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0.0.0-development • Public • Published


This plugin works upon TypeOrm library, which is used as the main database abstraction layer tool. The module automatically generates an API according to JSON API specification from the database structure (TypeORM entities). It supports features such as requests validation based on database fields types, request filtering, endpoints extending, data relations control and much more. Our module significantly reduces the development time of REST services by removing the need to negotiate the mechanism of client-server interaction and implementing automatic API generation without the need to write any code.


$ npm install json-api-nestjs


Once the installation process is complete, we can import the JsonApiModule into the root AppModule.

import {Module} from '@nestjs/common';
import {JsonApiModule} from 'json-api-nestjs';
import {Users} from 'database';

  imports: [
      entities: [Users]
export class AppModule {

After this, you have to prepare CRUDs with ready-to-use endpoints:

  • GET /users
  • POST /users
  • GET /users/:id
  • PATCH /users/:id
  • DELETE /users/:id
  • GET /users/{id}/relationships/{relName}
  • POST /users/{id}/relationships/{relName}
  • PATCH /users/{id}/relationships/{relName}
  • DELETE /users/{id}/relationships/{relName}

Configuration params

The following interface is using for the configuration:

export interface ModuleOptions {
  entities: Entity[]; // List of typeOrm Entity
  controllers?: NestController[];  // List of controller, if you need extend default present
  connectionName?: string; // Type orm connection name: "default" is default name  
  providers?: NestProvider[]; // List of addition provider for useing in custom controller
  imports?: NestImport[]; // List of addition module for useing in custom controller
  options?: {
    requiredSelectField?: boolean; // Need list of select field in get endpoint, try is default
    debug?: boolean; // Debug info in result object
    pipeForId?: Type<PipeTransform> // Nestjs pipe for validate id params, by default ParseIntPipe

You can extend the default controller:

import {Get, Param, Inject, BadRequestException} from '@nestjs/common';

import {Users} from 'database';
import {
} from 'json-api-nestjs';
import {ExampleService} from '../../service/example/example.service';

@JsonApi(Users, {
  allowMethod: excludeMethod(['deleteRelationship']),
  requiredSelectField: true,
  overrideRoute: 'user',
export class ExtendUserController extends JsonBaseController<Users> {
  @InjectService() public service: JsonApiService<Users>;
  @Inject(ExampleService) protected exampleService: ExampleService;

  public override getAll(query: QueryParams<Users>) {
    if (!this.exampleService.someCheck(query)) {
      throw new BadRequestException({});
    return this.service.getAll({query});

  testOne(@Param('id') id: string): string {
    return this.exampleService.testMethode(id);

You can overwrite the default config for the current controller using options in the decorator JsonAPi. Also you can specify an API method necessary for you, using allowMethod

Swagger UI

For using swagger, you should only add @nestjs/swagger

Available endpoint method

Using Users entity and relation Roles entity as example

List item of Users

GET /users

Available query params:

  • include - you can extend result with relations (aka join)

    GET /users?include=roles

    result of request will have role relation for each Users item

  • fields - you can specify required fields of result query

     GET /users?fields[target]=login,lastName&fileds[roles]=name,key

    The "target" is Users entity The "roles" is Roles entity So, result of request will be have only fields login and lastName for Users entity and fields name and * key* for Roles entity

  • sort - you can sort result of the request

     GET /users?sort=target.name,-roles.key

    The "target" is Users entity The "roles" is Roles entity So, result of the request will be sorted by field name of Users by ASC and field key of Roles entity by DESC.

  • page - pagination for you request

    GET /users?page[number]=1page[size]=20
  • filter - filter for query

    GET /users?filter[name][eq]=1&filter[roles.name][ne]=test&filter[roles.status][eq]=true

    The "name" is a field of Users entity The "roles.name" is name field of Roles entity The "eq", "ne" is Filter operand

    So, this query will be transformed like sql:

     WHERE users.name = 1 AND roles.name <> 'test' AND roles.status = true

Filter operand

type FilterOperand
  string[] // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' IN ('value1', 'value2')"
  nin: string[] // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' NOT IN ('value1', 'value1')"
  eq: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' = 'value1'
  ne: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' <> 'value1'
  gte: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' >= 'value1'
  gt: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' > 'value1'
  lt: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' < 'value1'
  lte:string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' <= 'value1'
  regexp: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' ~* value1
  some: string // is equal to the conditional of query "WHERE 'attribute_name' && [value1]


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