
2.2.31 • Public • Published


VmosoApiClient - JavaScript client for VmosoApiClient Vmoso API This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.2.3
  • Package version: 2.2.0
  • Build date: 2017-05-03T20:36:23.238+02:00
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptVmosoClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install VmosoApiClient --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var VmosoApiClient = require('VmosoApiClient');
var defaultClient = VmosoApiClient.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: vmoso_auth
var vmoso_auth = defaultClient.authentications['vmoso_auth'];
vmoso_auth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//vmoso_auth.apiKeyPrefix['X-CV-Authorization'] = "Token"
var api = new VmosoApiClient.AlienApi()
var input = new VmosoApiClient.AlienLoginInput(); // {AlienLoginInput} AlienLogin Input
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.alienLogin(input, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://www.vmoso.com/svc

Class Method HTTP request Description
VmosoApiClient.AlienApi alienLogin POST /alienLogin Alien login
VmosoApiClient.AnalyticsApi benchmark GET /analytics/benchmark Analytic service calls.
VmosoApiClient.AnalyticsApi getActivity GET /analytics/activity Retrieves user's activity data
VmosoApiClient.AnalyticsApi getConnectivity GET /analytics/connectivity Retrieves user's connectivity data
VmosoApiClient.ApiApi metadataGet GET /apimetadata/get
VmosoApiClient.AttachmentApi addAttachments PUT /attachmentsV2/{objectID} add attachments
VmosoApiClient.AttachmentApi getAttachments GET /attachmentsV2/{objectID} get attachment list
VmosoApiClient.AttachmentApi getAttachmentsByName GET /attachmentsV2/getByName get attachments by name
VmosoApiClient.AttachmentApi getDuplicates POST /attachmentsV2/duplicate
VmosoApiClient.AttachmentApi removeAttachments POST /attachmentsV2/{objectID} remove attachments
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi createEvent POST /calendarEvents Create calendar event.
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi deleteEvents POST /calendarEvents/delete Delete event.
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi getEvent GET /calendarEvents/{key} Get a task record from a given task key.
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi getEventInstances GET /calendarEvents/instances Retrieve the list of calendar events for the start and end date and timezone.
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi getEvents GET /calendarEvents Retrieve the list of calendar events for the start and end date.
VmosoApiClient.CalendarApi updateEvent PUT /calendarEvents Update calendar event.
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi createComment POST /comments/create It creates a comment for a given content key/comment list key
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi createCommentFromDraft POST /comments/draftTOComment
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi deleteComment DELETE /comments/delete It deletes a comment by content key and comment id
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi deleteDraft DELETE /comments/deleteDraft It deletes a comment draft by content key and comment id
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getComment GET /comments/view It returns a comment by content/content list key and comment id
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getCommentCounts GET /comment/counts It returns count of comments for a given content key (with options)
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getCommentReaders GET /comment/readerList It returns the readers of a comment
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getComments GET /comments It returns comments for a given content
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getCount GET /comment/count It returns count of comments for a given content key
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi getDrafts GET /comments/drafts It returns comment drafts for a given content
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi markAllRead POST /comment/markAllRead It marks all content comments as read
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi markRead POST /comment/markRead It marks comments as read for a given content and comment ids
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi markReadByEmail GET /comment/markReadByEmail It marks comments as read for given keys and email
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi markUnread POST /comment/markUnRead It marks comments as unread for specified content/comment ids
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi recordCommentAction POST /commenting/action
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi undeleteComment POST /comments/undelete It recovers a deleted comment
VmosoApiClient.CommentApi updateComment PUT /comments/update it updates a comment
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi acceptNewUserInvitation POST /contacts/newUserAcceptInvitation It accepts an invitation for a new user
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi acceptRegisteredUserInvitation POST /contacts/registeredUserAcceptInvitation
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi confirmRegistrationEmail POST /contacts/registrationEmailConfirmation It comfirms registration email
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi deleteContacts POST /contacts/delete It deletes the given users as contacts
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi deleteRequest POST /contacts/cancelRequest It deletes a contact request
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi downgradeContacts POST /contacts/downgrade It downgrades contacts
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi getExistingTasks POST /contacts/checkExistingChats It checks if a chat exists or not with given users
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi getGoogleConnectionData GET /contacts/getGoogleConnectionData It returns Goolge conection data
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi getMutualTypes GET /contacts/mutual/types It returns mutual types
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi getProfile GET /contacts/{key} It returns user profile by user key
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi importAcquaintances POST /contacts/importAsAcquaintance
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi importContacts GET /contacts/importContacts It imports contact users
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi inviteEmailAddress POST /contacts/inviteByEmailAddress It sends invitations to new users or connection requests to existing users by email
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi inviteUsers POST /contacts/inviteByKeys It sends invitations to new users or connection requests to existing users by user key
VmosoApiClient.ContactApi processAction POST /contacts/processRequestAction It processes a request action
VmosoApiClient.ContactcardApi createContactCard POST /contactCards
VmosoApiClient.ContactcardApi deleteContactCard POST /contactCards/delete Deletes the given users as contacts
VmosoApiClient.ContactcardApi getContactCard GET /contactCards/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ContactcardApi getContactCards GET /contactCards
VmosoApiClient.ContactcardApi updateContactCard PUT /contactCards/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ContentApi getLocalList GET /content/locallist
VmosoApiClient.ContentApi setSyncToLocal POST /content/markSyncToLocal Mark item local
VmosoApiClient.ContentApi unsetSyncToLocal POST /content/unmarkSyncToLocal Unmark item local
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi checkUrl GET /device/checkUrl Check whether url is supported by NMA
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi registerCVDevice POST /cv/device/set
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi registerDevice POST /device/set
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi resetLegacy POST /device/reset/legacy
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi unregisterCVDevice POST /cv/device/unset
VmosoApiClient.DeviceApi unregisterDevice POST /device/unset
VmosoApiClient.DocumentApi createDocument POST /documentsV2 It creates a document
VmosoApiClient.DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /documentsV2/{key} It deletes a document
VmosoApiClient.DocumentApi getDocument GET /documentsV2/{key} It returns a document
VmosoApiClient.DocumentApi updateDocument PUT /documentsV2/{key} It updates a document
VmosoApiClient.FavoriteApi markFavorites POST /favorites
VmosoApiClient.FeatureApi getFeatures GET /feature/{key} Retrieve features of a space, etc.
VmosoApiClient.FileApi addAttachment PUT /files/{objectKey}/addFileAsAttachment It adds files as attachments of content
VmosoApiClient.FileApi createFile POST /files It creates a file
VmosoApiClient.FileApi deleteFile DELETE /files/{key} It deletes multiple files by key
VmosoApiClient.FileApi deleteFiles POST /files/delete It deletes files for given file keys
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getCloudConnectionData GET /files/getCloudConnectionData It returns file cloud connection data
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getContainerHistory GET /files/{key}/history It returns a file history
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getContainerPermissions GET /files/{key}/getpermissions/{containerKey} It returns file permisions in a container
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getDownloadToken POST /files/token
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getFileHistory GET /files/{key}/stream It returns the file history/stream
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getFiles GET /files/lookup It returns files by keys
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getPreviewInfo GET /files/{key}/pre It processes file preview data
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getPreviewStatus GET /files/{key}/pre/status It checks whether file preview is ready
VmosoApiClient.FileApi getThumbnailInfo GET /files/{key}/thumbnails It returns file thumbnail info
VmosoApiClient.FileApi recordFileAction POST /files/{key}/stream It records a stream action for a file
VmosoApiClient.FileApi removeCSIPermissions POST /files/csiRemovePermissions It removes CSI (cloud storage integration) permissions
VmosoApiClient.FileApi removeFileAttachments POST /files/{objectKey}/removeFileAsAttachment It removes files as attachments of content
VmosoApiClient.FileApi setCSIAccess GET /files/{key}/csi/setAccess It sets clous storate file permissions for an user
VmosoApiClient.FileApi setCSIToken POST /files/csiSetUserToken It asociates an email address with CSI (cloud storage integration) token
VmosoApiClient.FileApi setContainerPermissions PUT /files/{key}/setpermissions/{containerKey} It sets file permisions in a container
VmosoApiClient.FileApi setFavorite POST /files/favorite It marks files as favorite for given file keys
VmosoApiClient.FileApi setImportant POST /files/important It marks files as important for given file keys
VmosoApiClient.FileApi updateFile PUT /files/{key} It updates a file
VmosoApiClient.FileApi viewFile GET /files/{key} It returns a file by key
VmosoApiClient.FollowApi setFollow PUT /{supplementary}/{objectKey}/follow User follow object action
VmosoApiClient.FormApi createDefinition POST /forms/definition Create a form definition from an prior uploaded file.
VmosoApiClient.FormApi deleteDefinition DELETE /forms/definition/{key} Delete workflow form definition.
VmosoApiClient.FormApi getForm GET /forms/{key}/{view} Get form by key.
VmosoApiClient.FormApi updateDefinition PUT /forms/definition/{key} Update a form definition
VmosoApiClient.FormApi updateForm PUT /forms/{key} Update form data by key.
VmosoApiClient.GetApi objectReferences GET /objectreference
VmosoApiClient.HelpTipsApi getTipsStatus GET /helpTips get tips status
VmosoApiClient.HelpTipsApi setTips POST /helpTips Mark help tips acknowledged
VmosoApiClient.HistoryApi getHistoryEntries GET /history
VmosoApiClient.HistoryApi pinHistoryEntry POST /history/pin
VmosoApiClient.HistoryApi recordHistoryEntry POST /history
VmosoApiClient.HistoryApi unpinHistoryEntry POST /history/unpin
VmosoApiClient.InstallationApi getInstallationDetails GET /installationinfo
VmosoApiClient.InstallationApi getLastUpdate GET /resources/lastUpdate/info
VmosoApiClient.IntegrationApi accountAuthReceipt POST account/auth/receipt
VmosoApiClient.IntegrationApi createIa POST /integration/ia
VmosoApiClient.IntegrationApi testIa GET integration/testia
VmosoApiClient.IntegrationApi updateIa PUT /integration/ia/{integrationAppKey}
VmosoApiClient.IntegrationApi validateIa POST validate/token
VmosoApiClient.LinkApi createLink POST /links It creates a link
VmosoApiClient.LinkApi deleteLink DELETE /links/{key} It deletes a link
VmosoApiClient.LinkApi getLink GET /links/{key} It returns a link by key
VmosoApiClient.LinkApi updateLink PUT /links/{key} It updates a link
VmosoApiClient.MenuApi getMenu GET /menu/{object_id}
VmosoApiClient.NewApi setNewForChatList POST /new/setNewTimeForList/chat Specified for CV-chatmark new unread to old unread for chat list
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi changeOwner PUT /changeOwner/{objectKey}/{userKey} change owner
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi clearAllForList POST /objects/read/clearAll mark unread to read for stream list
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi convertRestriction PUT /convert/restriction/{objectKey} convert object's restricted flag
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi getAssignmentReadState GET /assignment/readState get assignment action read state
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi getFollowers GET /{objectKey}/followers
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi getReaders GET /objects/read/getReaderList
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi listMarks GET /marks/{markType}
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi markAllTilesRead POST /objects/read/{key}/markAllTilesRead Mark all actions read for specified object
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi markFlag POST /marks/{markType}/{itemKey} mark object flag
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi markFlags POST /marks/{markType} mark object flags
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi markTilesRead POST /objects/read/markTilesRead Mark read for actions of specified object
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi searchAutocomplete GET /search/autocomplete Gets users from keyword entered by user
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi searchObjects GET /search/objectpicker Gets users from keyword entered by user
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi setActionNewTime POST /new/setActionNewTime Set new time for specified object
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi setActionNewTimeForList POST /new/setActionNewTimeForList mark new unread to old unread for stream list
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi unmarkFlag DELETE /marks/{markType}/{itemKey} unmark object flag
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi unmarkFlags DELETE /marks/{markType} unmark object flags
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi updateReadInfo POST /objects/read/updateReadInfo Update read info for specified object
VmosoApiClient.ObjectApi updateReadInfoByEmail GET /objects/read/updateReadInfoByEmail Update read info by email for specified object
VmosoApiClient.OnBoardingApi getOnBoardingInfo GET /onboarding Get on boarding info.
VmosoApiClient.PingApi performAction POST /ping
VmosoApiClient.PostApi createPost POST /postsV2 It creates a post
VmosoApiClient.PostApi deletePost DELETE /postsV2/{key} It deletes a post
VmosoApiClient.PostApi getPost GET /postsV2/{key} It returns a post
VmosoApiClient.PostApi getPostUsers GET /postsV2/{postKey}/{segment} It returns all users in a segment across multiple spaces
VmosoApiClient.PostApi updatePost PUT /postsV2/{key} It updates a post
VmosoApiClient.PushApi getLegacyConfig GET /resources/push/config It returns push legacy connection config
VmosoApiClient.PushApi getPushConfig GET /push/getconfig It returns push connection config
VmosoApiClient.PushApi getToken GET /push/token It returns push token to authenticate
VmosoApiClient.PushApi getTokens GET /push/tokens It returns push tokens
VmosoApiClient.RatingsApi getRating GET /ratings/lookup
VmosoApiClient.RatingsApi rateDown POST /ratings/ratedown Rates a key down
VmosoApiClient.RatingsApi rateUp POST /ratings/rateup Rates a key up
VmosoApiClient.RecorderApi getConfig GET /resources/recorder/config
VmosoApiClient.ReferenceApi getLinks GET /reference/linking
VmosoApiClient.ReferenceApi getObject GET /reference/object
VmosoApiClient.ReferenceApi getReferences GET /reference/list get reference records for given object and type
VmosoApiClient.ReferenceApi replaceAha GET /reference/replaceWithAHA
VmosoApiClient.ReferenceApi updateReferences PUT /references/{parentKey}/update update references of an object
VmosoApiClient.ReminderApi createReminder POST /reminders
VmosoApiClient.ReminderApi deleteReminder DELETE /reminders/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ReminderApi getReminder GET /reminders/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ReminderApi getReminders GET /reminders
VmosoApiClient.ReminderApi updateReminder PUT /reminders/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ReportsApi accountDaily GET /vmc/reports/account/daily get account daily report
VmosoApiClient.ReportsApi accountNetwork GET /vmc/reports/account/network get account network report
VmosoApiClient.ReportsApi accountUsage GET /vmc/reports/account/usage
VmosoApiClient.ReportsApi site GET /vmc/reports/site
VmosoApiClient.ReportsApi siteActivemembers GET /vmc/reports/activemembers
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getCountries GET /resources/countries
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getDateFormats GET /resources/dateformats
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getDepartments GET /resources/departments
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getFileTranslations GET /resources/messagesByFile/{lang}/{fileKey} Get object specific i18n messages from fileKey
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getLanguages GET /resources/languages
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getObjectTranslations GET /resources/messages/{lang}/{key} Get object specific i18n messages.
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getTimezones GET /resources/timezones
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi getTranslations GET /resources/messages/{key}
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi setObjectTranslations PUT /resources/messages/{lang}/{key} Set object specific i18n messages.
VmosoApiClient.ResourceApi setObjectTranslationsByFile PUT /resources/messages/by/file/{key}
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi createRule POST /rules It creates a rule
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi deleteRule DELETE /rules/{key} It deletes a rule by key
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getAttributes GET /rulesv2/metadata/get It returns metadata for a given zone
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getByName GET /rules/name It returns a rule by name
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getDefaultPresetRules GET /rules/defaultpreset It returns default preset rules
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getFilters GET /rulesv2/filters/get It returns filters for given zone
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getLocationsDefaultRules GET /rules/locations/default/get It returns default location rules
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getMetaData GET /rules/metadata/get It returns matadata for rule attributes
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getPresetRules GET /rules/preset It returns preset rules by preset type
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getPushMetaData GET /rules/pushmetadata/get It returns push metadata for a given rule
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getRedNutDefaultRules GET /rules/rednut/default/get It returns RedNut default rules
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getRule GET /rules/{key} It returns a rule by key
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getRuleMetaData GET /rules/rulemetadata/get It returns metadata for a given rule
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getRules GET /rules It returns rules by rule group
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi getTypesMetaData GET /rules/typesmetadata/get It returns types matadata for rule attributes
VmosoApiClient.RuleApi updateRule PUT /rules/{key} It updates a rule
VmosoApiClient.SchemeApi get GET /scheme/get Get custom schemes
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi bindLoginIDs POST /settings/bindLoginIDs bind login ids
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi checkSecondaryEmail GET /settings/checkSecondaryEmail check secondary email
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi confirmBindEmailID POST /settings/confirmBindEmailID confirm bind email id
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi confirmSecondaryEmail POST /settings/confirmSecondaryEmail confirm alias
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi getLoginIDs POST /settings/loginIDs
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi getSettings GET /setting Gets settings
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi registerAPPInfo POST /settings/app/register
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi saveSettings POST /setting Sets settings
VmosoApiClient.SettingsApi unbindLoginIDs POST /settings/unbindLoginIDs unbind login ids
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi addContactSpaces POST /folders/contacts/{contactType}/add It adds a contact to spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi addObjects POST /folders/{folderKey}/contents It adds content to a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi addSpaceParticipants PUT /folders/{key}/participants/add It adds participant to a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi categorizeObjects POST /folders/{key}/categorize It categorizes content into a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi create POST /space/create It creates a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi createEnterpriseSpace POST /folders/enterprise Create a folder.
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi createSpace POST /folders It creates a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi deleteSpace DELETE /folders/{folderKey} It deletes a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi deleteSpaces POST /folders/delete It deletes a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi folderMultishare POST /folders/multishare It shares multiple content items into multiple spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getContent GET /folders/{folderKey}/contents/{contentType} It returns content from a space by type
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getContentMarks GET /folders/type/{itemKey}
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getCorporateSpaces GET /folders/corporate It returns corporate hotspots that user can administrate
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getFullPath GET /folders/{key}/getpath It returns the full path of a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getParentSpaces GET /folders/{folderKey}/parents It returns parent spaces for a given space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getPublicSpace GET /folders/{folderKey}/public It returns a public space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSharedSpace GET /space/{key}/sharedspaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSpace GET /folders/{folderKey} It returns a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSpaceUserByEmail GET /folders/hotspots/participants/checkEmails It returns space users by emails
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSpaces GET /folders/{tag}/spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSpacesForContents GET /folders/contents/ref It returns spaces for a given content
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getSubSpaces GET /folders/{key}/folders It returns subspaces for a given parent space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getUserRolesInSpace GET /folders/{key}/checkUserKeys It returns user roles in a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi getWall GET /folders/{folderKey}/wall It returns the wall of a given space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi leaveSpace PUT /folders/{key}/leave It leaves a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi listAssociationItem GET /association/{key}/{association}
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi markContents POST /folders/mark/{markType} It marks space content
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi moveObjects POST /folders/{fromFolderKey}/contents/move It moves content from a space to another
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi moveSpace POST /folders/{spaceId}/move
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi multishare POST /space/multishare It share multiple content items into multiple spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi removeAllMarks POST /folders/removeAll/{markType} It removes all marks on content by mark type
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi removeObjects POST /folders/{folderKey}/contents/remove It removes content from a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi removeSpaceParticipants PUT /folders/{key}/participants/remove It removes participants from a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi share POST /space/share It shares content into spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi shareObject POST /folders/{key}/sharetouserspace It shares content into a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi unmarkContents POST /folders/unmark/{markType} It unmarks content by type
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi unshare POST /space/unshare It unshares content from spaces
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi unshareObject POST /folders/{key}/unshareitem It unshares content from a space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceApi updateSpace PUT /folders/{folderKey} It updates name and description of space
VmosoApiClient.SpaceconfigApi getIconBydomain GET /spaceconfig/getIconByDomain
VmosoApiClient.SpaceconfigApi getWPBydomain GET /spaceconfig/getWPByDomain
VmosoApiClient.SpaceconfigApi getdomain GET /spaceconfig/getSpaceByDomain
VmosoApiClient.SpaceconfigApi icon GET /spaceconfig/icon
VmosoApiClient.SpaceconfigApi wallpaper GET /spaceconfig/wallpaper
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getASCCounts GET /sparc/ASC/counts Gets action stamp consolidated all counts
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getAttachmentUnreadCounts GET /sparc/ASC/counts/attachment Gets attachment action consolidated unread counts for a given object
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getChatNUTCount GET /sparc/getNUTCount/chat Get new unread tiles count for Chat.
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getLMBCount GET /sparc/LMB/count/{objectKey}
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getLatestAction GET /sparc/lastAction Gets last action
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getNUTCount GET /sparc/getNUTCount Get new unread tiles count.
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getSkinnyData GET /sparc/tiny/{type}/{key}/{sparcType} Get skinny data of specified sparc
VmosoApiClient.SparcApi getSparcActions GET /sparc/view
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi checkRule GET /stream/rule/check It checks a stream rule
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getItem GET /stream/{key}/get It returns the stream item record for a given content
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getLastActionsNoACL GET /stream/lastActions/get It returns last stream actions
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getRuleCounts GET /stream/rule/count It returns the count of stream rules
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getStreamCounts GET /stream/count It returns stream counts
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getStreamNUTCount GET /stream/nut/count It returns new unread tiles count
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getTileCounts GET /stream/{key}/badgecounts/get It returns badge counts for given content
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getVutCounts GET /stream/vut/count It returns the counts for a given rule
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi getVutCountsV2 GET /stream/vut/countv2 It returns the counts for a given rule
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi searchStreamKeyRank GET /stream/search/keyrank It returns the search stream key rank
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi searchWall GET /stream/search/wall It perform stream search into the wall and returns stream records
VmosoApiClient.StreamApi streamSearch GET /stream/search It performs the stream search and returns stream records
VmosoApiClient.StreamvApi getCounts GET /streamv2/counts it returns counts of stream
VmosoApiClient.StreamvApi search GET /streamv2/search It performs the stream search and returns stream records
VmosoApiClient.StreamvApi searchKeyRank GET /streamv2/search/keyrank It return the stream search key rank
VmosoApiClient.SwitchboardApi getMembers GET /switchboard/{contentKey}/members
VmosoApiClient.SwitchboardApi joinSwitchboard POST /switchboard/join
VmosoApiClient.SwitchboardApi leaveSwitchboard POST /switchboard/leave
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi addTaskParticipants PUT /tasks/{key}/participants/add It adds participants to a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi checkAttachmentsInTask GET /tasks/{key}/checkAttachmentKeys It checks attachments in a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi checkTemplateName POST /tasks/checktplname It checks a template name
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi cloneToDraft POST /tasks/{key}/saveAsDraft It creates a task draft from a given task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi cloneToTemplate POST /tasks/{key}/saveAsTemplate It creates a task template from a given task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi createChat POST /tasks/createChat It creates a chat
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi createDraft POST /tasks/createDraft It creates a task draft
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi createFromDraft POST /tasks/createTaskByDraft/{key} it creates a task from a task draft
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi createTask POST /tasks It creates a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi createTemplate POST /tasks/createTemplate It creates a task template
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi deleteTask DELETE /tasks/{key} It deletes a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getChatBrief GET /tasks/getChatBrief/{key} It returns a chat brief by key
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getDraft GET /tasks/viewDraft/{key} it returns a task draft by key
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getFeedbackTask GET /tasks/feedback It returns the feedback task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getMembersForReminder GET /tasks/{key}/remindableMember It returns task members for reminder
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getParticipants GET /tasks/{key}/participants/sort/{sortType} It returns participants of a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getRelatedTasks GET /tasks/{key}/getRelated/ It returns related task for a given task key
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getTask GET /tasks/{key} It returns a task for a given task key
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getTaskHistory GET /tasks/{key}/history It returns the task history
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getTemplate GET /tasks/viewTemplate/{key} it returns a task template by key
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi getUserRolesInTask GET /tasks/{key}/checkUserKeys It check users in a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi rejectTask PUT /tasks/{key}/reject It rejects a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi removeTaskParticipants PUT /tasks/{key}/participants/remove It removes participants from a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi sendReminder PUT /tasks/{key}/remind It sends a reminder of a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi unsubscribeAlien POST /tasks/alienUnsubscribe alien unsubscribe
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi updateDraft PUT /tasks/updateDraft It updates a task draft
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi updateState PUT /tasks/{key}/setState/{stateType} It updates the task state
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi updateStatus PUT /tasks/{key}/setStatus/{statusType} It updates the task status
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi updateTask PUT /tasks/{key} It updates a task
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi updateTemplate PUT /tasks/updateTemplate It updates a template
VmosoApiClient.TaskApi verifyParticipantEmails GET /tasks/participants/checkEmails It checks participant emails
VmosoApiClient.ThirdPartyPushApi setReceiveUrl PUT /thirdPartyPush/{spaceKey}/setUrl Set 3rd party receive push url
VmosoApiClient.ThirdPartyPushApi setRequester PUT /thirdPartyPush/{spaceKey}/setRequester/{objectKey} Set 3rd party object to send push
VmosoApiClient.TutorialApi getState POST /tut/gs Gets tutorial state
VmosoApiClient.UserApi deleteSession DELETE /sessions/{index} It deletes a session belonging to the user
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getFollowCounts GET /followingAndFollowedUsers/counts It returns following and followed user counts
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getInvitations GET /invitations It returns user invitations
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getLandingPage GET /landingPage This API is used for NMA default home page.
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getMe GET /users/me It returns display record of logged user
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getMeMwa GET /users/me/mwa
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getRequestAndPendingUsersCounts GET /requestandpendingusers/counts It returns request and pending user counts
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getSessions GET /sessions It returns information of sessions sessions belonging to a user
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getSuggestFollowersCounts GET /suggestfollowers/counts It returns suggested followers user counts
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getSuggestedUsersCounts GET /suggestusers/counts It returns suggested user counts
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getUser GET /users/{userKey} It returns the display record for given user key
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getUserByEmail GET /users/lookupByEmail/{userName} It returns a user by email
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getUserStatus POST /users/status It returns the user status
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getUsers GET /users/lookup It returns users by keys
VmosoApiClient.UserApi getUsersByEmail POST /users/lookupByEmails It returns users by emails
VmosoApiClient.UserApi login POST /login It authenticates an user into vmoso
VmosoApiClient.UserApi logout POST /logout It disconnects the user from vmoso
VmosoApiClient.UserApi passwordRules GET /pwd/rules It returns password rules
VmosoApiClient.UserApi requestPassword POST /requestpassword It requests password by user name
VmosoApiClient.UserApi resetExpiredPassword POST /resetExpiredPassword It resets the password when password expire
VmosoApiClient.UserApi resetPasswordaction POST /resetpasswordaction It resets the password via email
VmosoApiClient.UserApi resetPasswordactionPhone POST /resetpasswordaction/phone It resets the password by sms code way no matter what is the userName
VmosoApiClient.UserApi sendSmsCode POST /smscode/send It sends a SMS code
VmosoApiClient.UserApi setPublic POST /user/public/set It sets user as public
VmosoApiClient.UserApi signup POST /signUpAction It registers a new user
VmosoApiClient.UserApi updatePassword POST /settings/editUserPassWord It updates user password
VmosoApiClient.UserApi vmcRequestPassword POST /vmc/requestpassword Reset password via email
VmosoApiClient.UsergroupApi addUsers PUT /usergroupsV2/{containerID}/{segment}
VmosoApiClient.UsergroupApi getGroupUsers GET /usergroupsV2/{containerID}/{segment} Api to return all users in a segment across multiple spaces.
VmosoApiClient.UsergroupApi removeUsers DELETE /usergroupsV2/{containerID}/{segment}
VmosoApiClient.UsergroupApi removeUsers2 POST /usergroupsV2/{containerID}/removeUsers
VmosoApiClient.UsersApi restrictedValidation GET /users/checRestricted
VmosoApiClient.ValidationApi validateUrl GET /exlink/check Check if the extenral url is acceptable.
VmosoApiClient.VcrApi save POST /vcr/save
VmosoApiClient.VrlApi createVrl POST /vrls
VmosoApiClient.VrlApi getVrl GET /vrls
VmosoApiClient.VutApi getVut GET /vut/{parent}
VmosoApiClient.WechatApi addAudio POST /wechat/audio
VmosoApiClient.WechatApi getJsapiSignature GET /wechat/jssignature
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi createWidget POST /widgets
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi deleteWidget DELETE /widgets/{key}
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi getMutualCounts GET /profile/mutualCounts Get mutual counts by contactKey
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi getWidget GET /widgets/{key}
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi getWidgets GET /widgets
VmosoApiClient.WidgetApi updateWidget PUT /widgets/{key}
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi addParticipants PUT /workflow/{key}/participants/add Method to add users to workflow instance.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi createDefinitionFromFile POST /workflows/definition/from/file Create a workflow definition from an uploaded workflow xml file andadditional meta data. The newly created workflow definition is statusset to draft.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi createLaunchable POST /workflows/launchables Create a workflow launchable from an uploaded workflow xml file andadditional meta data.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi createLaunchableByKey POST /workflows/launchables/by/key Create a workflow launchable by key
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi createLaunchableFromFile POST /workflows/launchables/from/file Create a workflow launchable from an uploaded workflow xml file andadditional meta data.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi deleteInstance DELETE /workflows/instance/{key} Delete workflow instance
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi deleteLaunchable DELETE /workflows/launchables/{key} Delete workflow launchable.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi deleteWorkflowDefinition DELETE /workflows/definition/{key} Delete workflow definition.Can be used to delete workflow definitions or templates.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getActivitySummaries GET /workflows/{key}/activities/summary Get activity summaries of participants of a workstep.The list of participants is either explicitly provided as $ukeysor by paged retrieval of participants of the steps.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getAvailableActions GET /workflows/{key}/actions Get available actions for a participant on a workflow.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getAvailableLaunchables GET /workflows/available/launchables
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getLastActions GET /workflows/{key}/actions/last Get last actions of participants of a workstep.The list of participants is either explicitly provided as $ukeysor by paged retrieval of participants of the steps.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getLaunchable GET /workflows/launchables/{key} Get list of available workflows to launch.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getLaunchableWorkflows GET /workflows/launchables Get list of available workflows to launch.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getPayload GET /workflows/{key}/payloads/{name} Get workflow payload.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getRoles GET /workflows/{key}/roles Get roles assignment of a workflow or a workflow step.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getStep GET /workflows/{key}/steps/{stepKey} Get steps of a workflow.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getStepUsersActions GET /workflows/{key}/stepusersactions Get user actions for a workflow (use current step) or a specific workflow step.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getSteps GET /workflows/{key}/steps Get steps of a workflow.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getUserData GET /workflows/get/user/data Utility method to return user workflow meta data.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getUstates GET /workflows/{key}/ustates Get roles and states of of workflow users.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getWorkflow GET /workflows/{key} Retrieve a workflow.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getWorkflowMetaData GET /workflows/meta/{key} Retrieve meta data of workflow design.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi getWorkflowUser GET /workflows/{key}/users/{userKey} Utility method to return user workflow meta data.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi listPayload GET /workflows/{key}/payloads Get payloads applicable to the user in the current state of a workflow.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi listUsers GET /workflow/{key}/participants/list Utility method to retrieve users from WfInstance or WfTemplatevmoso objects.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi performWorkflowAction POST /workflows/{key}/actions Execute an action for a participant on a workflow.Get back list of available actions after successful execution.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi publishLaunchable POST /workflows/launchables/{key}/publish/{target} Publish workflow launchable.Only admin of workflow can publish it.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi removeParticipants PUT /workflows/{key}/participants/remove Method to remove users from workflow instance.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi startWorkflow POST /workflows Create a workflow launchable from an uploaded workflow xml file andadditional meta data.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi updateLaunchable PUT /workflows/launchables/{key} Utility function to update a definition, template, instancename and title fields.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi updatePayload PUT /workflows/{key}/payloads Update workflow payload.
VmosoApiClient.WorkflowApi updateRoles PUT /workflows/{key}/roles Update roles assignment of a workflow or a workflow step. An incremental/delta update applies additional assignment overcurrent one; it also tolerates an invalid resulting assignment(as whole). A WorkflowRolesRecord with empty role list effectivelyremoves a participant. Only participant of an admin role mayupdate roles. Usually a workflow step just uses the role assignment of theworkflow whole. When this API is called on a step for thefirst time, a snapshot is made of the current assignment of the

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-CV-Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header

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