directory inside of ui.frontend and add a main.js file inside of that. Below is an example main.js that will work with the default archetype setup, however you may need to alter this based on your project needs. Check out the Storybook docs for information on custom webpack configs.

    const path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
        stories: ['../stories/*.stories.js'],
        addons: [
        webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
            test: /\.tsx?$/,
            exclude: [
            use: ['ts-loader', 'webpack-import-glob-loader'],
            include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
            test: /\.scss$/,
            use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader', 'webpack-import-glob-loader'],
            include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
          return config;
  3. Run npx acme init inside the ui.frontend directory and follow the prompts to create your acme.settings.json file as described in the "Configuration File" section of this document.

  4. Inside your package.json add the following commands to the scripts section

    "storybook": "start-storybook -s ./storybook-assets -p 9001",
    "acme": "DEBUG=acme:* acme pull --config acme.settings.json -d storybook-assets && DEBUG=acme:* acme create -s storybook-assets --config acme.settings.json"
  5. Ensure the AEM Core Component packages and sample content is installed on the instance specified in your acme.settings.json. The sample content installs to this location: /content/core-components-examples/library.

With those steps complete you can now run npm run acme to pull the component markup from your AEM instance and automatically generate Storybook stories inside your project.

Once acme has finished run npm run storybook.


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