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1472 packages found
Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
LaunchDarkly SDK for React
Provides a module to allow keeping the native Splash Screen visible until you choose to hide it.
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- plugin
- number
- storagegateway
- folder
- logging
- bdd
- qs
- fixed-width
- ES2022
- endpoint
- drop
- RegExp#flags
- eslint-plugin
- fast
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
- ReactiveExtensions
- command
- util
- Object.fromEntries
- dir
- entries
- columns
- Set
- setter
- ECMAScript 2020
- own
- lint
- typesafe
- tdd
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- global
- superagent
- match
- define
- write
- StyleSheet
- format
- fastify
- ast
- clone
- iconv
- route53
- https
- readablestream
- View more
Parser for [Github](, [GitLab]( and [Bitbucket]( issues actions, references and mentions
- promise
- callbind
- args
- Object.defineProperty
- argparse
- limit
- elasticache
- language
- byteLength
- wordwrap
- argv
- korean
- command
- ES7
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[![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](](
- error
- sham
- polyfill
- drag
- writable
- Array
- js
- fast-clone
- Object.values
- negative
- key
- es2015
- serialize
- bundling
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[![Pipeline](]( [![Versio
- install
- toSorted
- ECMAScript 2018
- ECMAScript 7
- generics
- fetch
- key
- superstruct
- Streams
- consume
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- visual
- framework
- Object.assign
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The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- getPrototypeOf
- deep
- WebSocket
- Int8Array
- matches
- serializer
- WeakMap
- mkdirs
- jsx
- ECMAScript 3
- quote
- testing
- take
- es2018
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Open files in your editor at a specific line and column
> 👔 Fully typed minimal platform-agnostic logger
- less css
- status
- Object.values
- duplex
- ES2020
- reduce
- tape
- typeerror
- syntax
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf
- preprocessor
- jsonpath
- make dir
- encryption
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- popmotion
- descriptor
- symlinks
- chinese
- gradients css
- Streams
- Object.keys
- operating-system
- Object.values
- protocol-buffers
- picomatch
- crypto
- spinners
- stateless
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<!-- prettier-ignore-start --> [![Build Status](](
- date
- ECMAScript 2023
- api
- ES2019
- rate
- jsonpath
- deepcopy
- xhr
- streams
- terminal
- negative zero
- iterate
- HyBi
- slot
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- syntax
- mimetypes
- escape
- nested css
- spinners
- flags
- exit-code
- irq
- eventEmitter
- WebSocket
- take
- workspace:*
- fast-clone
- iteration
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![ci][ci-url] [![npm version][npm-badge]][npm-url]
- mime
- ECMAScript 7
- Symbol
- equality
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- rm -fr
- argv
- colors
- rfc4122
- let
- rate
- stable
- make
- sham
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- idle
- reuse
- readablestream
- typedarray
- ES
- Symbol
- stylesheet
- ECMAScript 5
- picomatch
- file system
- chrome
- Promise
- rfc4122
- spawn
- View more
<div align="center"> <a href="https://@ptkhanh94npm/" title="React Hook Form - Simple React forms validation"> <img src="
- url
- valid
- matchAll
- sigint
- parse
- Array
- WebSocket
- sanitization
- remove
- babel-core
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- airbnb
- parent
- BigInt64Array
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- picomatch
- nodejs
- mime-db
- lazy
- ponyfill
- collection
- assertion
- formatting
- censor
- arrays
- package manager
- rapid
- testing
- merge
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