
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A simple ping tool. Supports TCP / UDP / ICMP protocol.

Pingus can...

Send ICMP echo request & ttl traceroute.
Send ping, scan to TCP / UDP ports & banner grabbing.
Send magic packet (Wake on LAN) using UDP ping.

Table of Content


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It can be fixed by installing the GCC compiler.

  • In Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
  • In Windows:

    Install Visual Studio including the Desktop development with C++ workload.

Simple Example

// TCP Ping to localhost:22
import @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id from '@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id'; // ESM, Typescript
const @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id = require('@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id'); // CJS

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.tcp({ host: 'localhost', port: 22 }).then(console.log);
// Result
  type: 'ping/tcp',
  status: 'open',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2,
  port: 22,
  name: 'ssh',
  banner: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3'


Class: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping is EventEmitter with the following events:

Event: 'ready'

Emitted when ready (Resolve DNS, Filter Bogon IP) to send ping after call ping.send().

import @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id from '@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id';

const ping = new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP({
  host: 'example.com',
ping.on('result', (result) => {
  console.log('ping\ttarget:\t', result.host);
  console.log('\tips:\t', result.ips);
Result (Console Output)
ping    target: example.com
        ips: [ '', '2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946' ]

Event: 'result'

Result of ping data.

import @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id from '@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id';

const ping = new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP({
  host: 'example.com',
ping.on('result', (result) => {
Result (Console Output)
  error: undefined,
  type: 'ping/tcp',
  status: 'open',
  host: 'example.com',
  ip: '',
  ips: [ '', '2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946' ],
  time: 127,
  port: 80,
  name: 'http',
  banner: ''

Event: 'error'

Emitted when an error occurs. result has last statement before error occurs and error code.


Send ping. See some of examples in Usage

Class: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP Extends: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

Class for TCP ping.
@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP is type of @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

new PingTCP(options)

  • options <Object>
    • host <string> Set target hostname (domain) or ip address.
    • port <number> Set target port when using pingtcp.send(). Default: 80
    • ports <Array>|<string> Set target ports when using pingtcp.scan(). Use array of port numbers or query strings. See example.
    • timeout <number> Set timeout. Default: 2000
    • resolveDNS <boolean> Resolve DNS A and AAAA records when host is domain address. Default: true
    • dnsServer <string> Set DNS server to resolve DNS records.
    • filterBogon <boolean> Filter bogon ip address in host. Default: true

Example of options.ports

ports: [21, 22, 80, 443]; // Scan port 21, 22, 80, 443
ports: '21,22,80,443'; // Scan port 21, 22, 80, 443
ports: '21-80'; // Scan ports in range 21 to 80 (21, 22, 23 ... 78, 79, 80)
ports: '21-25,80,443'; // Scan ports in range 21 to 25 and 80, 443
ports: '@'; // Scan most used 1024 ports in protocol
ports: '*'; // Scan all ports (1 to 65535)


See ping.send(). Some of examples in Usage.


Scan ports using TCP ping. Return result on Event: 'result'. See some of examples in Usage.

Class: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingUDP Extends: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

Class for UDP ping.
@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingUDP is type of @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

new PingUDP(options)

  • options <Object>
    • host <string> Set target hostname (domain) or ip address.
    • port <number> Set target port when using pingudp.send(). Default: 68
    • ports <Array>|<string> Set target ports when using pingudp.scan(). Use array of port numbers or query strings. Same as PingTCP. See example.
    • buffer <Buffer> Set buffer when send on UDP ping socket connected.
    • body <string> Set body when send on UDP ping socket connected. Ignored when buffer options set.
    • bytes <number> Set random bytes length when send on UDP ping socket connected. Ignored when body options set. Default: 32
    • timeout <number> Set timeout. Default: 2000
    • resolveDNS <boolean> Resolve DNS A and AAAA records when host is domain address. Default: true
    • dnsServer <string> Set DNS server to resolve DNS records.
    • filterBogon <boolean> Filter bogon ip address in host. Default: true


See ping.send(). Some of examples in Usage.


Similar with pingtcp.scan().
Scan ports using UDP ping. Return result on Event: 'result'. See some of examples in Usage.

Class: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingICMP Extends: @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

Class for ICMP ping.
@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingICMP is type of @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.Ping

new PingICMP(options)


See ping.send(). Some of examples in Usage.


Run traceroute. Some of examples in Usage.

See examples in Send Ping Styles.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.tcp(options[, callback])

Send TCP ping.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.tcpscan(options[, callback])

Scan ports using TCP ping.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.udp(options[, callback])

Send UDP ping.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.udpscan(options[, callback])

Scan ports using UDP ping.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.wol(mac, options[, callback])

Send magic packet UDP ping to use WOL feature.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.icmp(options[, callback])

Send ICMP ping.

@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.traceroute(options[, callback])

Run traceroute.


Use Pingus

ESM (TypeScript)

import @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id from '@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id';


const @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id = require('@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id');

Send Ping Styles

Using Class extends EventEmitter

// TCP ping to localhost:80
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP({ host: 'localhost' })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;

Using Callback

// TCP ping to localhost:80
@zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.tcp({ host: 'localhost' }, (err, result) => {
  if (err) {
    throw err;

Using Promise

// TCP ping to localhost:80
  .tcp({ host: 'localhost' })
  .then((result) => {
  .catch((err) => {
    throw err;
// TCP ping to localhost:80
const result = await @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.tcp({ host: 'localhost' });
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/tcp',
  status: 'open',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2,
  port: 80,
  name: 'http',
  banner: ''

TCP Ping

// TCP ping to localhost:22
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP({ host: 'localhost', port: 22 })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/tcp',
  status: 'open',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 1,
  port: 22,
  name: 'ssh',
  banner: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3'

Scan TCP Ports

// TCP ping scan to localhost
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingTCP({
  host: 'localhost',
  ports: [21, 22, 80, 443, 3306, 8080],
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/tcp/scan',
  status: 'finish',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2009,
  port: 80,
  name: 'http',
  banner: '',
  ports: [ 21, 22, 80, 443, 3306, 8080 ],
  statuses: {
    open: [ 22, 80, 8080 ],
    reset: [],
    close: [ 21, 443, 3306 ],
    filtered: [],
    error: []
  names: {
    '21': 'ftp',
    '22': 'ssh',
    '80': 'http',
    '443': 'https',
    '3306': 'mysql',
    '8080': 'http-alt'
  banners: { '22': 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3' },
  errors: {}

UDP Ping

// UDP ping to localhost:19132
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingUDP({ host: 'localhost', port: 19132 })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/udp',
  status: 'close',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2,
  port: 19132,
  name: 'minecraft-be'

Scan UDP Ports

// UDP ping scan to localhost
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingUDP({
  host: 'localhost',
  ports: [67, 68, 161, 162, 445],
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  error: undefined,
  type: 'ping/udp/scan',
  status: 'finish',
  host: 'localhost',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2003,
  ports: [ 67, 68, 161, 162, 445 ],
  statuses: {
    open: [ 68 ],
    reset: [],
    close: [ 67, 161, 162, 445 ],
    filtered: [],
    error: []
  names: {
    '67': 'bootps',
    '68': 'bootpc',
    '161': 'snmp',
    '162': 'snmptrap',
    '445': 'microsoft-ds'
  banners: {},
  errors: {}

Wake on LAN

// Send magic packet using UDP ping to 00-00-00-00-00-00
  .then((result) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    throw error;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/udp',
  status: 'open',
  host: '',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [ IP { label: '' } ],
  time: 2,
  port: 9,
  name: 'discard'


// ICMP ping to example.com
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingICMP({ host: 'example.com' })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/icmp',
  status: 'reply',
  host: 'example.com',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [
    IP { label: '' },
    IP { label: '2606:2800:0220:0001:0248:1893:25c8:1946' }
  time: 130,
  ttl: 128,
  bytes: 32,
  reply: {
    source: '',
    type: 0,
    code: 0,
    typestr: 'ECHO_REPLY',
    codestr: 'NO_CODE',
    body: '767284c4'
// ICMP ping to example.com using ttl = 10
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingICMP({ host: 'example.com', ttl: 10 })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/icmp',
  status: 'exception',
  host: 'example.com',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [
    IP { label: '' },
    IP { label: '2606:2800:0220:0001:0248:1893:25c8:1946' }
  time: 133,
  ttl: 10,
  bytes: 32,
  reply: {
    source: '',
    type: 11,
    code: 0,
    typestr: 'TIME_EXCEEDED',
    codestr: 'NO_CODE',
    body: ']8X"\b\x00CQ\x00\x00\x00\x00'


// Traceroute to example.com
new @zibuthe7j11/temporibus-dicta-id.PingICMP({ host: 'example.com', timeout: 500 })
  .on('result', (result) => {
  .on('error', (err, result) => {
    throw err;
Result (Console Output)
  type: 'ping/icmp/traceroute',
  status: 'finish',
  host: 'example.com',
  ip: IP { label: '' },
  ips: [
    IP { label: '' },
    IP { label: '2606:2800:0220:0001:0248:1893:25c8:1946' }
  time: 1040,
  ttl: 128,
  bytes: 32,
  hops: [
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 1 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 2 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 3 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 4 },
    { status: 'timeout', ip: null, ttl: 5 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 6 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 7 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 8 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 9 },
    { status: 'time_exceeded', ip: '', ttl: 10 },
    { status: 'reply', ip: '', ttl: 11 }

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