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0.0.24 • Public • Published


TypeScript library to communicate with Scrcpy server.

It's compatible with the official Scrcpy server binaries.

WARNING: The public API is UNSTABLE. Open a GitHub discussion if you have any questions.

How does Scrcpy work

Scrcpy has two parts: a client and a server.

The server is a Java application (but not an Android app) that runs on the device to capture the video and audio, and send them to the client.

The client receives captured video and audio data, and renders them on computer.

The official Scrcpy client also spawns Google ADB executable to set up the reverse tunnel, push the server binary to the device, and start the server.

What does this package do

This package can't push nor start the server, nor render the video and audio. It only provides APIs to communicate with the server.

@yume-chan/adb-scrcpy package is a wrapper of this package, provides integration with @yume-chan/adb package, and can push, start, and stop the server.

Prepare server binary

This package is compatible with many versions of the official server binary, but it doesn't include the server binary itself.

You can download the server binary from official releases (https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases), or use the @yume-chan/fetch-scrcpy-server package to automate the process.

The server binary is subject to Apache License 2.0.

Server versions

Scrcpy protocol changes over time, and are usually not backwards compatible. This package supports multiple server versions (ranges), and uses different option types to choose different behaviors. Using incorrect option version usually results in errors.

The latest one may continue to work for future server versions, but there is no guarantee.

Version Type
1.16 ScrcpyOptions1_16
1.17 ScrcpyOptions1_17
1.18~1.20 ScrcpyOptions1_18
1.21 ScrcpyOptions1_21
1.22 ScrcpyOptions1_22
1.23 ScrcpyOptions1_23
1.24 ScrcpyOptions1_24
1.25 ScrcpyOptions1_25
2.0 ScrcpyOptions2_0
2.1 ScrcpyOptions2_1

Reading and writing packets

This packets operates on Web Streams API streams.

NOTE: Web Streams API streams usually can't pipe between different implementations. This package by default uses the native implementation on globalThis, and web-streams-polyfill otherwise. If you are using another implementation, or simply not sure, wrap your streams using the WrapReadableStream and WrapWritableStream types from @yume-chan/stream-extra package.

Reading video/audio packets

Requires a ReadableStream<Uint8Array> that reads from the video socket.

import { ScrcpyOptions2_1, ScrcpyVideoStreamPacket } from "@yume-chan/scrcpy";

const options = new ScrcpyOptions2_1({
    // use the same version and options when starting the server

const videoStream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>; // get the stream yourself

// Parse video socket metadata
// Use `videoStream2` instead of `videoStream` from now on
const { metadata, stream: videoStream2 } =
    await options.parseVideoStreamMetadata(videoStream);

const videoPacketStream: ReadableStream<ScrcpyMediaStreamPacket> =
// Read from `videoPacketStream`

Read audio stream is similar, but uses parseVideoStreamMetadata instead.

Sending control messages

Requires a WritableStream<Uint8Array> that writes to the control socket.

Control socket is optional if control is not enabled. Video socket and control socket can run completely separately.

import {
} from "@yume-chan/scrcpy";

const options = new ScrcpyOptions2_1({
    // use the same version and options when starting the server

const controlStream: ReadableWritablePair<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>; // get the stream yourself

const controlMessageWriter = new ScrcpyControlMessageWriter(

// Call methods on `controlMessageWriter`
controlMessageWriter.injectText("Hello World!");

Reading device messages

Requires a ReadableStream<Uint8Array> that reads from the control socket.

import { ScrcpyDeviceMessageDeserializeStream } from "@yume-chan/scrcpy";

const controlStream: ReadableWritablePair<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>; // get the stream yourself

const deviceMessageStream: ReadableStream<ScrcpyDeviceMessage> =
        new ScrcpyDeviceMessageDeserializeStream()

Always read all streams

In Web Streams API, pipes will block its upstream when downstream's queue is full (back-pressure mechanism). If multiple streams are separated from the same source (for example, all Scrcpy streams are from the same USB or TCP connection), blocking one stream means blocking all of them, so it's important to always read from all streams, even if you don't care about their data.

// if using `AdbScrcpyClient`
        new WritableStream<string>({
            write: (line) => {
                // Handle or ignore the stdout line
    .catch(() => {})
    .then(() => {
        // Handle server exit

        new WritableStream<ScrcpyVideoStreamPacket>({
            write: (packet) => {
                // Handle or ignore the video packet
    .catch(() => {});

        new WritableStream<ScrcpyDeviceMessage>({
            write: (message) => {
                // Handle or ignore the device message
    .catch(() => {});

Video/audio stream

The data from createMediaStreamTransformer() has two types: configuration and data.

export interface ScrcpyMediaStreamConfigurationPacket {
    type: "configuration";
    data: Uint8Array;

export interface ScrcpyMediaStreamDataPacket {
    type: "data";
    keyframe?: boolean;
    pts?: bigint;
    data: Uint8Array;

When sendFrameMeta: false is set, there will be no configuration packets, and no keyframe and pts fields in data packets. It's commonly used with decoders that can parse the media stream itself like FFmpeg, or saved unprocessed.

Otherwise, both configuration and data packets are available.

  • configuration packet will be the first packet, and contains codec information. It will occasionally be sent again if the stream configuration changes.
  • pts (and keyframe field from server version 1.23) fields in data packets are available to help decode the stream.

Decode video stream

@yume-chan/scrcpy-decoder-tinyh264 and @yume-chan/scrcpy-decoder-webcodecs can be used to decode and render the video stream in browsers. Refer to their README files for compatibility and usage information.


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