
2.3.5 • Public • Published


An efficient Minesweeper class-based engine that can be used to easily create minefields and play without having to code any logic (UI-indipendent). Here's what you can do using it.

All versions are written in vanilla javascript (ES12) and have no dependencies.

Some of the most notable capabilities:

  • Lots of useful logic methods such as "openCell" and "getHint" (see below their use);
  • Minefield Auto-Solving Algorithm (useful when wanting to make no-guess minefields);
  • Current minefield state methods (it's going on, it's over etc.);
  • Possibility to switch from a 1D-Array Minefield to a 2D-Array one depending on your taste;



Version Methods Available JSDOC Documentation Minification
minefield.js All methods ✔️
minefield.min.js All methods ✔️
minefield.slim.js Only toMinefield2D and simplify (for both classes) ✔️


How to install

You can just install it like any npm package,
npm i @zwolfrost/minesweeper.js
use a cdn or copy the file from the src directory.


Changelog and Breaking Changes (as of v2.0.0)

Watch out for this section if you wish to migrate to a different version.
New patches are usually bugfixes and/or documentation clarifications and only meaningful ones are written.

  • v2.0.0: Added Minefield2D Object. The "rows" and "cols" parameters and properties were replaced with "width" and "height" for understanding purposes.
    (rows, cols, ...)(width, height, ...)

  • v2.1.0: Added "getSquareZone" method. The "x" and "y" parameters were changed to stay both in an array when passing them to methods.
    (x, y, ...)([x, y], ...)

  • v2.2.0: Re-added "simplify" method and a slim version of the package.

  • v2.3.0: Changed behaviour of the "forEachCell" and "simplify" methods. See JSDOC documentation for details.

    • v2.3.4: The imports' usage was finally corrected and the type of the package is specified in package.json (module).


How to use

Note that you can change the cdn version and/or package type of the library with whatever version you want. Template:


Also note that you have to use an ES module to import as seen below, unless you want to use the CDN method

import Minefield from "@zwolfrost/minesweeper.js";
import Minefield from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@zwolfrost/minesweeper.js@2.3/src/minesweeper.js";

let minefield = new Minefield(2, 5, 3);

Creates a 2x5 minefield with 3 mines, which is an object containing:

  • width: The minefield width (n. of columns)
  • height: The minefield height (n. of rows)
  • cells: The minefield total cells number
  • mines: The minefield total mines number
  • [0...9]: Each minefield cell on its index (2x5 thus 0 to 9 in this case)
    • [0...9].isOpen: Whether a cell is revealed
    • [0...9].isMine: Whether a cell is a mine
    • [0...9].isFlagged: Whether a cell is flagged
    • [0...9].mines: Number of mines present around a cell


let minefield2d = minefield.toMinefield2D();

Creates a Minefield2D Object that is very similar to a Minefield one with the only difference being that, instead of having cells in the same array, the minefield is like a 2D Array.

  • [0][0...4].isOpen, isMine, ecc.
  • [1][0...4].isOpen, isMine, ecc.
  • width, height, ecc.


Minefield Object Methods

Note that the methods are fully documented in the JSDOC methods comments

Method Description Parameters
new Minefield Creates a "Minefield" Object.
  • The width of the minefield (n. of columns).
  • The height of the minefield (n. of rows).
  • The mines number/placements.
  • An optional randomizer that is useful in case you want to make a seed system (default: Math.random).
toMinefield2D Returns a "Minefield2D" Object, based on your "Minefield" Object. Note that the two share the same addresses to the same cells, so a change on one will reflect on the other.
simplify Returns a Number-Only array version of the minefield.
openCell Opens a given cell and may open nearby ones following the minesweeper game rules. Returns the index of cells updated by this operation.
  • The index of the cell to open.
  • A boolean value "firstclick" that indicates whether the method is executed on a new game or not (default: isNew()). If it's true, and a bomb is opened, it will be moved in another cell starting from 0.
  • A boolean value "nearbyOpening" that enables the opening of nearby cells if the given cell is already open and its nearby mines number matches the number of nearby flagged cells (default: true).
  • A boolean value "nearbyFlagging" that enables the flagging of nearby cells if the given cell is already open and its nearby mines number matches the number of nearby closed cells (default: true).
isSolvableFrom Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the game is solvable from a given cell (by not guessing).
  • The index of the cell where to start.
  • A boolean value "restore". If true, the minefield will be fully re-closed after the method's execution (default: true).
getHint Returns an Array of indexes of hint cells about a minefield's state.
  • A boolean value "accurateHint" that indicates whether the hint will be the exact cells or more "in the area" (default: false).
  • Another optional boolean value "getOneHint" that indicates whether to return only an hint (1D array) or more (2D array) (default: true).
resetMines Resets the nearby-mines number for each cell in the current minefield.
forEachCell Executes a given function for every cell (passing them as parameters along with the corresponding index, like a forEach).
  • A function to execute for each cell
  • A boolean value "returnValue". If true, the loop breaks whenever the given function returns a value that is not undefined and returns that value (default: false).
  • A boolean value "giveIndex". If false, the method will replace the index of the cell with its corresponding coordinates (default: true).
    getNearbyCells Returns an Array containing the indexes of the cells directly around the given one.
    • The index of the desired cell.
    • A boolean value "includeSelf". If true, the index of the given cell will also be included (default: false).
    getEmptyZone Returns an Array containing the indexes of the empty cells zone starting from the given one.
    • The index of the cell where to start.
    • A boolean value "includeFlags". If true, the flagged cells will be included in the result (default: false).
    getSquareZone Returns an Array containing the indexes of all the square zone cells starting and ending at the specified indexes.
    • The starting index "begIndex" of the square zone.
    • The ending index "endIndex" of the square zone.
    getCellCords Returns an Array that contains the X and Y cords of the desired cell.
    • The index of the desired cell.
    getCellIndex Returns a Number that indicates the index of the cell that is in the specified X and Y coordinates.
    • The x and y coordinate of the desired cell (in an array).
    isNew Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the game is new (before the first move).
    isGoingOn Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the game is going on (after the first move, before game over).
    isOver Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the game is over (both cleared or lost).
    isCleared Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the minefield has been cleared (no mines opened).
    isLost Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a mine has been opened in the current minefield.
    visualDebug Console logs the minefield in a visual way.
    • A boolean value "allsee". If true, every cell will be showed as if they were open (default: false)
    usedFlags (getter) A Number that indicates the used flags in the current minefield.


    Minefield2D Object Methods

    The Minefield2D Methods are functionally the same as the Minefield ones.

    Only differences:

    • Every index, that being parameter or result, is changed with X and Y coordinates in an array;
    • The "toMinefield2D" method is replaced with "toMinefield";
    • The "simplify" method returns a 2D Array instead of a 1D one.



    Found a bug and/or need help?

    Please open an issue on Github to request a change, report a bug or ask for help about something and i will look into it.

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